[转自CSDN,因为实在觉得很不错,暂放首页,向大家推荐一下,稍后撤下]微软发布了Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar Beta版。该产品让开发人员能够深入探索和理解Web页面,帮助开发者更好地创建Web应用。 IE Developer Toolbar特性如下: -浏览和修改Web页的文档对象模型(DOM)。-通过多种技术方式定位、选定Web页上的特定元素。-禁... Read More
posted @ 2005-09-21 11:17 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(1833) Comments(9) Diggs(0) Edit
Contents 1. Why AOP? 2. What Is AOP? 3. The Present AOP Frameworks in .Net. 4. How to Choose an AOP Framework? 5. Introduction to AspectDNG in Details. 6. "Hello World" Example with AspectDNG. 7. Buil... Read More
posted @ 2005-09-21 10:35 Teddy's Knowledge Base Views(5947) Comments(15) Diggs(0) Edit