gdb python 转载:
相信很多人都有使用过sqlite3的经验,一年前因为项目上的需要,写了一个基于sqlite3的持久化队列库(persist-queue),已经发布在pypi上有段时间了。 前段时间,一下子来了两个issues,一个是关于in-memory database的support,一个是sqlite3 队列性能的问题。在数据量不大的情况下,sqlite的队列会在某些情况下出现:
sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked
在修复上面的问题的时候,注意到,在多线程的情况下更容易触发上面的exception,并且比较怪的是,有时测试还有两个问题: 1. 出现死锁,并且CPU占用会一直保持在100%。
在程序里面下断点(import pdb;pdb.set_trace())和log都不好使,关键是无法精确定位到所有线程在当时的运行状态。
找了不少方法,最后还是发现了管用的方法,使用大名鼎鼎的: gdb
- 不需要显示的下断点,如"import pdb;pdb.set_trace()"
- 可以方便的调试多线程程序,允许你调试过程中切换调试线程。很多python debug是不支持的如 winpdb, pydevd
- 如果python解释器core dump了,生成的core dump文件可以直接用gdb 来分析,而gdb只能望“dump”兴叹了。
python gdb extension在gdb的环境下提供了如下几个py-*命令
- py-list 查看当前python应用程序上下文
- py-bt 查看当前python应用程序调用堆栈
- py-bt-full 查看当前python应用程序调用堆栈,并且显示每个frame的详细情况
- py-print 查看python变量
- py-locals 查看当前的scope的变量
- py-up 查看上一个frame
- py-down 查看下一个frame
info threads
thread 37
thread apply all py-list
1. 安装gdb, 调试的主要工具
sudo apt-get install gdb
2. 安装python-dbg, 用来在调试的时候看到python源代码的call stack
sudo apt-get install python-dbg
重现问题(死锁,Hung process)
$ tox -e py27
py27 develop-inst-nodeps: /home/peter/Documents/persist-queue
py27 installed: configparser==3.5.0,cov-core==1.15.0,coverage==4.4.1,enum-compat==0.0.2,enum34==1.1.6,eventlet==0.21.0,flake8==3.5.0,funcsigs==1.0.2,greenlet==0.4.12,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==2.0.0,nose2==0.6.5,pbr==3.1.1,-e git+,pkg-resources==0.0.0,pycodestyle==2.3.1,pyflakes==1.6.0,six==1.11.0,virtualenv==15.1.0
py27 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='564480154'
py27 runtests: commands[0] | nose2 --with-coverage --coverage-report xml --coverage-report term
WARNING:persistqueue.sqlbase:auto_commit=False is still experimental,only use it with care.
1. 首先找到进程号
$ ps -ef | grep tox peter 9376 1777 0 15:10 pts/17 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/tox peter 9409 9376 67 15:10 pts/17 01:04:14 /home/peter/Documents/persist-queue/.tox/py27/bin/python2.7 .tox/py27/bin/nose2 --with-coverage --coverage-report xml --coverage-report term peter 9913 9639 0 16:45 pts/18 00:00:00 grep --color=auto tox
上面的 9409 就是我卡住的进程了。
接下来就是使用gdb调试: sudo gdb python -p 9409
sudo gdb python -p 9409 GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1 Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". Type "show configuration" for configuration details. For bug reporting instructions, please see: <>. Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: <>. For help, type "help". Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"... Reading symbols from python...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/cd/e2c487269892a2815c715667ae336984b82b0c.debug...done. done. Attaching to program: /usr/bin/python, process 9409 [New LWP 9427] [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/". 0x00007fb923247827 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=0, abstime=0x0, expected=0, futex_word=0x152af60) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futex-internal.h:205 205 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futex-internal.h: No such file or directory.
注意到这句 “Reading symbols from python...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/cd/e2c487269892a2815c715667ae336984b82b0c.debug...done.”
表示加载成功,否则会看到“no debugging symbols found”的log,可能是使用的python2.7跟dbg包的版本不一致。
2. 安装用到的包的dbg信息
注意到我上面有一句 “Reading symbols from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ debugging symbols found)...done.”,表示我的sqlite3的symbols没有加载,直接安装就好
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-0-dbg
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/78/5ce90f42d13a60a36853327823ef5f90f2e8f1.debug...done.
使用gdb debug 程序
debug 主线程
首先,可以是用 info threads,查看当前的线程
(gdb) info threads Id Target Id Frame * 1 Thread 0x7fb92365b700 (LWP 9409) "nose2" 0x00007fb923247827 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=0, abstime=0x0, expected=0, futex_word=0x152af60) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futex-internal.h:205 2 Thread 0x7fb91d4f1700 (LWP 9427) "nose2" _PyObject_GenericGetAttrWithDict () at ../Objects/object.c:1392
带 * 的这个就是当前正在debug的thread。
(gdb) thread 1 [Switching to thread 1 (Thread 0x7fb92365b700 (LWP 9409))] #0 0x00007fb923247827 in futex_abstimed_wait_cancelable (private=0, abstime=0x0, expected=0, futex_word=0x152af60) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futex-internal.h:205 205 ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/futex-internal.h: No such file or directory. (gdb) py-list 335 waiter.acquire() 336 self.__waiters.append(waiter) 337 saved_state = self._release_save() 338 try: # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt) 339 if timeout is None: >340 waiter.acquire() 341 if __debug__: 342 self._note("%s.wait(): got it", self) 343 else: 344 # Balancing act: We can't afford a pure busy loop, so we 345 # have to sleep; but if we sleep the whole timeout time, (gdb) py-up #7 Frame 0x7fb9180068e0, for file /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 340, in wait (self=<_Condition(_Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7fb9235efd50>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0x7fb9235efd50>, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__waiters=[<thread.lock at remote 0x7fb9235effd0>], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0x7fb9235efd50>) at remote 0x7fb91fdb1c10>, timeout=None, waiter=<thread.lock at remote 0x7fb9235effd0>, saved_state=None) waiter.acquire() (gdb) py-up #11 Frame 0x7fb91fdb69b0, for file /usr/lib/python2.7/, line 940, in join (self=<Thread(_Thread__block=<_Condition(_Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7fb9235efd50>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0x7fb9235efd50>, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__waiters=[<thread.lock at remote 0x7fb9235effd0>], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0x7fb9235efd50>) at remote 0x7fb91fdb1c10>, _Thread__args=(3,), _Thread__ident=140433037399808, _Thread__target=<function at remote 0x7fb91fdae1b8>, _Thread__daemonic=False, _Thread__initialized=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Event__flag=True, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7fb9235eff90>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0x7fb9235eff90>, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0x7fb9235eff90>) at remote 0x7fb91fdb1bd0>) at remote 0x7fb91f...(truncated) self.__block.wait() (gdb) py-up #15 Frame 0x13d7ba0, for file /home/peter/Documents/persist-queue/tests/, line 179, in test_multiple_consumers (self=<SQLite3QueueInMemory(path=':memory:', auto_commit=True, _testMethodName='test_multiple_consumers', _cleanups=[], _testMethodDoc='Test sqlqueue can be used by multiple consumers.', _type_equality_funcs={<type at remote 0x905840>: 'assertSetEqual', <type at remote 0x9056a0>: 'assertMultiLineEqual', <type at remote 0x906f00>: 'assertDictEqual', <type at remote 0x906d60>: 'assertTupleEqual', <type at remote 0x9049a0>: 'assertSetEqual', <type at remote 0x9073e0>: 'assertListEqual'}, _resultForDoCleanups=<PluggableTestResult(session=<Session(testResult=<...>, logLevel=30, hooks=<PluginInterface(hooks={'wasSuccessful': <Hook(method='wasSuccessful', plugins=[<ResultReporter(descriptions=True, reportCategories={'failures': [], 'expectedFailures': [], 'skipped': [], 'unexpectedSuccesses': [], 'errors': []}, registered=True, dontReport=set(['failures', 'skipped', 'errors', 'passed', 'expected...(truncated) t.join() (gdb) py-list 174 t.start() 175 consumers.append(t) 176 177 p.join() 178 for t in consumers: >179 t.join() 180 181 self.assertEqual(0, queue.qsize()) 182 for x in range(1000): 183 self.assertNotEqual(0, counter[x], 184 "not 0 for counter's index %s" % x)
接下来,使用 thread 2 切换到上面的 2 线程。
(gdb) thread 2
[Switching to thread 2 (Thread 0x7f02f51f9700 (LWP 18749))]
#0 PyType_IsSubtype () at ../Objects/typeobject.c:1184
1184 ../Objects/typeobject.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) py-list
64 raise Empty
65 elif timeout is None:
66 # block until a put event.
67 pickled = self._pop()
68 while not pickled:
>69 self.put_event.wait()
70 pickled = self._pop()
71 elif timeout < 0:
72 raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number")
73 else:
74 # block until the timeout reached
可以看到,工作线程是在 "self.put_event.wait()“,一种可能是self.put_event一直是false,没有被set位True,所以线程就这么一直等着。继续分析
使用py-locals 查看put-event当前值
(gdb) py-up #26 Frame 0x7f02f82b3608, for file /home/peter/Documents/persist-queue/persistqueue/, line 49, in _pop (self=<SQLiteQueue(name='default', _putter=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>, path=':memory:', action_lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8e30>, memory_sql=True, put_event=<_Event(_Event__cond=<_Condition(acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, _Condition__waiters=[], _Verbose__verbose=False) at remote 0x7f02f835cf90>, _Event__flag=True, _Verbose__verbose=False) at remote 0x7f02f835ce90>, multithreading=True, tran_lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8f30>, timeout=<float at remote 0x1bb8660>, auto_commit=True, _getter=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>, _conn=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>) at remote 0x7f02f8491a10>) row = self._select() (gdb) py-list 44 # Action lock to assure multiple action to be *atomic* 45 self.action_lock = threading.Lock() 46 47 def _pop(self): 48 with self.action_lock: >49 row = self._select() 50 # Perhaps a sqlite3 bug, sometimes (None, None) is returned 51 # by select, below can avoid these invalid records. 52 if row and row[0] is not None: 53 self._delete(row[0]) 54 if not self.auto_commit: (gdb) py-print self local 'self' = <SQLiteQueue(name='default', _putter=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>, path=':memory:', action_lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8e30>, memory_sql=True, put_event=<_Event(_Event__cond=<_Condition(acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, _Condition__waiters=[], _Verbose__verbose=False) at remote 0x7f02f835cf90>, _Event__flag=True, _Verbose__verbose=False) at remote 0x7f02f835ce90>, multithreading=True, tran_lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8f30>, timeout=<float at remote 0x1bb8660>, auto_commit=True, _getter=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>, _conn=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>) at remote 0x7f02f8491a10>(gdb) py-locals self = <SQLiteQueue(name='default', _putter=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>, path=':memory:', action_lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8e30>, memory_sql=True, put_event=<_Event(_Event__cond=<_Condition(acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8eb0>, _Condition__waiters=[], _Verbose__verbose=False) at remote 0x7f02f835cf90>, _Event__flag=True, _Verbose__verbose=False) at remote 0x7f02f835ce90>, multithreading=True, tran_lock=<thread.lock at remote 0x7f02fbaf8f30>, timeout=<float at remote 0x1bb8660>, auto_commit=True, _getter=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>, _conn=<sqlite3.Connection at remote 0x7f02f82c2030>) at remote 0x7f02f8491a10>
1 def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): 2 if not block: 3 pickled = self._pop() 4 if not pickled: 5 raise Empty 6 elif timeout is None: 7 # block until a put event. 8 pickled = self._pop() 9 while not pickled: 10 self.put_event.wait(TICK_FOR_WAIT) 11 pickled = self._pop() 12 elif timeout < 0: 13 raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a non-negative number") 14 else: 15 # block until the timeout reached 16 endtime = _time.time() + timeout 17 pickled = self._pop() 18 while not pickled: 19 remaining = endtime - _time.time() 20 if remaining <= 0.0: 21 raise Empty 22 self.put_event.wait( 23 TICK_FOR_WAIT if TICK_FOR_WAIT < remaining else remaining) 24 pickled = self._pop() 25 item = pickle.loads(pickled) 26 return item
好了,到这里就大概搞清楚为什么有时候多线程测试是,程序一直为hung住,并且CPU的占用一直是100%,还会报出 ”sqlite3.OperationalError: database is locked“ 的error(因为程序的线程一直在尝试读数据库,如果其他线程有update,或者inster拿到了sqlite的文件锁,读线程会读超时)
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