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I love BS Develop ,So i am busying as a bee.Do more,Know more,you will get more.....

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前不久做了这么个功能(用户登入,到服务器端读取该用户的配置文件 然后在界面上显示) 想可能有些人会用到 把源代码贴上来,大家给提点意见 ^_^

  1        /// <summary>
  2        /// 获取 用户配置
  3        /// </summary>
  4        /// <param name="UserName"></param>
  5        /// <param name="TableName"></param>
  6        /// <returns></returns>

  7        public List<string> GetUserLog(string UserName, string TableName)
  8        {
  9            string path = GetUserLogPath(UserName);
 11            if (File.Exists(path))
 12            {
 13                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
 14                xmlDoc.Load(path);
 15                XmlNodeList tables = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//UserLogs/table");
 17                if (tables.Count > 0)
 18                {
 19                    foreach (XmlNode table in tables)
 20                    {
 21                        if (table.Attributes[0].Value == TableName)
 22                        {
 23                            XmlNodeList tableSub = table.ChildNodes;
 24                            if (tableSub.Count > 0)
 25                            {
 26                                List<string> ColsValues = new List<string>();
 27                                foreach (XmlNode sub in tableSub)
 28                                {
 29                                    ColsValues.Add(sub.InnerText);
 30                                }

 31                                return ColsValues;
 32                            }

 33                            else
 34                                return null;
 35                        }

 36                        //else
 37                        //    return null;
 38                    }

 39                    return null;
 40                }

 41                else
 42                    return null;
 43            }

 44            else
 45            {
 46                XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(path, Encoding.Default);
 47                xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
 48                xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument();
 49                xmlWriter.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet""type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"\"");
 50                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("UserLogs");
 51                xmlWriter.WriteEndElement();
 52                xmlWriter.Close();
 53                return null;
 55            }

 57        }

 58        public void AddXmlNode(string path, XmlDocument xmlDoc, string TbName, List<string> Cols)
 59        {
 60            XmlNode root = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("UserLogs");
 61            XmlElement xe1 = xmlDoc.CreateElement("table");
 62            xe1.SetAttribute("name", TbName);
 63            foreach (string col in Cols)
 64            {
 65                XmlElement xe1_sub = xmlDoc.CreateElement("col");
 66                xe1_sub.InnerText = col;
 67                xe1.AppendChild(xe1_sub);
 68            }

 69            root.AppendChild(xe1);
 70            xmlDoc.Save(path);
 71        }

 72        /// <summary>
 73        /// 用户修改配置(xml文件先删除再重写)
 74        /// </summary>
 75        /// <param name="Username"></param>
 76        /// <param name="TableName"></param>
 77        /// <param name="Cols"></param>
 78        /// <returns></returns>

 79        public bool UpdateUserLog(string Username, string TableName, List<string> Cols)
 80        {
 81            string path = GetUserLogPath(Username);
 82            int i = 0;
 83            if (path != "")
 84            {
 85                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
 86                xmlDoc.Load(path);
 87                XmlNodeList tables = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//UserLogs/table");
 88                if (tables.Count > 0)
 89                {
 90                    foreach (XmlNode node in tables)
 91                    {
 92                        if (node.Attributes[0].Value == TableName)//修改原来table的配置
 93                        {
 94                            node.RemoveAll();
 95                            i++;
 96                            if (node.ParentNode != null)
 97                                node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node);
 98                            AddXmlNode(path, xmlDoc, TableName, Cols);
 99                            break;
100                        }

102                    }

103                    if (i == 0)
104                        AddXmlNode(path, xmlDoc, TableName, Cols);
105                    return true;
106                }

107                else
108                {
109                    AddXmlNode(path, xmlDoc, TableName, Cols);
110                }

112            }

113            return false;
114        }

115        /// <summary>
116        /// 获得安装服务器上的用户配置文件路径
117        /// </summary>
118        /// <param name="UserName"></param>
119        /// <returns></returns>

120        private string GetUserLogPath(string UserName)
121        {
122            frm_Monitor Mon = new frm_Monitor();
123            string ApplicationP = Mon.AppinPath;
124            //TempPath tt = new TempPath();
125            //string ApplicationP = tt.AppinPath;
126            string[] ApplicationPath = ApplicationP.Split('\\');
127            string path = "";
128            if (ApplicationPath.Length > 0)
129            {
130                foreach (string str in ApplicationPath)
131                {
132                    if (str == "App_Server")
133                        break;
134                    else
135                        path += str + @"\";
136                }

137                if (path != "")
138                {
139                    path += @"UserLog\" + UserName + ".xml";
141                }

143            }

144            return path;
145        }

posted on 2007-09-20 10:17  Teracy  阅读(1577)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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