
场景:定义一个抽象类 AbsProducer(生产商),该生产商有两个行为,一个生产,一个出售,其中生产方法为抽象方法,由具体的厂家(工厂)去实现,出售的产品均是电子产品(返回的对象为电子产品对象,即对象都要实现电子产品的接口)。其中有联想和apple两个工厂,根据传入的参数生产旗下不同的电子产品。具体代码实现如下:

 1  1 /*定义一个抽象类 AbsProducer(生产商),该生产商有两个行为,一个生产,一个出售,其中生产方法为抽象方法,由具体的厂家去实现*/
 2  2 var AbsProducer = function(){};
 3  3 AbsProducer.prototype = {
 4  4     
 5  5     sell:function(name){
 6  6         var product = this.create(model);
 7  7         product.showName();
 8  8         return product;
 9  9     },
10 10     create:function(name){
11 11         throw new Error("抽象类不支持该操作");
12 12     }
13 13 }


 1 var LenovoFactory = function(){};
 2 extend(LenovoFactory,AbsProducer);
 3 LenovoFactory.prototype.create = function(name){
 4     var product;
 5     switch(name){
 6         case "phone":
 7             product = new LenovoPhone();
 8             break;
 9         case "computer":
10             product = new LenovoComputer();
11             break;
12          default:
13              product = new LenovoPad();
14     }
15     Interface.ensureImplements(product,ElectronicProduct);
16     product.showName();
17     return product;
18 }
20 /*Lenovo phone class*/
21 function LenovoPhone(){};
22 LenovoPhone.prototype = {
23     showName:function(){
24         console.log("我是联想厂商生产的手机,取名为Lenovo-phone");
25     },
26     showCpu:function(){
27         console.log("联想手机cpu一般般咯");
28     },
29     showSysType:function(){
30         console.log("姑且认为联想手机系统为WP吧");
31     }
32 };
34 function LenovoComputer(){};
35 LenovoComputer.prototype  = {
36     showName:function(){
37         console.log("我是联想厂商生产的电脑,型号为Y系列");
38     },
39     showCpu:function(){
40         console.log("联想电脑cpu,四代I7处理器");
41     },
42     showSysType:function(){
43         console.log("联想电脑系统为正版win7");
44     }
45 };
47 function LenovoPad(){};
48 LenovoPad.prototype = {
49     showName:function(){
50         console.log("我是联想厂商生产的平板");
51     },
52     showCpu:function(){
53         console.log("联想平板,cpu是多少,不是很清楚额...");
54     },
55     showSysType:function(){
56         console.log("联想平板系统为win8家庭版");
57     }
58 };



 1 var AppleFactory = function(){};
 2 extend(AppleFactory,AbsProducer);
 3 AppleFactory.prototype.create = function(name){
 4     var product;
 5     switch(name){
 6         case "phone":
 7             product = new Iphone();
 8             break;
 9         case "computer":
10             product = new Mac();
11             break;
12          default:
13              product = new IPad();
14     }
15     Interface.ensureImplements(product,ElectronicProduct);
16     product.showName();
17     return product;
18 };
20 function Iphone(){};
21 Iphone.prototype = {
22     showName:function(){
23         console.log("我是苹果公司生产的手机,取名为Iphone");
24     },
25     showCpu:function(){
26         console.log("iphone手机CPU是基于ARM架构重新设计的");
27     },
28     showSysType:function(){
29         console.log("iphone系统为IOS9");
30     }
31 };
32 function Mac(){};
33 Mac.prototype = {
34     showName:function(){
35         console.log("我是苹果公司生产的电脑,取名为Mac");
36     },
37     showCpu:function(){
38         console.log("mac cpu还不错吧");
39     },
40     showSysType:function(){
41         console.log("mac系统为OS X");
42     }
43 };
44 function IPad(){};
45 IPad.prototype = {
46     showName:function(){
47         console.log("我是苹果公司生产的ipad,取名为ipad");
48     },
49     showCpu:function(){
50         console.log("ipad cpu很厉害咯");
51     },
52     showSysType:function(){
53         console.log("ipad 系统为IOS系统");
54     }
55 }



 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
 2 <html>
 3     <head>
 4         <meta charset="UTF-8">
 5         <title>工厂模式</title>
 6     </head>
 7     <body>
 8     </body>
 9 </html>
10 <script type="text/javascript" src="Interface.js" ></script>
11 <script type="text/javascript" src="AbsProducer.js" ></script>
12 <script type="text/javascript" src="LenovoFactory.js" ></script>
13 <script type="text/javascript" src="AppleFactory.js" ></script>
14 <script type="text/javascript">
15 /*定义了一个ElectronicProduct电子产品的接口,该接口有以下几个名称*/
16 var ElectronicProduct = new Interface("ElectronicProduct",["showName","showCpu","showSysType"]);
17      //这里你想要哪个品牌的电子产品,直接new一个该品牌的工厂即可。
18     var factory = new AppleFactory();
19     var product = factory.create("phone");
20     product.showSysType();
21     product.showCpu();
22 </script>



 1 // Constructor.
 2 var Interface = function(name, methods) {
 3     if(arguments.length != 2) {
 4         throw new Error("Interface constructor called with " + arguments.length
 5           + "arguments, but expected exactly 2.");
 6     }
 8     this.name = name;
 9     this.methods = [];
10     for(var i = 0, len = methods.length; i < len; i++) {
11         if(typeof methods[i] !== 'string') {
12             throw new Error("Interface constructor expects method names to be " 
13               + "passed in as a string.");
14         }
15         this.methods.push(methods[i]);        
16     }    
17 };    
19 // Static class method.
21 Interface.ensureImplements = function(object) {
22     if(arguments.length < 2) {
23         throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements called with " + 
24           arguments.length  + "arguments, but expected at least 2.");
25     }
27     for(var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
28         var interface = arguments[i];
29         if(interface.constructor !== Interface) {
30             throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements expects arguments "   
31               + "two and above to be instances of Interface.");
32         }
34         for(var j = 0, methodsLen = interface.methods.length; j < methodsLen; j++) {
35             var method = interface.methods[j];
36             if(!object[method] || typeof object[method] !== 'function') {
37                 throw new Error("Function Interface.ensureImplements: object " 
38                   + "does not implement the " + interface.name 
39                   + " interface. Method " + method + " was not found.");
40             }
41         }
42     } 
43 };
45 function extend(subClass,superClass){
46         var F = function(){};
47     F.prototype = superClass.prototype;
48     subClass.prototype = new F();
49     subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
51     subClass.superClass = superClass.prototype;
52     if(superClass.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor){
53         superClass.prototype.constructor =  superClass;
54     }
55 }
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posted @ 2016-03-20 20:58  Tengri  阅读(389)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报