(转)Cortex-M3 (NXP LPC1788)之UART用法
根据计算,当PLCK=60M,波特率为115200,数据位为8,停止位为1,无校验,则DLL = 22, DLM =0, DivAddVal =1, MulVal = 2 ,线性控制寄存器中的值为0x3。
- #define CCLK 120000000
- #define PCLK 60000000
- #define rFIO1DIR (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098020))
- #define rFIO1MASK (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098030))
- #define rFIO1PIN (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098034))
- #define rFIO1SET (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098038))
- #define rFIO1CLR (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x2009803c))
- #define rISER0 (*(volatile unsigned*)(0xE000E100))
- #define rCLKSRCSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC10C)) //时钟源选择寄存器
- #define rPLL0CON (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC080)) //PLL0控制寄存器
- #define rPLL0CFG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC084)) //PLL0配置寄存器
- #define rPLL0STAT (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC088)) //PLL0状态寄存器
- #define rPLL0FEED (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC08C)) //PLL0馈送寄存器
- #define rPLL1CON (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0A0))
- #define rPLL1CFG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0A4))
- #define rPLL1STAT (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0A8))
- #define rPLL1FEED (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0AC))
- #define rCCLKSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC104)) //CPU时钟选择寄存器
- #define rUSBCLKSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC108)) //USB时钟选择寄存器
- #define rPCLKSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC1A8)) //外设时钟寄存器
- #define rPCON (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0C0))
- #define rPXCONP (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0C4))
- #define rSCS (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC1A0)) //系统控制和状态寄存器
- #define rCLKOUTCFG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC1C8))
- #define rIOCON_P0_10 (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4002C028))
- #define rIOCON_P0_11 (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4002C02C))
- #define rPCONP (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0C4))
- #define rU2LCR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4009800C))
- #define rU2FDR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098028))
- #define rU2DLL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098000))
- #define rU2DLM (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098004))
- #define rU2TER (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098030))
- #define rU2THR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098000))
- #define rU2RBR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098000))
- #define rU2FCR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098008))
- #define rU2IIR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098008))
- #define rU2LSR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098014))
- #define rU2IER (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098004))
- #define rU2ACR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098020))
- void UART2_IRQHandler()
- {
- unsigned int intId;
- char tmp_char;
- intId = rU2IIR&0xf;
- rU2THR = intId;
- if(intId == 0xc || intId == 0x4) //RDA或者CTI中断
- {
- rU2LCR &= ~(0x1<<7); //DLAB=0
- tmp_char = rU2RBR&0xff;
- rU2THR = tmp_char;
- }
- intId = rU2IIR&0xf;
- rU2THR = intId;
- if(tmp_char == 0xa5)
- rFIO1PIN |= (1<<18);
- elseif(tmp_char == 0x5a)
- rFIO1PIN &= ~(1<<18);
- }
- void SystemInit()
- {
- rSCS &= ~(0x1<<4); //频率12M
- rSCS |= (0x1<<5); //使能主振荡器
- while(0 == (rSCS & (0x1<<6)));//等待主振荡器稳定
- rCLKSRCSEL = 0x1;
- rPLL0CFG = 0x9; //配置CCLK = 120M
- rPLL0CON = 0x01;
- rPLL0FEED = 0xAA;
- rPLL0FEED =0x55;
- while(0 == (rPLL0STAT & (0x1<<10)));
- rCCLKSEL = (0x1 | (0x1<<8));
- rPCLKSEL = 0x2; //配置PCLK = 60M
- rCLKOUTCFG = 0x0 | (0xb<<4) | (0x1<<8);
- }
- void Init_Uart2()
- {
- rPCONP |= 0x1<<24; //使能UART2功率控制
- rIOCON_P0_10 = (rIOCON_P0_10 & (~0x7)) | 0x1; //P0.10 P0.11做UART2的发送和接收管脚
- rIOCON_P0_11 = (rIOCON_P0_11 & (~0x7)) | 0x1;
- rU2LCR |= 0x1<<7; //DLAB=1
- rU2FDR = 1 | 2<<4; //波特率设置115200
- rU2DLM = 0;
- rU2DLL = 22;
- rU2LCR &= ~(0x1<<7); //DLAB=0
- rU2LCR |= 0x3; //8位数据位,无校验,1个停止位
- rU2TER |= 0x1<<7; //使能串口2的发送
- rU2IER |= 0x1; //使能串口2的接收中断
- rU2FCR |= 0x1; //复位FIFO,设置接收1个字符触发中断
- rU2FCR |= 0x1<<1 | 0x1<<2;
- rISER0 |= 0x1<<7; //使能串口2中断
- }
- void Uart2SendC(char c)
- {
- rU2THR = c & 0xff;
- while(!(rU2LSR&(0x1<<5))); //等待rU2THR中的数据发送完成,防止数据溢出
- }
- void Uart2SendS(char *s)
- {
- while(*s)
- {
- Uart2SendC(*s);
- s++;
- }
- }
- int main(void)
- {
- char str[] = {"\n\r1, Display the U2IIR[3:0] + Data + U2IIR[3:0]\n\r2, Send 0x5a ---> Turn on the LED\n\r3, Send 0xa5 --->Turn off the LED\n\r"};
- rFIO1DIR |= (1<<18); //GPIO1.18 -> OUTPUT
- Init_Uart2();
- Uart2SendS(str);
- while(1);
- }
#define CCLK 120000000 #define PCLK 60000000 #define rFIO1DIR (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098020)) #define rFIO1MASK (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098030)) #define rFIO1PIN (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098034)) #define rFIO1SET (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x20098038)) #define rFIO1CLR (*(volatile unsigned*)(0x2009803c)) #define rISER0 (*(volatile unsigned*)(0xE000E100)) #define rCLKSRCSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC10C)) //时钟源选择寄存器 #define rPLL0CON (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC080)) //PLL0控制寄存器 #define rPLL0CFG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC084)) //PLL0配置寄存器 #define rPLL0STAT (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC088)) //PLL0状态寄存器 #define rPLL0FEED (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC08C)) //PLL0馈送寄存器 #define rPLL1CON (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0A0)) #define rPLL1CFG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0A4)) #define rPLL1STAT (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0A8)) #define rPLL1FEED (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0AC)) #define rCCLKSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC104)) //CPU时钟选择寄存器 #define rUSBCLKSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC108)) //USB时钟选择寄存器 #define rPCLKSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC1A8)) //外设时钟寄存器 #define rPCON (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0C0)) #define rPXCONP (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0C4)) #define rSCS (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC1A0)) //系统控制和状态寄存器 #define rCLKOUTCFG (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC1C8)) #define rIOCON_P0_10 (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4002C028)) #define rIOCON_P0_11 (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4002C02C)) #define rPCONP (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x400FC0C4)) #define rU2LCR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x4009800C)) #define rU2FDR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098028)) #define rU2DLL (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098000)) #define rU2DLM (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098004)) #define rU2TER (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098030)) #define rU2THR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098000)) #define rU2RBR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098000)) #define rU2FCR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098008)) #define rU2IIR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098008)) #define rU2LSR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098014)) #define rU2IER (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098004)) #define rU2ACR (*(volatile unsigned *)(0x40098020)) void UART2_IRQHandler() { unsigned int intId; char tmp_char; intId = rU2IIR&0xf; rU2THR = intId; if(intId == 0xc || intId == 0x4) //RDA或者CTI中断 { rU2LCR &= ~(0x1<<7); //DLAB=0 tmp_char = rU2RBR&0xff; rU2THR = tmp_char; } intId = rU2IIR&0xf; rU2THR = intId; if(tmp_char == 0xa5) rFIO1PIN |= (1<<18); else if(tmp_char == 0x5a) rFIO1PIN &= ~(1<<18); } void SystemInit() { rSCS &= ~(0x1<<4); //频率12M rSCS |= (0x1<<5); //使能主振荡器 while(0 == (rSCS & (0x1<<6)));//等待主振荡器稳定 rCLKSRCSEL = 0x1; rPLL0CFG = 0x9; //配置CCLK = 120M rPLL0CON = 0x01; rPLL0FEED = 0xAA; rPLL0FEED =0x55; while(0 == (rPLL0STAT & (0x1<<10))); rCCLKSEL = (0x1 | (0x1<<8)); rPCLKSEL = 0x2; //配置PCLK = 60M rCLKOUTCFG = 0x0 | (0xb<<4) | (0x1<<8); } void Init_Uart2() { rPCONP |= 0x1<<24; //使能UART2功率控制 rIOCON_P0_10 = (rIOCON_P0_10 & (~0x7)) | 0x1; //P0.10 P0.11做UART2的发送和接收管脚 rIOCON_P0_11 = (rIOCON_P0_11 & (~0x7)) | 0x1; rU2LCR |= 0x1<<7; //DLAB=1 rU2FDR = 1 | 2<<4; //波特率设置115200 rU2DLM = 0; rU2DLL = 22; rU2LCR &= ~(0x1<<7); //DLAB=0 rU2LCR |= 0x3; //8位数据位,无校验,1个停止位 rU2TER |= 0x1<<7; //使能串口2的发送 rU2IER |= 0x1; //使能串口2的接收中断 rU2FCR |= 0x1; //复位FIFO,设置接收1个字符触发中断 rU2FCR |= 0x1<<1 | 0x1<<2; rISER0 |= 0x1<<7; //使能串口2中断 } void Uart2SendC(char c) { rU2THR = c & 0xff; while(!(rU2LSR&(0x1<<5))); //等待rU2THR中的数据发送完成,防止数据溢出 } void Uart2SendS(char *s) { while(*s) { Uart2SendC(*s); s++; } } int main(void) { char str[] = {"\n\r1, Display the U2IIR[3:0] + Data + U2IIR[3:0]\n\r2, Send 0x5a ---> Turn on the LED\n\r3, Send 0xa5 --->Turn off the LED\n\r"}; rFIO1DIR |= (1<<18); //GPIO1.18 -> OUTPUT Init_Uart2(); Uart2SendS(str); while(1); }
posted on 2012-09-26 19:14 tdyizhen1314 阅读(5492) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报
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