一道笔试题 体现出的严谨和算法

Posted on 2010-11-24 11:04  Teddy Yan  阅读(248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

一开始用Integer 怎么都超时,发现用int 才能过。


Equilibrium index of a sequence is an index such that the sum of elements at lower indexes is equal to the sum of elements at higher indexes. For example, in a sequence A:


A[0]=-7 A[1]=1 A[2]=5 A[3]=2 A[4]=-4 A[5]=3 A[6]=0

3 is an equilibrium index, because:



6 is also an equilibrium index, because:


(sum of zero elements is zero) 7 is not an equilibrium index, because it is not a valid index of sequence A.

If you still have doubts, this is a precise definition: the integer k is an equilibrium index of a sequence $A[0],A[1],/ldots,A[n-1]$ if and only if $0 /leq k < n$ and $/sum_{i=0}^{k-1} A[i] = /sum_{i=k+1}^{n-1} A[i]$ .

Assume the sum of zero elements is equal zero. Write a function


int equi(int[] A);


that given a sequence, returns its equilibrium index (any) or -1 if no equilibrium indexes exist. Assume that the sequence may be very long.

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01. public boolean overflag= false ;
02.      public int sum( int a, int b)
03.      {
04.          int ret=a+b;
05.          if (((a> 0 )&&(b> 0 ))&&(ret< 0 )) overflag = true ;
06.          if (((a< 0 )&&(b< 0 ))&&(ret> 0 )) overflag = true ;
07.          return ret;
08.      }
09.      public int equi ( int [] A ) {
10.          if (A.length== 0 ) return - 1 ;
11.          if (A.length== 1 ) return 0 ;
12.          if (A.length== 2 ) return - 1 ;
13.          int j= 0 ;
14.          int right= 0 ;
15.          int left= 0 ;
16.          int i= 0 ;
17.          for (i=A.length- 1 ;i> 0 ;i--)
18.          {
19.              right=sum(right,A[i]);
20.              if (overflag) break ;
21.          }
23.          if ((right== 0 )&&(i== 0 )) return 0 ;   
25.          for (j= 0 ;j<i;j++)
26.          {
27.              left=sum(left,A[j]);
28.              if (overflag) return - 1 ;
29.          }
30.          if (left==right) return 0 ;
31.          j= 0 ;
32.          while (j<A.length- 1 )
33.          {
34.              if (left==right) return j;
35.              left=sum(left,A[j]);
36.              if (overflag) return - 1 ;
37.              right=sum(right,-A[j+ 1 ]);
38.              if (overflag) return - 1 ;
39.              j++;
40.          }
42.              if (left==right) return j;
43.          return - 1 ;
45.      }

Detected time complexity:
test time result
Test from the task description
0.524 s. OK
Empty array
0.784 s. OK
extreme_first 0.572 s. OK
Sequence with extremly large numbers testing arithmetic overflow.
0.540 s. OK
extreme_last 0.588 s. OK
extreme_single_zero 0.504 s. OK
sequence with sum=0
0.684 s. OK
simple 0.516 s. OK
single_non_zero 0.756 s. OK
multiple runs, all combinations of {-1,0,1}^2
got -1, but equilibrium point exists, for example on position 0
multiple runs, all combinations of {-1,0,1}^3
1.112 s. OK
small_pyramid 1.020 s. OK
large_long_sequence_of_ones 0.552 s. OK
large_long_sequence_of_minus_ones 0.536 s. OK
medium_pyramid 0.808 s. OK
Large performance test, O(n^2) solutions should fail.
0.716 s. OK

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