


  • 能够将常用的查询的统计结果显示出来;
  • 显示的结果可以是表格形式,也可以是图形形式,如果是图形的话能够以多种形式显示(柱状图、折线图、饼图、雷达图、堆叠柱状图等):
  • 统计查询的结果,点击数字或者百分比能够显示详细的数据;
  • 能够自由组合查询条件、筛选条件、分组条件、排序等;
  • 统计结果最好有个实时预览;
  • 查询统计能够保存,以便下次能直接调用并显示统计查询的结果;
  • 对于保存后的查询统计,下次调用时也可以按照灵活的筛选手段对查询结果进行筛选;
  • 界面需要做的简洁、直观,就算是不太懂电脑的操作员也能够方便使用;
  • 对于一些复杂的查询,能够直接在后台写Sql或者调用Sp出数据
  • ......



 1 ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Get.............]
 2 (    
 3     @gxsj datetime
 4 )
 6 AS
 8 (
 9     select t1.*, 
10     dbo.depacode.xymc, 
11     CASE t1.xldm WHEN '01' THEN '博士' WHEN '11' THEN '硕士' WHEN '25' THEN '双学位' WHEN '31' THEN '本科' WHEN '41' THEN '专科' WHEN '61' THEN '高职' ELSE '' END AS xlmc, 
12     CASE WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN ('11', '12', '13', '21', '31', '32', '33', '35', '37', '44', '46', '71', '81', '82') THEN '东部' 
13     WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN ('14', '22', '23', '34', '36', '41', '42', '43') THEN '中部' 
14     WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN ('15', '45', '51', '50', '52', '53', '54', '61', '62', '65', '63', '64') THEN '西部' ELSE '' END AS sydq, 
15     sydq.dwdqmc AS sysf,
16     CASE WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN ('11', '12', '13', '21', '31', '32', '33', '35', '37', '44', '46', '71', '81', '82') THEN '东部' 
17     WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN ('14', '22', '23', '34', '36', '41', '42', '43') THEN '中部' 
18     WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN ('15', '45', '51', '50', '52', '53', '54', '61', '62', '65', '63', '64') THEN '西部' ELSE '' END AS dwdq, 
19      dwdq.dwdqmc AS dwsf, dbo.Entcode.hyname, 
20     dbo.hydygx.hymldm, dbo.hydygx.hyml, 
21     CASE t1.xbdm WHEN 1 THEN '' WHEN 2 THEN '' ELSE '' END AS xbmc,
22     [mzdmb].[nation] AS mzmc,
23     [EjByqxdmb].[Ejbyqxmc], dbo.byqxdygx.jybbyqx, t1.gn500 AS jybdwxzdm,
24     CASE t1.knslbdm WHEN '7' THEN '就业困难、家庭困难和残疾' WHEN '6' THEN '家庭困难和残疾' WHEN '5' THEN '就业困难和残疾' WHEN '4' THEN '残疾' WHEN '3' THEN '就业和家庭困难' WHEN '2' THEN '家庭困难' WHEN '1' THEN '就业困难' ELSE '非困难生' END AS Knslb
25     from [table] as t1 
27     dbo.depacode ON t1.xydm = dbo.depacode.xydm LEFT OUTER JOIN
28     dbo.dwdq AS sydq ON LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) + '0000' = sydq.dwdqdm LEFT OUTER JOIN
29     dbo.dwdq AS dwdq ON LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) + '0000' = dwdq.dwdqdm LEFT OUTER JOIN
30     dbo.Entcode ON t1.hylb = dbo.Entcode.hycode LEFT OUTER JOIN
31     dbo.hydygx ON t1.hylb = dbo.hydygx.hydldm LEFT OUTER JOIN
32     [mzdmb] ON t1.mzdm = [mzdmb].[mzdm] LEFT OUTER JOIN
33     [EjByqxdmb] ON t1.byqx2 = [EjByqxdmb].[Ejbyqxdm] LEFT OUTER JOIN
34     dbo.byqxdygx ON t1.byqx = dbo.byqxdygx.shbyqx AND 
35     t1.dwxzdm = dbo.byqxdygx.shdwxzdm
36     where [gxsj] <= dateadd(day,1,@gxsj) and HisId in 
37     (SELECT TOP 1 HisId FROM [table]
38     WHERE [gxsj] <= dateadd(day,1,@gxsj) and xsxh = t1.xsxh
39     and bynf = t1.bynf and t1.byqx not in ('08','05','11')
40     ORDER BY [gxsj] DESC)
41 )
View Code

这样我们使用 select * from [get...]('2016-8-25') 就可以查询出8月25日截止日期的数据。










  1     [Serializable]
  2     [XmlInclude(typeof(BYNF_InquireField))]
  3     [XmlInclude(typeof(Count_InquireField))]
  4     [XmlInclude(typeof(XYMC_InquireField))]
  5     [XmlInclude(typeof(ZYMC_InquireField))]
  6     [XmlInclude(typeof(SZBJ_InquireField))]
  7     [XmlInclude(typeof(FDY_InquireField))]
  8     [XmlInclude(typeof(XL_InquireField))]
  9     [XmlInclude(typeof(SYDQ_InquireField))]
 10     [XmlInclude(typeof(SYSF_InquireField))]
 11     [XmlInclude(typeof(DWDQ_InquireField))]
 12     [XmlInclude(typeof(DWSF_InquireField))]
 13     [XmlInclude(typeof(HYML_InquireField))]
 14     [XmlInclude(typeof(HYDL_InquireField))]
 15     [XmlInclude(typeof(XBMC_InquireField))]
 16     [XmlInclude(typeof(MZMC_InquireField))]
 17     [XmlInclude(typeof(BYQX_InquireField))]
 18     [XmlInclude(typeof(KNSLB_InquireField))]
 19     [XmlInclude(typeof(ZYDKL_InquireField))]
 20     [XmlInclude(typeof(DWXZ_InquireField))]
 21     [XmlInclude(typeof(EJBYQXMC_InquireField))]
 22     [XmlInclude(typeof(GZ_InquireField))]
 23     [XmlInclude(typeof(WYJE_InquireField))]
 24     public abstract class InquireFieldBase
 25     {
 26         public InquireFieldBase()
 27         {
 28             FieldItems = this.GetInquireItemsByInquireType();
 29         }
 31         [XmlAttribute]
 32         public int FieldDisplayOrder { get; set; }
 33         [XmlAttribute]
 34         public string FieldName { get; set; }
 35         [XmlAttribute]
 36         public string DbName { get; set; }
 37         [XmlAttribute]
 38         public bool IsAggregate { get; set; }
 39         [XmlAttribute]
 40         public InquireHelper.FieldType FieldType { get; set; }
 42         //用于highchart统计
 43         [XmlAttribute]
 44         public bool IsNameField { get; set; }
 46         //用于统计输出数据
 47         [XmlAttribute]
 48         public bool IsPercent { get; set; }
 50         [XmlIgnore]
 51         public List<string> FieldItems { get; set; }
 52         public List<string> FieldValue { get; set; }
 53         public bool? OrderByAsc { get; set; }
 54     }
 55     [Serializable]
 56     public class BYNF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
 57     {
 58         public BYNF_InquireField()
 59         {
 60             FieldDisplayOrder = 1;
 61             FieldName = "毕业年份";
 62             DbName = "BYNF";
 63         }
 64     }
 65     [Serializable]
 66     public class XYMC_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
 67     {
 68         public XYMC_InquireField()
 69         {
 70             FieldDisplayOrder = 5;
 71             FieldName = "学院名称";
 72             DbName = "XYMC";
 73         }
 74     }
 75     [Serializable]
 76     public class ZYMC_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
 77     {
 78         public ZYMC_InquireField()
 79         {
 80             FieldDisplayOrder = 6;
 81             FieldName = "专业名称";
 82             DbName = "ZYMC";
 83         }
 84     }
 85     [Serializable]
 86     public class SZBJ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
 87     {
 88         public SZBJ_InquireField()
 89         {
 90             FieldDisplayOrder = 7;
 91             FieldName = "所在班级";
 92             DbName = "SZBJ";
 93         }
 94     }
 95     [Serializable]
 96     public class FDY_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
 97     {
 98         public FDY_InquireField()
 99         {
100             FieldDisplayOrder = 8;
101             FieldName = "辅导员";
102             DbName = "FDY";
103         }
104     }
105     [Serializable]
106     public class XL_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
107     {
108         public XL_InquireField()
109         {
110             FieldDisplayOrder = 9;
111             FieldName = "学历";
112             DbName = "XLMC";
113         }
114     }
115     [Serializable]
116     public class SYDQ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
117     {
118         public SYDQ_InquireField()
119         {
120             FieldDisplayOrder = 10;
121             FieldName = "生源地区";
122             DbName = "SYDQ";
123         }
124     }
125     [Serializable]
126     public class SYSF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
127     {
128         public SYSF_InquireField()
129         {
130             FieldDisplayOrder = 11;
131             FieldName = "生源省份";
132             DbName = "SYSF";
133         }
134     }
135     [Serializable]
136     public class DWDQ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
137     {
138         public DWDQ_InquireField()
139         {
140             FieldDisplayOrder = 12;
141             FieldName = "单位地区";
142             DbName = "DWDQ";
143         }
144     }
145     [Serializable]
146     public class DWSF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase
147     {
148         public DWSF_InquireField()
149         {
150             FieldDisplayOrder = 13;
151             FieldName = "单位省份";
152             DbName = "DWSF";
153         }
154     }
View Code


  1     public static class InquireHelper
  2     {
  3         public static List<InquireFieldBase> GetSubInquireList()
  4         {
  5             var inquires = new List<InquireFieldBase>();
  6             var subTypeQuery = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
  7                                where IsSubClassOf(t, typeof(InquireFieldBase))
  8                                select t;
 10             foreach (var type in subTypeQuery)
 11             {
 12                 InquireFieldBase obj = CreateObject(type.FullName) as InquireFieldBase;
 13                 if (obj != null)
 14                 {
 15                     inquires.Add(obj);
 16                 }
 17             }
 18             return inquires;
 20         }
 22         static bool IsSubClassOf(Type type, Type baseType)
 23         {
 24             var b = type.BaseType;
 25             while (b != null)
 26             {
 27                 if (b.Equals(baseType))
 28                 {
 29                     return true;
 30                 }
 31                 b = b.BaseType;
 32             }
 33             return false;
 34         }
 35         /// <summary>
 36         /// 创建对象(当前程序集)
 37         /// </summary>
 38         /// <param name="typeName">类型名</param>
 39         /// <returns>创建的对象,失败返回 null</returns>
 40         public static object CreateObject(string typeName)
 41         {
 42             object obj = null;
 43             try
 44             {
 45                 Type objType = Type.GetType(typeName, true);
 46                 obj = Activator.CreateInstance(objType);
 47             }
 48             catch (Exception ex)
 49             {
 51             }
 52             return obj;
 53         }
 55         public static List<InquireFieldBase> BindCondition(this List<InquireFieldBase> conditions, string conditionName, List<string> values)
 56         {
 57             var condition = conditions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType().Name == conditionName && c.FieldType == FieldType.ConditionField);
 59             if (condition == null)
 60             {
 61                 condition = CreateObject("BLL." + conditionName) as InquireFieldBase;
 62                 condition.FieldType = FieldType.ConditionField;
 63                 conditions.Add(condition);
 64             }
 66             condition.FieldValue = values;
 68             return conditions;
 69         }
 70         //public static List<InquireFieldBase> BindCondition(this List<InquireFieldBase> conditions, string conditionName, string range1, string range2)
 71         //{
 72         //    var condition = conditions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType().Name == conditionName && c.FieldType == FieldType.ConditionField);
 75         //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(range2)&&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(range1))
 76         //    {
 77         //        if (condition == null)
 78         //        {
 79         //            condition = CreateObject("BLL." + conditionName) as InquireFieldBase;
 80         //            condition.FieldType = FieldType.ConditionField;
 81         //            conditions.Add(condition);
 82         //        }
 84         //        condition.FieldValue = string.Concat(condition.DbName,
 85         //            " between to_date('", range1, "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('", range2,
 86         //            "', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')");
 87         //    }
 88         //    return conditions;
 89         //}
 91         public static DataTable GetDataTable(StatisticsInquire inquire)
 92         {
 93             var inquireCond = new List<string>();
 94             inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).ToList()
 95                 .ForEach(f =>
 96                 {
 97                     if (!f.IsAggregate)
 98                     {
 99                         inquireCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " AS ", f.FieldName));
100                     }
101                 });
102             inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.DisplayField).ToList().ToList()
103                 .ForEach(f => {
104                     if (f.IsAggregate)
105                     {
106                         inquireCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " AS ", f.FieldName));
107                     }
108                     else
109                     {
110                         if (f.IsPercent)
111                         {
112                             inquireCond.Add(string.Concat("ltrim(Convert(numeric(9,2), SUM(CASE WHEN ", f.DbName, " IN ('", string.Join("', '", f.FieldValue), "') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)*100.0/Count(*))) + '%'  AS '", f.FieldName, ":", string.Join(",", f.FieldValue).SubStr(60), "(%)'"));
113                         }
114                         else
115                         {
116                             inquireCond.Add(string.Concat("SUM(CASE WHEN ", f.DbName, " IN ('", string.Join("', '", f.FieldValue) , "') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS '", f.FieldName, ":", string.Join(",", f.FieldValue).SubStr(60), "'"));
117                         }
118                     }
119                 });
122             var whereCond = new List<string>();
123             inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.ConditionField).ToList()
124                 .ForEach(f =>
125                 {
126                     whereCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " IN ('", string.Join("','", f.FieldValue), "')"));
127                 });
129             var groupCond = new List<string>();
130             inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).ToList()
131                 .ForEach(f =>
132                 {
133                     groupCond.Add(f.DbName);
134                 });
135             var orderbyCond = new List<string>();
136             inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.OrderByField).ToList()
137                 .ForEach(f =>
138                 {
139                     orderbyCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " ", f.OrderByAsc.GetValueOrDefault() ? "ASC" : "DESC"));
140                 });
142             var sqlStr = string.Concat("SELECT ",
143                 string.Join(", ", inquireCond),
144                 " FROM GetStudentStatusByGxsj('", inquire.StatisticsDate , "')",
145                 whereCond.Any() ? " WHERE " : string.Empty,
146                 string.Join(" AND ", whereCond),
147                 groupCond.Any() ? " GROUP BY " : string.Empty,
148                 (inquire.ShowSubSummary || inquire.ShowSummary)
149                     ? string.Concat("rollup(", string.Join(", ", groupCond), ")")
150                     : string.Join(", ", groupCond),
151                 orderbyCond.Any() ? " ORDER BY " : string.Empty,
152                 string.Join(", ", orderbyCond));
154             var dt = DBUtility.DbHelperSql.Query(sqlStr).Tables[0];
155             if (!inquire.ShowSubSummary)
156             {
157                 if (inquire.ShowSummary)
158                 {
159                     var col = inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).Count();
160                     for(int i = dt.Rows.Count - 2; i >=0 ; i -- ){
161                         if (dt.Rows[i][col - 1].ToString() == "")
162                         {
163                             dt.Rows.RemoveAt(i);
164                             //dt.Rows.Remove[dt.Rows[i]);
165                         }
166                     }
167                 }
168             }
169             else
170             {
171                 var col = inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).Count();
172                 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
173                 {
174                     for (int j = 1; j < col; j++)
175                     {
176                         if (dt.Rows[i][j].ToString() == "")
177                         {
178                             dt.Rows[i][j] = "小计";
179                             break;
180                         }
181                     }
183                 }
185             }
187             if (inquire.ShowSubSummary || inquire.ShowSummary)
188             {
189                 dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1][0] = "合计";
190             }
192             return dt;
193         }
194         public static string SubStr(this string str, int maxLength)
195         {
196             if (str.Length > maxLength)
197             {
198                 return str.Substring(0, maxLength - 1);
199             }
200             else
201             {
202                 return str;
203             }
204         }
206         public static string ToSerializableXML<T>(this T t)
207         {
208             XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
209             StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
210             mySerializer.Serialize(sw, t);
211             return sw.ToString();
212         }
214         public static T ToEntity<T>(this string xmlString)
215         {
216             var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
217             var srReader = new StringReader(xmlString);
218             var steplist = (T)xs.Deserialize(srReader);
219             return steplist;
220         }
222         public enum FieldType
223         {
224             DisplayField, GroupField, ConditionField, OrderByField
225         }
227         private static ConcurrentDictionary<InquireFieldBase, List<string>> _inquireItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<InquireFieldBase,List<string>>();
228         public static List<string> GetInquireItemsByInquireType(this InquireFieldBase inquireField)
229         {
230             List<string> inquireItems;
231             if (_inquireItems.TryGetValue(inquireField, out inquireItems))
232             {
233                 return inquireItems;
234             }
235             switch (inquireField.GetType().Name)
236             {
237                 case "XYMC_InquireField":
238                     inquireItems = new BLL.depacode().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.xydm).Select(d => d.xymc).ToList();
239                     break;
240                 case "ZYMC_InquireField":
241                     inquireItems = new BLL.profcode().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.xydm).ThenBy(d => d.zydm).Select(d => d.zymc).ToList();
242                     break;
243                 case "SZBJ_InquireField":
244                     inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select distinct szbj from jbdate order by szbj").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["szbj"].ToString()).ToList();
245                     break;
246                 case "FDY_InquireField":
247                     inquireItems = new BLL.DepaUser().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.XYDM).ThenBy(y => y.YHXM).Select(d => d.YHXM).ToList();
248                     break;
249                 case "XL_InquireField":
250                     inquireItems = new[] { "博士", "硕士", "双学位", "本科", "专科", "高职" }.ToList();
251                     break;
252                 case "SYDQ_InquireField":
253                     inquireItems = new[] { "东部", "中部", "西部" }.ToList();
254                     break;
255                 case "SYSF_InquireField":
256                     inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select [Name] from [Sydqdm] where RIGHT([code], 4) = '0000' order by code").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["Name"].ToString()).ToList();
257                     break;
258                 case "DWDQ_InquireField":
259                     inquireItems = new[] { "东部", "中部", "西部" }.ToList();
260                     break; 
261                 case "DWSF_InquireField":
262                     inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select [Name] from [Sydqdm] where RIGHT([code], 4) = '0000' order by code").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["Name"].ToString()).ToList();
263                     break;
264                 case "HYML_InquireField":
265                     inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select distinct hyml from [hydygx]").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["hyml"].ToString()).ToList();
266                     break;
267                 case "HYDL_InquireField":
268                     inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select hydl from [hydygx] order by hydldm").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["hydl"].ToString()).ToList();
269                     break;
270                 case "XBMC_InquireField":
271                     inquireItems = new[] { "", "" }.ToList();
272                     break;
273                 case "MZMC_InquireField":
274                     inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select nation from [mzdmb] where nation in (select nation from jbdate) order by mzdm").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["nation"].ToString()).ToList();
275                     break;
276                 case "BYQX_InquireField":
277                     inquireItems = new BLL.Byqxdmb().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.Byqxdm).Select(d => d.Byqxmc).ToList();
278                     break;
279                 case "KNSLB_InquireField":
280                     inquireItems = new[] { "就业困难、家庭困难和残疾", "家庭困难和残疾", "就业困难和残疾", "残疾", "就业和家庭困难", "家庭困难", "就业困难", "非困难生" }.ToList();
281                     break;
282                 case "ZYDKL_InquireField":
283                     inquireItems = new[] { "专业对口", "专业相关", "不对口", "未填写" }.ToList();
284                     break;
285                 case "DWXZ_InquireField":
286                     inquireItems = new BLL.Dwxz().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.dwxzdm).Select(d => d.dwxzmc).ToList();
287                     break;
288                 case "EJBYQXMC_InquireField":
289                     inquireItems = new BLL.EjByqxdmb().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.Ejbyqxdm).Select(d => d.Ejbyqxmc).ToList();
290                     break;
291             }
292             if (inquireItems != null)
293             {
294                 _inquireItems[inquireField] = inquireItems;
295                 return inquireItems;
296             }
297             return new List<string>();
298         }
299     }
300     [Serializable]
301     public class StatisticsInquire
302     {
303         public List<InquireFieldBase> InquireFields { get; set; } 
304         [XmlAttribute]
305         public bool ShowSummary { get; set; }
306         [XmlAttribute]
307         public bool ShowSubSummary { get; set; }
308         [XmlAttribute]
309         public string StatisticsDate { get; set; }
310         [XmlAttribute]
311         public HighChart.ChartType ChartType { get; set; }
312     }
View Code





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