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刚才实验室的同学告诉我VS6 sp6 release了,一开始很是纳闷,因为一直觉得VC6+sp5就已经是水火不侵了。到http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;834001看了以后大吃一惊,原来还是有那么多的bug,我遇到过的就两个,还都是很肤浅的,说明我编程经历还是太浅薄了,惭愧ing。


Service Pack 6

Microsoft Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0 with Visual SourceSafe 6.0d addresses known issues with Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Source Safe 6.0. This service pack does not contain fixes for Visual InterDev 6.0, Visual FoxPro 6.0, and Visual J++ 6.0, as the mainstream life-cycle for these products has ended. This SP replaces SP5 for developers using Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0, and Visual SourceSafe 6.0. Developer using Visual InterDev 6.0, Visual J++ 6.0, and Visual FoxPro 6.0 should continue using SP5.   


230332 Cvtres.exe program error may occur when a large resource script contains custom resources
266713 BUG: IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames() may return E_FAIL when successful
304497 BUG: _wsetlocale is not threadsafe
305586 FIX: "Could not execute" error message when you attach Visual C++ debugger to a process
305601 MS01-060: FIX: CRT string format functions may underwrite buffer
310649 ISAPI DLLs that are built with MFC static libraries are vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks
310787 Visual C++ debugger stops responding on Windows 2000 when running on multiple processor computers
313237 FIX: ATL container implementation does not allow access to ambient properties
313631 BUG: Debugger does not expand variable of C structure type
316971 Pack level is not preserved when you use the #import directive
320739 FIX: No error generated when accessing non-static member in static function
320742 FIX: STRFTIME returns the wrong strings
322127 Empty base class or structure assignment operator may corrupt data
327146 FIX: VCSpawn fails during build
327246 FIX: Nmake returns success (0) in failure condition when you use targets in multiple description blocks
329594 FIX: Visual C++ 6.0 Optimizer may generate code that experiences access violations
331969 FIX: Visual C++ 6.0 MFC ActiveX control property pages in debug builds do not function in the Visual C++ .NET dialog editor
810640 FIX: The Visual Studio IDE quits unexpectedly with no warning message
814308 FIX: Access violation when you use ios-derived type in multithreaded applications
815235 FIX: Call to _set_se_translator in DllMain may cause a memory leak
817234 FIX: Rc.exe error when you build a project that has more than 100 INCLUDE paths specified
821436 FIX: Inline functions return incorrect results when you specify the /Gx and /Ob1 compiler options for optimization
822856 FIX: "Cannot save file" error message in the Visual C++ IDE

posted on 2004-03-30 17:07  iCynosure  阅读(9668)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报