
该控件来源于Xtreme Toolkit,我对其进行了修改,使其不依赖于类库独立存在,由于我没有运用XT的其他类,可能你会觉得它没有在类库中的华丽,但相对于其小巧的体格而言,已经很难得了。




 1、用mfc sdi wizard生成一个子SDI程序。

 2、在MainFrm.h头部加入#include "XTOutBarCtrl.h"


CSplitterWnd m_wndSplitter;
CXTOutBarCtrl m_wndOutlookBar;
CImageList m_ImageLarge;
CImageList m_ImageSmall;
bool  m_bDestroy;
BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
 // create splitter window
 if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 2))
  return FALSE;

 // Here we create the outbar control using the splitter as its parent
 // and setting its id to the first pane.
 if (!m_wndOutlookBar.Create(WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPCHILDREN, CRect(0,0,0,0),
  &m_wndSplitter, m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(0, 0), OBS_XT_DEFAULT))
  TRACE0("Failed to create outlook bar.");
  return FALSE;

 if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 1, pContext->m_pNewViewClass,
  CSize(100, 100), pContext))
  return FALSE;

 // Set the background and text color of the outlook bar.

 // Set the default sizes for the splitter panes.
 CRect r;
 m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo( 0, r.Width()/4, 0 );

 // Add items to the outlook bar.
 return TRUE;

 5、CMainFrame增加成员函数 void CMainFrame::InitializeOutlookBar()
 // Create the image lists used by the outlook bar.
 m_ImageSmall.Create (16, 16, ILC_COLOR16|ILC_MASK, 2, 1);
 m_ImageLarge.Create (32, 32, ILC_COLOR16|ILC_MASK, 2, 1);

 // initiailize the image lists.
 for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
  HICON hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(nIcons[i]);


 int iFolder; // index of the added folder
 // set the image lists for the outlook bar.
 m_wndOutlookBar.SetImageList(&m_ImageLarge, OBS_XT_LARGEICON);
 m_wndOutlookBar.SetImageList(&m_ImageSmall, OBS_XT_SMALLICON);

 // Add the first folder to the outlook bar.
 iFolder = m_wndOutlookBar.AddFolder(_T("Shortcuts 1"), 0);

 // Add items to the folder, syntax is folder, index, text, image, and item data.
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 1, _T("Item 1"), 0, NULL);
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 2, _T("Item 2"), 1, NULL);
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 3, _T("Item 3"), 2, NULL);
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 4, _T("Item 4"), 3, NULL);
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 5, _T("Item 5"), 4, NULL);
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 6, _T("Item 6"), 5, NULL);

 // Add the second folder to the outlook bar.
 iFolder = m_wndOutlookBar.AddFolder(_T("Shortcuts 2"), 1);


 // Add items to the folder, syntax is folder, index, text, image, and item data.
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 1, _T("Item 1"), 0, NULL);
 m_wndOutlookBar.InsertItem(iFolder, 2, _T("Item 2"), 1, NULL);

 // Add the tree control to the outlook bar.
//xu iFolder = m_wndOutlookBar.AddFolderBar(_T("Tree Control"), &m_wndTreeCtrl );

 // Set the default font used by the outlook bar.
//xu m_wndOutlookBar.SetFontX(&xtAfxData.font);

 // We want to receive notification messages.

 // Select the first folder in the bar.

 // Sizing for splitter
 CRect r;
 m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo( 0, r.Width()/7, 0 );
 m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo( 1, r.Width()/5, 0 );
// m_wndSplitter1.SetSplitterStyle(XT_SPLIT_NOFULLDRAG);

 6、CMainFrame增加消息映射 LRESULT CMainFrame::OnOutbarNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 int nBarAction = (int)wParam;

 // Cast the lParam to a XT_OUTBAR_INFO* struct pointer.

 switch (nBarAction)
  TRACE2( "Item selected: %d, Name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  TRACE2( "Folder selected: %d, Name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  TRACE2( "Item edited: %d, New name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  TRACE2( "Folder edited: %d, New name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  TRACE3( "Dragging From: %d, To: %d, Name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nDragFrom,
   pOBInfo->nDragTo, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  TRACE2( "Hovering Item: %d, Name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  if (!m_bDestroy && AfxMessageBox(_T("Are you sure you want to remove this folder shortcut?"),
   // The user selected No, return FALSE to abort the action.
   return FALSE;
  TRACE2( "Item deleted: %d, Name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);
  if (!m_bDestroy && AfxMessageBox(_T("Are you sure you want to remove the specified folder?"),
   // The user selected No, return FALSE to abort the action.
   return FALSE;
  TRACE2( "Folder deleted: %d, Name: %s.\n", pOBInfo->nIndex, pOBInfo->lpszText);

 return TRUE;


posted @ 2009-04-01 20:55  DELPHI&.NET初学者[TECSOON WENDAY]  阅读(1155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报