1. 写在前面
2. Canny边缘检测算法的发展历史
Canny边缘检测于1986年由JOHN CANNY首次在论文《A Computational Approach to Edge Detection》中提出,就此拉开了Canny边缘检测算法的序幕。
1) 以低的错误率检测边缘,也即意味着需要尽可能准确的捕获图像中尽可能多的边缘。
2) 检测到的边缘应精确定位在真实边缘的中心。
3) 图像中给定的边缘应只被标记一次,并且在可能的情况下,图像的噪声不应产生假的边缘。
3. Canny边缘检测算法的处理流程
1) 使用高斯滤波器,以平滑图像,滤除噪声。
2) 计算图像中每个像素点的梯度强度和方向。
3) 应用非极大值(Non-Maximum Suppression)抑制,以消除边缘检测带来的杂散响应。
4) 应用双阈值(Double-Threshold)检测来确定真实的和潜在的边缘。
5) 通过抑制孤立的弱边缘最终完成边缘检测。
3.1 高斯平滑滤波
下面是一个sigma = 1.4,尺寸为3x3的高斯卷积核的例子(需要注意归一化):
重要的是需要理解,高斯卷积核大小的选择将影响Canny检测器的性能。尺寸越大,检测器对噪声的敏感度越低,但是边缘检测的定位误差也将略有增加。一般5x5是一个比较不错的trade off。
3.2 计算梯度强度和方向
图像中的边缘可以指向各个方向,因此Canny算法使用四个算子来检测图像中的水平、垂直和对角边缘。边缘检测的算子(如Roberts,Prewitt,Sobel等)返回水平Gx和垂直Gy方向的一阶导数值,由此便可以确定像素点的梯度G和方向theta 。
其中G为梯度强度, theta表示梯度方向,arctan为反正切函数。下面以Sobel算子为例讲述如何计算梯度强度和方向。
其中Sx表示x方向的Sobel算子,用于检测y方向的边缘; Sy表示y方向的Sobel算子,用于检测x方向的边缘(边缘方向和梯度方向垂直)。在直角坐标系中,Sobel算子的方向如下图所示。
图3-1 Sobel算子的方向
3.3 非极大值抑制
1) 将当前像素的梯度强度与沿正负梯度方向上的两个像素进行比较。
2) 如果当前像素的梯度强度与另外两个像素相比最大,则该像素点保留为边缘点,否则该像素点将被抑制。
图3-2 梯度方向分割
3.4 双阈值检测
3.5 抑制孤立低阈值点
4 总结
图5-1 Canny边缘检测效果
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Edge Detection Using Canny Algorithm. % Auther: Yongli Yan. % Mail: yanyongli@ime.ac.cn % Date: 2017.08.01. % The direction of Sobel operator. % ^(y) % | % | % | % 0--------->(x) % Direction of Gradient: % 3 2 1 % 0 P 0 % 1 2 3 % P = Current Point. % NW N NE % W P E % SW S SE % Point Index: % f(x-1,y-1) f(x-1,y) f(x-1,y+1) % f(x, y-1) f(x, y) f(x, y+1) % f(x+1,y-1) f(x+1,y) f(x+1,y+1) % Parameters: % percentOfPixelsNotEdges: Used for selecting thresholds. % thresholdRatio: Low thresh is this fraction of the high. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function imgCanny = edge_canny(I,gaussDim,sigma,percentOfPixelsNotEdges,thresholdRatio) %% Gaussian smoothing filter. m = gaussDim(1); n = gaussDim(2); if mod(m,2) == 0 || mod(n,2) == 0 error('The dimensionality of Gaussian must be odd!'); end % Generate gaussian convolution kernel. gaussKernel = fspecial('gaussian', [m,n], sigma); % Image edge copy. [m,n] = size(gaussKernel); [row,col,dim] = size(I); if dim > 1 imgGray = rgb2gray(I); else imgGray = I; end imgCopy = imgReplicate(imgGray,(m-1)/2,(n-1)/2); % Gaussian smoothing filter. imgData = zeros(row,col); for ii = 1:row for jj = 1:col window = imgCopy(ii:ii+m-1,jj:jj+n-1); GSF = window.*gaussKernel; imgData(ii,jj) = sum(GSF(:)); end end %% Calculate the gradient values for each pixel. % Sobel operator. dgau2Dx = [-1 0 1;-2 0 2;-1 0 1]; dgau2Dy = [1 2 1;0 0 0;-1 -2 -1]; [m,n] = size(dgau2Dx); % Image edge copy. imgCopy = imgReplicate(imgData,(m-1)/2,(n-1)/2); % To store the gradient and direction information. gradx = zeros(row,col); grady = zeros(row,col); gradm = zeros(row,col); dir = zeros(row,col); % Direction of gradient. % Calculate the gradient values for each pixel. for ii = 1:row for jj = 1:col window = imgCopy(ii:ii+m-1,jj:jj+n-1); dx = window.*dgau2Dx; dy = window.*dgau2Dy; dx = dx'; % Make the sum more accurate. dx = sum(dx(:)); dy = sum(dy(:)); gradx(ii,jj) = dx; grady(ii,jj) = dy; gradm(ii,jj) = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2); % Calculate the angle of the gradient. theta = atand(dy/dx) + 90; % 0~180. % Determine the direction of the gradient. if (theta >= 0 && theta < 45) dir(ii,jj) = 2; elseif (theta >= 45 && theta < 90) dir(ii,jj) = 3; elseif (theta >= 90 && theta < 135) dir(ii,jj) = 0; else dir(ii,jj) = 1; end end end % Normalize for threshold selection. magMax = max(gradm(:)); if magMax ~= 0 gradm = gradm / magMax; end %% Plot 3D gradient graph. % [xx, yy] = meshgrid(1:col, 1:row); % figure; % surf(xx,yy,gradm); %% Threshold selection. counts = imhist(gradm, 64); highThresh = find(cumsum(counts) > percentOfPixelsNotEdges*row*col,1,'first') / 64; lowThresh = thresholdRatio*highThresh; %% Non-Maxima Suppression(NMS) Using Linear Interpolation. gradmCopy = zeros(row,col); imgBW = zeros(row,col); for ii = 2:row-1 for jj = 2:col-1 E = gradm(ii,jj+1); S = gradm(ii+1,jj); W = gradm(ii,jj-1); N = gradm(ii-1,jj); NE = gradm(ii-1,jj+1); NW = gradm(ii-1,jj-1); SW = gradm(ii+1,jj-1); SE = gradm(ii+1,jj+1); % Linear interpolation. % dy/dx = tan(theta). % dx/dy = tan(90-theta). gradValue = gradm(ii,jj); if dir(ii,jj) == 0 d = abs(grady(ii,jj)/gradx(ii,jj)); gradm1 = E*(1-d) + NE*d; gradm2 = W*(1-d) + SW*d; elseif dir(ii,jj) == 1 d = abs(gradx(ii,jj)/grady(ii,jj)); gradm1 = N*(1-d) + NE*d; gradm2 = S*(1-d) + SW*d; elseif dir(ii,jj) == 2 d = abs(gradx(ii,jj)/grady(ii,jj)); gradm1 = N*(1-d) + NW*d; gradm2 = S*(1-d) + SE*d; elseif dir(ii,jj) == 3 d = abs(grady(ii,jj)/gradx(ii,jj)); gradm1 = W*(1-d) + NW*d; gradm2 = E*(1-d) + SE*d; else gradm1 = highThresh; gradm2 = highThresh; end % Non-Maxima Suppression. if gradValue >= gradm1 && gradValue >= gradm2 if gradValue >= highThresh imgBW(ii,jj) = 1; gradmCopy(ii,jj) = highThresh; elseif gradValue >= lowThresh gradmCopy(ii,jj) = lowThresh; else gradmCopy(ii,jj) = 0; end else gradmCopy(ii,jj) = 0; end end end %% High-Low threshold detection.Double-Threshold. % If the 8 pixels around the low threshold point have high threshold, then % the low threshold pixel should be retained. for ii = 2:row-1 for jj = 2:col-1 if gradmCopy(ii,jj) == lowThresh neighbors = [... gradmCopy(ii-1,jj-1), gradmCopy(ii-1,jj), gradmCopy(ii-1,jj+1),... gradmCopy(ii, jj-1), gradmCopy(ii, jj+1),... gradmCopy(ii+1,jj-1), gradmCopy(ii+1,jj), gradmCopy(ii+1,jj+1)... ]; if ~isempty(find(neighbors) == highThresh) imgBW(ii,jj) = 1; end end end end imgCanny = logical(imgBW); end %% Local functions. Image Replicate. function imgRep = imgReplicate(I,rExt,cExt) [row,col] = size(I); imgCopy = zeros(row+2*rExt,col+2*cExt); % 4 edges and 4 corners pixels. top = I(1,:); bottom = I(row,:); left = I(:,1); right = I(:,col); topLeftCorner = I(1,1); topRightCorner = I(1,col); bottomLeftCorner = I(row,1); bottomRightCorner = I(row,col); % The coordinates of the oroginal image after the expansion in the new graph. topLeftR = rExt+1; topLeftC = cExt+1; bottomLeftR = topLeftR+row-1; bottomLeftC = topLeftC; topRightR = topLeftR; topRightC = topLeftC+col-1; bottomRightR = topLeftR+row-1; bottomRightC = topLeftC+col-1; % Copy original image and 4 edges. imgCopy(topLeftR:bottomLeftR,topLeftC:topRightC) = I; imgCopy(1:rExt,topLeftC:topRightC) = repmat(top,[rExt,1]); imgCopy(bottomLeftR+1:end,bottomLeftC:bottomRightC) = repmat(bottom,[rExt,1]); imgCopy(topLeftR:bottomLeftR,1:cExt) = repmat(left,[1,cExt]); imgCopy(topRightR:bottomRightR,topRightC+1:end) = repmat(right,[1,cExt]); % Copy 4 corners. for ii = 1:rExt for jj = 1:cExt imgCopy(ii,jj) = topLeftCorner; imgCopy(ii,jj+topRightC) = topRightCorner; imgCopy(ii+bottomLeftR,jj) = bottomLeftCorner; imgCopy(ii+bottomRightR,jj+bottomRightC) = bottomRightCorner; end end imgRep = imgCopy; end %% End of file.
%% test file of canny algorithm. close all; clear all; clc; %% img = imread('./picture/lena.jpg'); % img = imnoise(img,'salt & pepper',0.01); %% [~,~,dim] = size(img); if dim > 1 imgCanny1 = edge(rgb2gray(img),'canny'); % system function. else imgCanny1 = edge(img,'canny'); % system function. end imgCanny2 = edge_canny(img,[5,5],1.4,0.9,0.4); % my function. %% figure; subplot(2,2,1); imshow(img); title('original'); %% subplot(2,2,3); imshow(imgCanny1); title('system function'); %% subplot(2,2,4); imshow(imgCanny2); title('my function');