mkpasswd 随机密码生成

root@op-admin:~# mkpasswd  -l 12 -n 5
usage: mkpasswd [args] [user]
  where arguments are:
    -l #      (length of password, default = 12)
    -d #      (min # of digits, default = 2)
    -c #      (min # of lowercase chars, default = 2)
    -C #      (min # of uppercase chars, default = 2)
    -s #      (min # of special chars, default = 1)
    -v        (verbose, show passwd interaction)
    -p prog   (program to set password, default = passwd)
-admin:~# for x in {1..5};do mkpasswd -l 12;done lxia2lWCb-v4 hzr<frP3ea1M e3TytyjbxR6\ x<kq85bfUljJ ysQ-8ml7hKyj


posted @ 2017-09-19 11:03  tengfei520  阅读(245)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报