cleos get account $(Account_Name)
2、使用 cleos set account permission 命令来修改权限
可以看到,owner、active 这种东西叫做 permission,这其中具体的内容叫做 authority。如下例:
$ cleos set account permission test active '{ "threshold" : 1, "keys" : [ { "permission":{ "key":"EOS8X7Mp7apQWtL6T2sfSZzBcQNUqZB7tARFEm9gA9Tn9nbMdsvBB", "permission":"active" }, "weight":1 } ], "accounts" : [ { "permission":{ "actor":"acc2", "permission":"active" }, "weight":50 } ] }' owner
{ "threshold" : 100, /*An integer that defines cumulative signature weight required for authorization*/ "keys" : [], /*An array made up of individual permissions defined with an EOS PUBLIC KEY*/ "accounts" : [] /*An array made up of individual permissions defined with an EOS ACCOUNT*/ }
/*Set Permission with Key*/ { "permission" : { "key" : "EOS8X7Mp7apQWtL6T2sfSZzBcQNUqZB7tARFEm9gA9Tn9nbMdsvBB", "permission" : "active" }, weight : 25 /*Set the weight of a signature from this permission*/ } /*Set Permission with Account*/ { "permission" : { "actor" : "sandwich", "permission" : "active" }, weight : 75 /*Set the weight of a signature from this permission*/ }