


Alpha Testing

  The alpha test is a last chance to reject a pixel from being written to the screen.


  After the final output color has been calculated, the color can optionally have its alpha value compared to a fixed value. If the test fails, the pixel is not written to the display.

  在最终颜色(pixel-color)被计算后,可以通过Alpha Test来排除顶点。


AlphaTest Off
Render all pixels (default).
AlphaTest comparison AlphaValue
Set up the alpha test to only render pixels whose alpha value is within a certain range.




  A floating-point number between 0 and 1. This can also be a variable reference to a float or range property, in which case it should be written using the standard square bracket notation ([VariableName]).




  左图:ZWrite On,AlphaTest Equal 1.0。由于Alpha均为1,所以无Blending。在此条件下产生出一个锐利的图像。

  中图:ZWrite On,AlphaTest Off。在此条件下,Alpha为0的部分会遮挡住Alpha非零的部分,产生奇怪的图。

  右图:1)ZWrite On,AlphaTest Equal 1.0。此遍渲染非透明物体。

       2)ZWrite Offet,AlphaTest Less 1.0。此遍渲染透明物体。



Shader "Vegetation" {
    Properties {
        _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (.5, .5, .5, .5)
        _MainTex ("Base (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {}
        _Cutoff ("Base Alpha cutoff", Range (0,.9)) = .5
    SubShader {
        // Set up basic lighting
        Material {
            Diffuse [_Color]
            Ambient [_Color]
        Lighting On

        // Render both front and back facing polygons.
        Cull Off

        // first pass:
        //   render any pixels that are more than [_Cutoff] opaque
        Pass {
            AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine texture * primary, texture

        // Second pass:
        //   render in the semitransparent details.
        Pass {
            // Dont write to the depth buffer
            ZWrite off
            // Don't write pixels we have already written.
            ZTest Less
            // Only render pixels less or equal to the value
            AlphaTest LEqual [_Cutoff]

            // Set up alpha blending
            Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

            SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                combine texture * primary, texture
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posted on 2014-07-25 21:10  Tekkaman  阅读(408)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报