create or replace procedure get_needQuery_Balance( v_num in number, v_result out number ) is --declare veriables --declare cursor --begin begin --transition --exception end
create or replace procedure get_needQuery_Balance( v_num IN VARCHAR2, --流水号最后一位除5,所得余数 v_result out VARCHAR2, v_QueryPhone OUT VARCHAR2, v_count out VARCHAR2, v_time out VARCHAR2 ) is --定义变量 --l_count NUMBER; phoneNo_Temp mobile_balanceQuery.Phonenum%TYPE; type phoneNo is record ( phonenum mobile_balanceQuery.Phonenum%TYPE); type phoneNoTable is table of phoneNo; ret_phoneNums phoneNoTable; --定义游标 CURSOR v_gettedMbileNo is select t.phonenum from mobile_balanceQuery t where t.querycount = 0 AND MOD(TO_NUMBER(substr(t.phonenum,LENGTH(t.phonenum),1)),5) = v_num and rownum<=10; --begin开启事务处理 begin --获取等待时间 v_time := 100; select t.key into v_time from pt_table t where t.value1 = 'QueryNumTime'; --打开游标 open v_gettedMbileNo; fetch v_gettedMbileNo BULK COLLECT INTO ret_phoneNums; close v_gettedMbileNo; --判断取出的数量 IF ret_phoneNums.count <= 0 THEN v_count := 0; RETURN; END IF; --组手机号 v_count := 0; for i in 1..ret_phoneNums.count loop phoneNo_Temp:=ret_phoneNums(i).phonenum; --更新查询次数 --select t.querycount into l_count from mobile_balanceQuery t --where t.phonenum = phoneNo_Temp for update wait 2; --if(l_count = 0) then update mobile_balanceQuery set mobile_balanceQuery.Querycount = mobile_balanceQuery.Querycount + 1, mobile_balanceQuery.Start_Querytime = sysdate where mobile_balanceQuery.Phonenum = phoneNo_Temp; -- end if; v_QueryPhone := phoneNo_Temp || ',' || v_QueryPhone ; v_count := v_count + 1; end loop; commit; v_result := '0'; --异常捕获 --结束 EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_result := '-1'; ROLLBACK; end;
DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test_release`.`test11`$$ CREATE DEFINER=`encysys48`@`%` PROCEDURE `test11`( IN hf_serialid VARCHAR(30), # OUT v_ChargeMoney VARCHAR(300) # ) MODIFIES SQL DATA SQL SECURITY INVOKER BEGIN begin DECLARE l_chargemoney int(10); SELECT t.charge_money INTO l_chargemoney FROM Jp_Fullnote t WHERE t.hf_serialid = hf_serialid; SET v_ChargeMoney = CONCAT(IFNULL(l_chargemoney, ''), ',', v_ChargeMoney); insert into w_help(char_content) values (l_chargemoney); commit; end; END$$ DELIMITER ;