


JavaScript & ECMAScript

  Netscape invented JavaScript, and JavaScript was first used in Netscape browsers. Netscape is working with Ecma International to deliver a standardized, international programming language based on core JavaScript.This standardized version of JavaScript, called ECMAScript.

  Netscape发明了JavaScript,JavaScript最先在Netscape浏览器中使用。Netscape与ECMA国际合作基于Core JavaScript产生出一种标准的国际性的编程语言。这个标准版本的JavaScript,叫做ECMAScript。


  The ECMAScript specification does not describe the Document Object Model (DOM), which is standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The DOM defines the way in which HTML document objects are exposed to your script.


posted on 2012-06-27 09:55  Tekkaman  阅读(337)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报