windows 查看内存


statex.dwLength = sizeof (statex);

GlobalMemoryStatusEx (&statex);

_tprintf (TEXT("There is %*ld percent of memory in use.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.dwMemoryLoad);
_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d total KB of physical memory.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullTotalPhys/DIV);
_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d free KB of physical memory.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullAvailPhys/DIV);
_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d total KB of paging file.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullTotalPageFile/DIV);
_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d free KB of paging file.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullAvailPageFile/DIV);
_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d total KB of virtual memory.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullTotalVirtual/DIV);
_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d free KB of virtual memory.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullAvailVirtual/DIV);

// Show the amount of extended memory available.

_tprintf (TEXT("There are %*I64d free KB of extended memory.\n"),
WIDTH, statex.ullAvailExtendedVirtual/DIV);

posted @ 2015-06-09 16:08  snker_tan  阅读(377)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报