




Out of the box android video player base on ijkplayer 0.8.8 (for flutter please visit GPlayer)

this project is total refactor of GiraffePlayer to support in ListView/RecyclerView and improve the performance,all player tasks do in worker thread.

release history

download demo apk (~700kb)


  1. base on ijkplayer,support RTMP , HLS (http & https) , MP4,M4A etc.
  2. gestures for volume control
  3. gestures for brightness control
  4. gestures for forward or backward
  5. fullscreen by manual or sensor (with animation)
  6. try to replay when error(only for live video)
  7. specify video scale type
  8. support in ListView/RecyclerView (in Activity or Fragment)
  9. never block UI thread
  10. support select track
  11. support float window
  12. support lazy load (download player on demand,increase apk size only about 180K)
  13. easy to custom media controller (without change this project source code)
posted @ 2019-07-17 19:31  tc310  阅读(2064)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报