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Properties - all sizes are in twips
 xLeft - Position of the left edge of the table
 isCentered - Set to True to center the table
 Rows - Sets or returns the number of rows in the table
 Columns - Sets or returns the number of columns in the table
 Row - An Array of Rows (1 to Rows)
 Column - An Array of columns (1 to Columns)
  Column(i).xWidth - Width of the ith column
 Cell - A 2-d Array of Cells (1 to Rows, 1 to Columns)
  Cell(r, c).Contents - Sets or returns the contents of the cell

 InsertTable(RTB As RichTextBox) - Inserts the table into the RichTextBox
                         at the currrent cursor position.



Option Explicit

Dim RTFtable As clsRTFtable
Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" ( _
ByVal hwndLock As Long _
As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Set RTFtable = New clsRTFtable
'stop flicker
  Call LockWindowUpdate(RichTextBox1.hWnd)
For i = 1 To 5
With RTFtable
'set the size of the table
    .Columns = 3
= 2
'fill the cells
    'Row 1
    .Cell(11).Contents = "Row 1"
12).Contents = "Column2"
13).Contents = "Column3"

'Row 2
    .Cell(21).Contents = "Row2"
22).Contents = "R2C2"
23).Contents = "R2C3"
'do we want to center it on the page?
    .isCentered = True
'insert the table at the current cursor postion
    .InsertTable RichTextBox1
End With
Next i
Call LockWindowUpdate(0)

End Sub
posted on 2006-09-06 17:17  陈锐  阅读(2432)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报