近几日试用了NHibernate和ibatisnet这两个比较流行,功能也算不错的orm framework,感觉有收获也有遗憾。
所以,看完这两个orm构架,一度的code review时的兴奋过后,还是,直观上,更倾向于用代码生成,而不是orm来较少我们的工作量。
using System;
namespace NPetshop.Domain.Accounts
/// <summary>
/// Business entity used to model user account
/// </summary>
public class Account
Private Fields
比较两者的DomainObject,当然都可以用工具来生成,CodeGen的代码在基本的属性之外要多一些辅助的静态函数,这些静态函数的作用就是用于避免使用反射而被DbHelper内部调用的,这些对业务逻辑是透明的。 从总的手工编码量来讲,都可以借助工具生成,所以工作量都为0。
using System;
using System.Collections;
using NPetshop.Domain.Accounts;
using NPetshop.Persistence.Interfaces.Accounts;
using NPetshop.Persistence.MapperDao;
namespace NPetshop.Persistence.MapperDao.Accounts
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for AccountSqlMapDao
/// </summary>
public class AccountSqlMapDao : BaseSqlMapDao, IAccountDao
IAccountDao Members
所以,看完这两个orm构架,一度的code review时的兴奋过后,还是,直观上,更倾向于用代码生成,而不是orm来较少我们的工作量。
using System;
namespace NPetshop.Domain.Accounts
/// <summary>
/// Business entity used to model user account
/// </summary>
public class Account
Private Fields
// Code Generated By Code Generator For CN.Teddy.Helper.Data V2.0
// 2005-4-10 15:43:27
using System;
namespace NPetshop.ValueObject
public class AccountInfo
private string _Account_Id;
private string _Account_Email;
private string _Account_FirstName;
private string _Account_LastName;
private string _Account_Status;
private string _Account_Addr1;
private string _Account_Addr2;
private string _Account_City;
private string _Account_State;
private string _Account_Zip;
private string _Account_Country;
private string _Account_Phone;
public string Account_Id
get { return _Account_Id; }
set { _Account_Id = value; }
public string Account_Email
get { return _Account_Email; }
set { _Account_Email = value; }
public string Account_FirstName
get { return _Account_FirstName; }
set { _Account_FirstName = value; }
public string Account_LastName
get { return _Account_LastName; }
set { _Account_LastName = value; }
public string Account_Status
get { return _Account_Status; }
set { _Account_Status = value; }
public string Account_Addr1
get { return _Account_Addr1; }
set { _Account_Addr1 = value; }
public string Account_Addr2
get { return _Account_Addr2; }
set { _Account_Addr2 = value; }
public string Account_City
get { return _Account_City; }
set { _Account_City = value; }
public string Account_State
get { return _Account_State; }
set { _Account_State = value; }
public string Account_Zip
get { return _Account_Zip; }
set { _Account_Zip = value; }
public string Account_Country
get { return _Account_Country; }
set { _Account_Country = value; }
public string Account_Phone
get { return _Account_Phone; }
set { _Account_Phone = value; }
Static Members
// 2005-4-10 15:43:27
using System;
namespace NPetshop.ValueObject
public class AccountInfo
private string _Account_Id;
private string _Account_Email;
private string _Account_FirstName;
private string _Account_LastName;
private string _Account_Status;
private string _Account_Addr1;
private string _Account_Addr2;
private string _Account_City;
private string _Account_State;
private string _Account_Zip;
private string _Account_Country;
private string _Account_Phone;
public string Account_Id
get { return _Account_Id; }
set { _Account_Id = value; }
public string Account_Email
get { return _Account_Email; }
set { _Account_Email = value; }
public string Account_FirstName
get { return _Account_FirstName; }
set { _Account_FirstName = value; }
public string Account_LastName
get { return _Account_LastName; }
set { _Account_LastName = value; }
public string Account_Status
get { return _Account_Status; }
set { _Account_Status = value; }
public string Account_Addr1
get { return _Account_Addr1; }
set { _Account_Addr1 = value; }
public string Account_Addr2
get { return _Account_Addr2; }
set { _Account_Addr2 = value; }
public string Account_City
get { return _Account_City; }
set { _Account_City = value; }
public string Account_State
get { return _Account_State; }
set { _Account_State = value; }
public string Account_Zip
get { return _Account_Zip; }
set { _Account_Zip = value; }
public string Account_Country
get { return _Account_Country; }
set { _Account_Country = value; }
public string Account_Phone
get { return _Account_Phone; }
set { _Account_Phone = value; }
Static Members
比较两者的DomainObject,当然都可以用工具来生成,CodeGen的代码在基本的属性之外要多一些辅助的静态函数,这些静态函数的作用就是用于避免使用反射而被DbHelper内部调用的,这些对业务逻辑是透明的。 从总的手工编码量来讲,都可以借助工具生成,所以工作量都为0。
using System;
using System.Collections;
using NPetshop.Domain.Accounts;
using NPetshop.Persistence.Interfaces.Accounts;
using NPetshop.Persistence.MapperDao;
namespace NPetshop.Persistence.MapperDao.Accounts
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for AccountSqlMapDao
/// </summary>
public class AccountSqlMapDao : BaseSqlMapDao, IAccountDao
IAccountDao Members
// Code Generated By Code Generator For CN.Teddy.Helper.Data V2.0
// 2005-4-10 15:58:19
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using CN.Teddy.Helper.Data;
using CN.Teddy.Helper.DataAccess;
using CN.Teddy.Helper.Logic;
using NPetshop.ValueObject;
using NPetshop.DataAccess;
namespace NPetshop.TransactionLogic
public sealed class AccountLogic
private AccountLogic()
public static void CreateAccountInfo(AccountInfo obj)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.InsertAccountInfo(obj, tran);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void UpdateAccountInfo(AccountInfo obj)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, obj.ID), tran);
AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, obj.ID));
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void UpdateAccountInfo(string[] updateColumns, object[] updateValues, Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(updateColumns, updateValues, condition, tran);
AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(updateColumns, updateValues, condition);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void UpdateAccountInfo(AccountInfo obj, Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, condition, tran);
AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, condition);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void DeleteAccountInfo(Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.DeleteAccountInfo(condition, tran);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void DeleteAccountInfo(int id)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.DeleteAccountInfo(new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, id), tran);
AccountAccess.DeleteAccountInfo(new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, id));
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static AccountInfo GetAccountInfo(int id)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(id, tran);
return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(id);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static IList GetAccountInfo(Condition condition, OrderList orderList)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(condition, orderList, tran);
return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(condition, orderList);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static int[] GetAccountInfoIDs(Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfoIDs(condition, tran);
return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfoIDs(condition);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static PageAdapter GetAccountInfoPageAdapter(Condition condition, OrderList orderList)
return new PageAdapter(AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfoPageSplit(condition, orderList), new CreateObjectListHandler(AccountInfo.CreateObjectList));
catch(Exception e)
throw e;
// 2005-4-10 15:58:19
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using CN.Teddy.Helper.Data;
using CN.Teddy.Helper.DataAccess;
using CN.Teddy.Helper.Logic;
using NPetshop.ValueObject;
using NPetshop.DataAccess;
namespace NPetshop.TransactionLogic
public sealed class AccountLogic
private AccountLogic()
public static void CreateAccountInfo(AccountInfo obj)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.InsertAccountInfo(obj, tran);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void UpdateAccountInfo(AccountInfo obj)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, obj.ID), tran);
AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, obj.ID));
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void UpdateAccountInfo(string[] updateColumns, object[] updateValues, Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(updateColumns, updateValues, condition, tran);
AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(updateColumns, updateValues, condition);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void UpdateAccountInfo(AccountInfo obj, Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, condition, tran);
AccountAccess.UpdateAccountInfo(obj, condition);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void DeleteAccountInfo(Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.DeleteAccountInfo(condition, tran);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static void DeleteAccountInfo(int id)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// AccountAccess.DeleteAccountInfo(new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, id), tran);
AccountAccess.DeleteAccountInfo(new Condition("ID", "ID", OP.Equals, id));
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static AccountInfo GetAccountInfo(int id)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(id, tran);
return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(id);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static IList GetAccountInfo(Condition condition, OrderList orderList)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(condition, orderList, tran);
return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfo(condition, orderList);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static int[] GetAccountInfoIDs(Condition condition)
// IDbTransaction tran = Configuration.BeginTransaction();
// If need transaction, uncomment these commented lines, and add other operations here
// return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfoIDs(condition, tran);
return AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfoIDs(condition);
// tran.Commit();
catch(Exception e)
// tran.Rollback();
throw e;
// finally
// {
// if (tran.Connection != null && tran.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
// {
// tran.Connection.Close();
// }
// }
public static PageAdapter GetAccountInfoPageAdapter(Condition condition, OrderList orderList)
return new PageAdapter(AccountAccess.SelectAccountInfoPageSplit(condition, orderList), new CreateObjectListHandler(AccountInfo.CreateObjectList));
catch(Exception e)
throw e;