
Developer Versioning: Which Version are You?

I was thinking about the level of programming abilities lately, as we are starting to interview for an open position. I thought, "Wouldn't it be nice if programmers came in version numbers like software?" This would make it easy to say, I need a version 3 programmer with abilities in languages A, B and C. It's so difficult to say Mid-Level developer, because mid-level is so subjective. Mid between WHO? So here are my thoughts of what the versions for a web programmer might be:

Alpha: Has read some books and has put together some web sites for friends (mostly using Dreamweaver or FrontPage), but the quality is such that you probably would be leery about hiring them professionally until they learn how to hand-code some HTML.

Beta: Is getting better at putting together sites and has some skill with HTML; but still uses tables for everything, and knows next to nothing about CSS. Still is intimidated by the thought of dynamic web sites or database.

Pre Version 1 (0.1): Just a bit above Beta. Knows HTML and is starting to understand how CSS is supposed to work. Does some with JavaScript, but is still amateurish style. Starting to get into dynamic sites and how to connect to database. Still not someone you'd hire as a web developer for a professional team.

1.0: Can put together a web site. Will take the most direct route to every problem. Has no concept of scalability, extensibility or what's really going evolutionon "under the covers" of their favorite web design tools. Good entry-level developer. Needs lots of help and supervision.

2.0: Understands Object-Oriented development. Understands that there is a need for tiered development and separation of concerns. Tends to find more elegant solutions to problems and may, on occasion, use a design pattern, but has no concept of design patterns. Good junior developer. Can be let loose on coding things and may need some help finding a better solution to complicated problems.

3.0: Starting to understand object-oriented development and design patterns enough to see the use of them. Can even recognize a design pattern when they see one, but may not always be able to see a patterned solution to a problem. Starting to be able to architect solutions that have good separation of concerns and is testable. Knows a few different languages and WHY they are different (i.e. their best uses). Good mid-senior developer. Can easily be trusted to develop a solution and provide guidance to v1 and v2 developers. May still have trouble with more difficult architectural solutions but, with a little guidance, they understand and will remember the decisions they made and WHY for future projects.

4.0: Understands patterns and sees patterns within user stories. Starting to explore methodologies, architectures and approaches to  software development. Learning has begun to transcend language and technology. Constructs and deconstructs applications from their requirements in her head. Can see abstractly, how patterns fit together and how different x-driven designs can be applied to different situations. Is a decently versed Polyglot. Understands the nuances of different systems and methodologies. Good Senior programmer. Will easily be able to help v2 and v3 programmers to push themselves to the next level.

5.0: Thinks in terms of systems. Can still get down into the bowels of any system and rescue it from total code rot, but is much more valuable in making teams cohesive and preventing code rot. Can easily see when a v1-4 programmer might be starting to derail in their designs and can keep a team of developers motivated and excited about creating software solutions. Leads by example. Is always hungry for new and easier ways to accomplish development tasks. Can easily be trusted to run the entire IT department if they are required to. Good Senior Developer or Architect.

OK. So those are my thoughts. I didn't really edit these or spend a lot of time revising the definitions. Anyone got extras to add? changes to mine? I'd like to make this a group-think project. I know people have been trying to do this from the beginning of time. I have no delusions that this will become an ISO standard for identifying developer competency. But we should at least be thinking about it. What are YOUR versions? I want to challenges dev bloggers to write a blog about THEIR thoughts on developer versioning.


BTW - I see myself as a v4 programmer, working REAL hard to live up to my v5 responsibilities. :)


【6月25日 CSDN 付江/编译】国外开发者博客中有一篇有趣的文章,将程序员按水平像软件版本号那样划分为不同的版本。相对于在招聘时分为初级,中级,高级程序员,直接表明需要某种语言N版本的程序员或许更方便直接。根据作者的观点,可将WEB开发者大致分为以下几个版本:



Pre Version 1 (0.1):比Beta版的开发者水平要高。熟悉HTML,开始了解CSS是如何运作的,懂一点JavaScript,但还是基于业余水准,逐步开始关心动态站点搭建和数据库连接的知识。这个版本的WEB开发人员还远不能成为雇主眼中的香饽饽。

1.0: 能够基本把控整个站点开发,针对每个问题尽可能的找到最直接的解决办法。但对可测性,可扩展性以及在不同(层)框架下如何选择最合适的WEB设计工具尚无概念。这个版本的WEB开发者有良好的技术基础,需要有进一步的帮助和指导。






posted on 2008-06-28 11:07  好大一树  阅读(508)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
