Vertasent infrastructure code------ Windows platform migrate
Posted on 2010-02-25 22:30 Teddy Yan 阅读(147) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报1. Code base is Windows
The code originally could be compile and build in Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0
2. Compile and build on MingGW and MSYS
Because I want to compile with FFMpeg code together, move the code to MinGW compiler. MingGW is compiler to build Linux like code on Windows platform. It converts the Linux OS lib to Window32 lib.
3. Convert CString to STL string
StdString is a good tool to convert MFC CString to Linux STL:
4. Exception
class HTTPException : public std::exception
5. Link
The sequence (order) of the lib is very important. From the right to left, it the base lib to higher lib.
Because the result is a Windows executor, the ws2_32 is required.
-lUtility –lSockets parameters indicates linker find libUtility.a and libSockets.a in the specific folder (-L"xxx")
6. Eclipse is good IDE for this migration, but refresh the project frequencily is required.
We have two choices:
1. No make file, managed by eclipse totally. (better)
2. Generate make file automatically, managed by eclipse.