【Vertex Lit】 Vertex Lit path generally renders each object in one pass, with lighting from all lights calculated at object vertices. It's the fastes... 阅读全文
【lightmapping】 Window -> Lightmapping,即可打开Lightmaping窗口。 生成lightmap的GameObject的对象必须将Lightmap Static钩上。此举告诉Beast,此GameObject可以被Baked。 Make sure ... 阅读全文
【Stencil】 The stencil buffer can be used as a general purpose per pixel mask for saving or discarding pixels. The stencil buffer is usually an 8 bit... 阅读全文
【Fog】 Fog parameters are controlled with Fog command. Fogging blends the color of the generated pixels down towards a constant color based on dist... 阅读全文
【Blending】 Blending is used to make transparent objects. When graphics are rendered, after all shaders have executed and all textures have been applie 阅读全文