1、The kernel, along with other core parts of OS X are collectively referred to as Darwin.。
Mac OS X的kernel,以及其它几个核心组件,也被统称为Darwin。Darwin是2000年苹果开源的一个类Unix操作系统。So,意即,Mac OS X构建于Darwin技术之上。
Darwin does not include Apple’s proprietary graphics or applications layers, such as Quartz, QuickTime, Cocoa, Carbon, or OpenGL.
Darwin不包含Graphics……等。所以显然,它与OS X的kernel是一样的,不包含图形模块。
2、Darwin technology is based on BSD, Mach 3.0, and Apple technologies。主要组件有:
4)I/O Kit
3、Mac OS X 内核架构
更详细资料参见:Kernel Programming Gude -> Kernel Architecture Overview