摘要:【UI7Kit】 UI7Kit is a GUI toolkit which can backport flat-style UIKit from iOS7 to iOS5/iOS6. Additionally, UI7Kit can also be used to patch legacy UI...
摘要:【CocoaPods安装和使用教程】 简单来说,就是先定义Podfile,在此文件中定义你需要的开源项目,然后运行pods install或pod update来完成对开源库的引用。总体来说算很方便。 参考:http://code4app.com/article/cocoapods-instal...
Undo Architecture
摘要:【Undo Architecture】 NSUndoManager is a general-purpose recorder of operations for undo and redo. NSUndoManager是一个通常目的操作记录器用于实现undo和redo。 When you pe...
摘要:【xcconfig】1.When you can use a .xcconfig file? Use .xcconfig files if you find yourself changing the same build settings for each project you create....
URL Scheme
摘要:【URL Scheme】 可以通过info.plist注册url types来实现程序自定义的协议,以供外部程序调起。NSURL *myURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"todolist://www.acme.com?Quarterly%20Report#200806231...
摘要:【移动应用接入概述】 QQ互联开放平台为第三方移动应用提供了丰富的API。第三方移动应用接入QQ互联开放平台后,即可通过调用平台提供的API实现用户使用QQ账号登录移动应用功能,且可以获取到腾讯QQ用户的相关信息。 第三方移动应用也可以调用腾讯方提供的API实现移动应用的分享、评论、邀请等功能,...
Some details of UIKit
摘要:【Some details of UIKit】1、UIViewController的toolbarItems属性与UINavigationController配合使用。 2、The view for a navigation controller is just a container for s...
摘要:【CoreImage】 CIContextis an object through which Core Image draws the results produced by a filter. A Core Image context can be based on the CPU or ...
About Game Controllers
摘要:【About Game Controllers】 Game Controller(GC),框架从iOS 7和OS X v10.9开始加入,用于便捷使用控制器(手柄). Once discovered, your game reads control inputs as part of its nor
Text Relatives II
摘要:[Text Relatives II] When your app determines that the user has requested the edit menu—which could be the action of making a selection—you should complete the following steps to display the menu:Call thesharedMenuControllerclass method ofUIMenuControllerto get theglobalmenu-controller instance.Comp.
Text Relatives
摘要:[Text Relatives] With TextKit the resources at your disposal range fromframeworkobjects—such as text views, text fields, and web views—to text layout engines that you can use directly to draw, lay out, and otherwise manage text.Underlying the text views in UIKit is a powerful layout engine called T.
摘要:[CoreText] Core Text is designed for development of higher-level text-handling frameworks. General app developers should use Text Kit in iOS (seeText Programming Guide for iOS).Core Text mediates between text layout and font support provided by higher level frameworks and the low-level capabilities.
Quartz2D Text
摘要:【Quartz2D Text】 Quartz 2D provides a limited, low-level interface for drawing text encoded in the MacRoman text encoding and for drawing glyphs. Quartz 2D uses fonts, which are sets of shapes that are associated with characters, to draw text.A character abstractly represents the concept of, for ex..
PDF Document Creation, Viewing
摘要:【PDF Document Creation, Viewing, and Transforming】 Quartz provides the data type CGPDFDocumentRef to represent a PDF document. You create a CGPDFDocument object using either the function CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider or the function CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL. After you create a CGPDFDocument obj.
Core Graphics Layer Drawing
摘要:【Core Graphics Layer Drawing】CGLayer objects (CGLayerRef data type) allow your application to use layers for drawing.Layers are suited for the following:High-quality offscreen rendering of drawing that you plan to reuse.Repeated drawing.Buffering. Although you can use layers for this purpose, you sh
Bitmap Images and Image Masks
摘要:【Bitmap Images and Image Masks】 Bitmap images and image masks are like any drawing primitive in Quartz. Both images and image masks in Quartz are represented by the CGImageRef data type.Keep in mind that a bitmap image is an array of bits at a specific resolution. A bitmap image (or sampled image)..
Path Creation and Path Painting
摘要:【Path Creation and Path Painting】 Path creation and path painting are separate tasks. First you create a path. When you want to render a path, you request Quartz to paint it. As you can see in Figure 3-1, you can choose to stroke the path, fill the path, or both stroke and fill the path. You can al.
摘要:【Quartz2D】 Quartz 2D is a two-dimensional drawing engine.Quartz 2D is resolution- and device-independent; you don’t need to think about the final destination when you use the Quartz 2D application programming interface (API) for drawing. The Quartz 2D API is part of the Core Graphics framework, so..
iOS's GCD Note
摘要:【iOS's GCD Note】 1、默认有四种全局concureent queue,如下: 通过以下函数来引用: 2、官方文档上并发队列有3种,实际上main就是serial。 1)serial,用一个线程来按序取task执行。so task的顺序可以保证。 2)concurret...
iOS inter-process communication
摘要:【iOS inter-process communication】 1、剪贴板。 2、URL Scheme。 参考:x-callback-url