the Agiles Scrum Meeting 博客汇总

the Agiles 团队博客目录

一、Scrum Meeting

1. Alpha

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 1

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 2

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 3

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 4

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 5

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 6

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 7

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 8

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 9

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 10

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 11

the Agiles Scrum Meeting 12

2. Beta

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 1

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 2

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 3

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 4

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 5

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 6

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 7

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 8

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 9

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 10

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 11

[Beta]the Agiles Scrum Meeting 12


  1. alpha测试报告

  2. beta测试报告


  1. alpha发布说明

  2. beta发布说明


  1. [技术博客] 软工-Ruby on Rails前端工具链的配置以及对Web应用结构设计的一点思考

  2. [技术博客]大闸蟹的技术博客,通过gitlab api进行用户批量创建

  3. [技术博客] 软工-Ruby on Rails 后端开发总结分享

  4. [技术博客] 敏捷软工——JavaScript踩坑记


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