【EOS.IO Technical White Paper v2】 Abstract: The EOS.IO software introduces a new blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal sc 阅读全文
【EOS keosd】 The program keosd, located in the eos/build/programs/keosd folder within the EOSIO/eos repository. 如果自行编译 EOSIO/eos 仓库,则 keosd 位于仓库的 eos/b 阅读全文
【Binary Space Partitioning】 BSP was discovered by John Carmack used BSP trees in Doom and Quake. Although the game Doom is now of some age virtually a 阅读全文
【HLSL】 1、Direct3D 9 shaders can be designed using shader model 1, shader model 2 and shader model 3; Direct3D 10 shaders can only be designed on shade 阅读全文
【Velocity Obstacle】 Two circular objects A,B, at time t(0), with velocity V(A),V(B). A represent the robot, and B represent obstacle. Collision Cone: 阅读全文
【Realtime Rendering 1.1】 1、A linear transform is one that preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication. Specifically, 2、Combining linear transf 阅读全文
【Realtime Rendering 6】 1、Lighting computations occur in two phases: 1)light phase. used to compute the light’s direction vector l and irradiance contr 阅读全文
【Real Time Rendering 5】 1、In radiometry, the function that is used to describe how a surface reflects light is called the bidirectional reflectance di 阅读全文
【Real Time Render 4】 1、Radiometry(辐射测试) deals with the measurement of electromagnetic(电磁) radiation(辐射). Such radiation consists of a flow of photons( 阅读全文
【Distance Field Technique】 一种小纹理高清放大的技术。 A distance field is generated from a high resolution image, and then stored into a channel of a lower-resolut 阅读全文
【Parallax Mapping】 Parallax mapping belongs to the family of displacement mapping techniques that displace or offset vertices based on geometrical inf 阅读全文
【Displacement Mapping】 Displacement Mapping(移位贴图)。 Normal maps的另一个应用是displacement mapping,在这个应用中,细节的增加不再是通过虚拟光照得到的,而是真正的改变模型的vertices。使用displacement m 阅读全文
【Compute Shader】 1、Similar to regular shaders, compute shaders are Asset files in your project, with a .compute file extension. 1)通过 #pragma kernel 指定 阅读全文
【Real Time Rendering 2】 1、The light vector l is usually defined pointing in a direction opposite to the direction the light is traveling. 2、The surfac 阅读全文
【Real Time Rendering 1】 1、RTR是一本导论。官网:http://www.realtimerendering.com。 2、At around 6 fps, a sense of interactivity starts to grow. An application dis 阅读全文