bind( fn, [scope], [args], [appendArgs] ) : Function
Create a new function from the provided fn, change this to the provided scope, optionally overrides arguments for the call. (Defaults to the arguments passed by the caller)
Ext.bind is alias for Ext.Function.bind
fn : Function
The function to delegate.
scope : Object (optional)
The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed.
If omitted, defaults to the default global environment object (usually the browser window).
args : Array (optional)
Overrides arguments for the call. (Defaults to the arguments passed by the caller)
appendArgs : Boolean/Number (optional)
if True args are appended to call args instead of overriding, if a number the args are inserted at the specified position
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 2 "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 3 <html> 4 <head> 5 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 6 <title>定义</title> 7 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> 8 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/ext4/resources/css/ext-all.css"> 9 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/icon.css"> 10 <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext4/bootstrap.js"></script> --> 11 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext4/ext-all-dev.js"></script> 12 13 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ext4/locale/ext-lang-zh_CN.js"></script> 14 <script type="text/javascript"> 15 //设置命名空间路径 16 Ext.Loader.setPath('org', './js/org'); 17 Ext.onReady(initFn); 18 19 /** 20 * 初始化函数 21 */ 22 function initFn(){ 23 console.info('Ext准备完毕~~~'); 24 var doAdd = Ext.bind(function(x,y){ 25 var self = this; 26 console.info('self:',self); 27 console.info('self==window:',self==window); 28 return x+y; 29 }); 30 31 var result0 = doAdd(5,6); 32 console.info('result0:',result0); 33 34 var doSubtract = Ext.bind(function(x,y){ 35 var self = this; 36 console.info('self:',self); 37 console.info('self==window:',self==window); 38 return x-y; 39 },{fullName:'张泰松',age:28,address:'杭州市西湖区'}); 40 41 var result1 = doSubtract(15,9); 42 console.info('result1:',result1); 43 44 var doMultiply = Ext.bind(function(x,y){ 45 var self = this; 46 console.info('self:',self); 47 console.info('self==window:',self==window); 48 console.info("arguments:",arguments); 49 return x*y; 50 },{fullName:'李超军',age:30,email:'1032160369@qq.com'},[18,8],false); 51 52 var result2 = doMultiply(16,6); 53 console.info('result2:',result2); 54 55 var doDivide = Ext.bind(function(x,y){ 56 var self = this; 57 console.info('self:',self); 58 console.info('self==window:',self==window); 59 console.info("arguments:",arguments); 60 return x/y; 61 },{fullName:'武利丹',age:29,email:'1175173151@qq.com'},[4,8],1); 62 63 var result3 = doDivide(16,2); 64 console.info('result3:',result3); 65 /* 66 appendArgs: 67 不指定或者false:重写参数 68 true:追加参数 69 数字:指定位置插入参数 70 */ 71 } 72 </script> 73 </head> 74 <body> 75 76 </body> 77 </html>