温故知新,基于播客形式学习英语之EnglishPod 365, Elementary集合51-60(音频、原文、讲解)



Enishpod是一家公司叫做Praxis Language推出的收费讲座,相比较ESLPod, EnishPod为常速。Enishpod极具趣味性,两位主持人Marco和Amira的讲解很生动幽默,完全有别于新概念类型听力的乏味。同时,Enishpod分了不同的难度级别,基础较差可以先选择B级和C级。

51. The Weekend - What a Bargain!(C0051)








A: Hello. May I help you?
B: Yeah, this dress is really nice! How much is it?
A: That one is a hundred and fifty dollars.
B: A hundred and fifty dollars? What about this other one over here?
A: That's a hundred and forty.
B: Hmm... that's a bit out of my price range. Can you give me a better deal?
A: This is an exclusive design by DaMarco! It's a bargain at that price.
B: Well, I don't know. I think I'll shop around.
A: Okay, okay, how about a hundred dollars?
B: That's still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take both dresses?
A: Okay, I can give you a special discount, just because you seem like a nice person. A hundred and ninety for both.
B: I don't know... It's still a bit pricey... Thanks anyway.
A: Okay, my final price! One hundred dollars for both! That's two for the price of one. That's my last offer!
B: Great! You've got a deal!

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • price range:价格范围,用于描述消费者的预算。
  • bargain:划算的交易,常用于购物时强调优惠。
  • exclusive design:独家设计,用于突出商品的特别之处。
  • discount:折扣,表示降低价格。
  • pricey:价格昂贵的,非正式用语。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • May I help you?:用于店员询问顾客是否需要帮助的开场白。
  • How much is it?:询问商品价格的常用句式。
  • Can you give me a better deal?:礼貌地提出希望降价的请求。
  • I think I'll shop around.:表示暂时不买,并会到其他地方比较价格。
  • You've got a deal!:确认达成交易的表达。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 讨价还价的文化:在许多文化中,尤其是街头市场或小型商店,讨价还价是一种常见现象。
  • 强调独特性:商家通过“exclusive design”突出商品的独特性以吸引顾客。
  • 谈判策略:商家从高价开始,然后逐渐降价,反映了购物中常见的谈判技巧。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 礼貌请求:如“Can you give me a better deal?”,展示了如何礼貌地提出希望降价的请求。
  • 强调句型:如“It's a bargain at that price.”用来强调商品的性价比。
  • 非正式表达:如“pricey”,用于描述价格高昂但不正式。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • That's a bit out of my price range.:礼貌地表达商品超出预算。
  • What if I take both dresses?:通过提出打包购买的方式进行谈判。
  • That's my last offer!:用于强调商家不愿再进一步降价。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 语气变化:B的语气从兴奋到犹豫再到满意,反映了讨价还价的过程。
  • A的让步:A通过逐步降低价格,语气中带有妥协的态度。
  • 停顿与犹豫:如“I don't know...”,表现了顾客的不确定性,意在争取更低价格。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • still:如“That's still more than I wanted to spend.”,表示某种状态的持续。
  • anyway:如“Thanks anyway.”,用于礼貌结束对话。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 价格谈判的接受度:在一些国家(如美国的品牌商店)不常讨价还价,而在其他地方(如亚洲市场)非常普遍。
  • 强调性价比:商家用“bargain”等词强调商品的物有所值,以吸引顾客。
  • 客户忠诚的争取:通过称顾客为“nice person”等表达方式,商家试图拉近关系并促成交易。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟购物对话:一个人扮演顾客,另一个人扮演店员,练习如何用英语询价和讨价还价。
  • 设计谈判策略:通过角色扮演学习如何提出合理的降价请求,如“What if I buy more?”。
  • 模拟结束对话:用“Thanks anyway.”或“You've got a deal!”结束交易。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 礼貌表达拒绝:如“I think I'll shop around.”,既不显得唐突又表达了意向。
  • 谈判技巧:通过逐步让步的方式,如“Okay, my final price!”,学习如何在谈判中平衡利益。
  • 情绪管理:通过“That's still more than I wanted to spend.”学习如何表达不满但保持礼貌。



52. Daily Life - Pizza Delivery(C0052)








A: Good evening, Pizza House. This is Marty speaking. May I take your order?
B: Um yes… I'd like a medium pizza with pepperoni, olives, and extra cheese.
A: We have a two-for-one special on large pizzas. Would you like a large pizza instead?
B: Sure, that sounds good.
A: Great! Would you like your second pizza to be the same as the first?
B: No, make the second one with ham, pineapple and green peppers. Oh, and make it thin crust.
A: Okay, thin crust. Your total is $21.50 and your order will arrive in thirty minutes or it's free!
B: Perfect. Thank you. Bye...
A: Sir, wait!! I need your address!

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • take your order:接受订单,用于服务行业。
  • pepperoni:意大利辣香肠,披萨常见配料。
  • olives:橄榄,一种流行的披萨配料。
  • extra cheese:额外奶酪,常用于强调口味偏好。
  • thin crust:薄底披萨,表示披萨的面饼类型。
  • two-for-one special:买一送一优惠,常见促销活动。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • May I take your order?:用于服务员询问顾客订单的开场白。
  • Would you like…?:提供选择的礼貌表达。
  • Your total is $21.50.:清楚地告知总金额。
  • Your order will arrive in thirty minutes or it's free!:用时间保证吸引顾客的营销语句。
  • Wait! I need your address!:幽默提醒,强调完整沟通的重要性。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 披萨点单的个性化选择:对话中展示了如何根据个人口味调整配料,体现了西方快餐文化的灵活性。
  • 促销活动:提到的“two-for-one special”反映了美国快餐行业常见的促销方式。
  • 送餐时间保证:如“thirty minutes or it’s free”,显示了顾客服务的重要性。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 礼貌用语:如“May I take your order?”和“Would you like…?”,体现了服务语言的礼貌性。
  • 选择与确认:如“Would you like your second pizza to be the same as the first?”,用于确认顾客的订单细节。
  • 幽默提醒:如“Wait! I need your address!”,通过幽默传递关键信息。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • Make it thin crust.:简洁地表达特定要求。
  • Oh, and…:用于添加额外信息或要求。
  • Perfect. Thank you. Bye.:结束电话的礼貌方式。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 服务员的耐心与引导:通过语气和提问方式表现出对顾客需求的关注。
  • 顾客的临时改变:如“No, make the second one with…”,展示灵活的决策。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • thirty minutes:具体时间承诺,用于表示送餐时间。
  • or it’s free!:强调时间保证,增加对顾客的吸引力。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 自由组合的披萨文化:点单过程中强调个性化选择,与一些文化中的固定菜单形成对比。
  • 时间效率的保证:美国快餐文化中对时间承诺的重视。
  • 幽默交流:对话结尾用幽默的方式提醒顾客提供完整信息。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟点餐对话:一个人扮演顾客,另一个人扮演服务员,练习如何清楚表达需求。
  • 设计促销活动:练习用“two-for-one special”等句式吸引顾客。
  • 添加细节要求:通过“Make it thin crust.”等句式模拟真实情境。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 清楚表达需求:学习如何通过“I’d like…”清晰地表达订单。
  • 礼貌结束对话:如“Perfect. Thank you. Bye.”,展示友好的沟通技巧。
  • 应对遗忘与失误:通过“Wait! I need your address!”学习如何幽默补救。



53. The Weekend - Head Chef(C0053)








A: ...Right away sir, your order will be ready shortly. Jean Pierre, we have another special for table seven!
B: I'm working as fast as I can! We're really in the weeds! Where is my sous chef? Luc! I need you to peel more potatoes. Marie, chop some onions and carrots for the stew.
A: Jean Pierre another special! We're really packed tonight! We're running low on wine. Is there any left in the cellar?
C: Sorry I'm late, everyone. Wow, we are really doing well tonight!
B: Harry, stop talking and get over here I need this sauce stirred and the fish needs to be butchered and buttered.
C: Ok, I'm on it!
A: Jean Pierre, table seven has requested to see the chef! I think they are food critics from Cuisine Magazine.

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • special:特餐,餐厅为当日特别准备的菜品。
  • sous chef:副厨师长,协助主厨的重要角色。
  • stew:炖菜,西餐中常见的一种菜品。
  • butcher:屠宰或切割,厨房中的专业术语。
  • cellar:酒窖,用于储藏酒类。
  • critics:评论家,指餐厅中品鉴菜品的人。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • Right away, sir.:立即回应顾客需求的礼貌表达。
  • We’re really in the weeds!:表示非常忙碌或陷入困境的非正式表达。
  • Is there any left in the cellar?:用于询问库存状况的常用句式。
  • Stop talking and get over here!:高压环境中直接下达指令。
  • Table seven has requested to see the chef.:传达顾客要求的礼貌表达。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 厨房文化:对话展示了厨房中快速决策、高效协作的重要性。
  • 餐饮行业的压力:用“we’re really in the weeds”形象地描述了繁忙的工作状态。
  • 食物评论文化:提到的“Cuisine Magazine”反映了评论家对餐厅的重要影响。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 命令句式:如“Peel more potatoes.”和“Chop some onions.”,体现厨房中直接、简洁的沟通方式。
  • 非正式表达:如“We’re really packed tonight.”,用于描述繁忙场景。
  • 专业术语:如“butcher”和“cellar”,展示了餐饮行业特定的词汇。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • Where is my sous chef?:用疑问句表述紧急需求。
  • We’re running low on wine.:描述物资短缺的状况。
  • Get over here!:一种高效的命令,用于催促行动。
  • Food critics from Cuisine Magazine.:突出顾客身份的重要性。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 忙碌的语气:如“I’m working as fast as I can!”,反映了厨师的紧张感。
  • 任务分配的直接性:通过“Marie, chop some onions.”展示了厨房工作中的明确分工。
  • 顾客的特殊身份:提到“food critics”暗示厨师需要更高标准的表现。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • Right away:立即行动,用于表示快速响应。
  • shortly:很快,用于表达即将发生的时间点。
  • we’re running low:描述当前的物资消耗情况。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 厨房工作文化:与某些文化中更松散的工作节奏不同,西方餐厅厨房常表现出高度的紧张感和效率。
  • 顾客至上:顾客要求见主厨时,员工迅速响应,体现了服务业的“顾客优先”理念。
  • 团队协作:分工明确,强调每个人的职责。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 厨房命令模拟:练习用直接句式分配任务,如“Chop some onions.”。
  • 模拟与顾客互动:通过“Table seven has requested to see the chef.”练习传达顾客需求。
  • 紧张场景再现:用“We’re really in the weeds!”等句式模拟高压环境中的沟通。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 高效指令传达:通过简洁命令学习如何在紧急情况下快速表达需求。
  • 回应顾客请求:如“Right away, sir.”学习如何礼貌且迅速地回应。
  • 处理压力场景:通过对话模拟,提高在压力下清晰表达的能力。



54. Intermediate - I'm Sorry, I Love You V(C0054)








A: Honey, of course I forgive you! I love you so much! I've really missed you. I was wrong to get upset over nothing.
B: I'm sorry I haven't called or anything, but right after you decided you wanted a break, I was called up north to put out some major forest fires! I was in the middle of nowhere, working day and night, trying to prevent the blaze from spreading! It was pretty intense.
A: Oh, honey, I'm glad you're okay! But I have some exciting news... I think I'm pregnant!
B: Really? Wow, that's amazing! This is great news! I've always wanted to be a father! We'll go to the doctor first thing in the morning!
C: We have your test results back and, indeed, you are pregnant. Let's see here... everything seems to be in order. Your approximate due date is October twenty-seventh two thousand and nine, so that means that the baby was conceived on February third, two thousand and nine.
B: Are you sure? Are these things accurate?
C: Well, yes sir, they are.
A: What's wrong? Why are you asking these questions?
B: This baby isn't mine! I was away the first week of February at a training seminar!
A: I... I... no, it can't be...

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • forgive:原谅,用于表达宽恕或化解矛盾。
  • blaze:大火,通常指大型火灾。
  • intense:紧张的、剧烈的,描述某种情绪或环境。
  • pregnant:怀孕的,与医疗场景密切相关。
  • conceived:受孕,用于描述怀孕的时间点。
  • seminar:研讨会,表示某种正式的学习或培训场合。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • I forgive you!:用于表达宽恕,常见于情感对话。
  • I'm sorry I haven't called or anything.:表示歉意并解释原因。
  • This is great news!:用于表达对某事的喜悦。
  • Are these things accurate?:询问某事是否可靠或准确。
  • It can't be...:表示震惊或难以置信。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 对话中的情感冲突:夫妻间的交流体现了亲密关系中的复杂性。
  • 职业责任感:提到“forest fires”和“training seminar”反映了职业对生活的影响。
  • 医生的专业性:医生以客观、精准的方式传达信息,反映了医疗领域的沟通方式。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 时态的使用:如“I was called up north”用过去时描述过去的事件。
  • 情绪化表达:如“Oh, honey, I'm glad you're okay!”用于表达担忧后的欣慰。
  • 医学术语:如“test results”和“due date”是医疗场景中的常见表达。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • I was in the middle of nowhere.:强调地理位置偏远,增加叙述的戏剧性。
  • everything seems to be in order.:用于医学报告或正式场合中表示一切正常。
  • Are you sure?:表达对信息的怀疑或需要确认。
  • no, it can't be...:表现了惊讶和否认。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • B的疑问:通过“Are you sure?”显示出不信任和疑惑。
  • A的紧张:通过重复“I... I... no”传递焦虑和否认。
  • 情绪的转折:从兴奋(怀孕的消息)到怀疑(时间矛盾)的情绪变化。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • approximate due date:用于医学场合,表示预计的分娩日期。
  • first thing in the morning:表示“第二天一早”。
  • February third, two thousand and nine:展示用具体日期表达重要事件。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 直白的沟通方式:医生明确告知受孕日期,反映了西方文化中医疗领域的信息透明。
  • 时间线的重要性:通过受孕时间和事件冲突展示了逻辑分析的重要性。
  • 家庭关系的情感交流:夫妻对话反映了情感与事实的碰撞。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟情感对话:练习“I forgive you”和“I'm sorry”的表达方式。
  • 医疗场景模拟:练习医生与患者之间的交流,如“Your test results are back.”。
  • 冲突情景再现:通过“This baby isn't mine!”练习如何在情感对话中表达震惊。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 安慰和化解冲突:通过“I was wrong to get upset over nothing.”学习如何道歉和修复关系。
  • 清晰地询问问题:如“Are these things accurate?”展示了如何用礼貌的方式表达怀疑。
  • 有效表达震惊:学习用“It can't be...”自然表达情绪。



55. Intermediate - Hockey(C0055)








A: Hello everyone! I'm Rick Fields, and here with me is Bob Copeland.
B: Howdy folks, and welcome to today's game! You know, Rick, today is a key game between Russia and Canada. As you know, the winner will move on to the finals.
A: That's right, and it looks like we're just about ready to start the match. The ref is calling the players for the face-off... and here we go! The Russians win possession and immediately set up their attack! Federov gets checked hard into the boards!
B: Maurice Richard has the puck now, and passes it to the center. He shoots! Wow what a save by the goalie!
A: Alright, the puck is back in play now. Pavel Bure is on a breakaway! He is flying down the ice! The defenders can't keep up! Slap shot! He scores.
B: What an amazing goal!

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • face-off:冰球比赛中开球或争球的动作。
  • possession:控球权,指某队持有球的时间。
  • checked:撞击,冰球比赛中合法的身体对抗动作。
  • boards:场边的挡板,保护球员的区域。
  • breakaway:突破,指球员单刀直入的进攻。
  • slap shot:大力射门,冰球比赛中的一种射门方式。
  • goalie:守门员,负责守护球门的球员。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • Welcome to today’s game!:体育赛事的开场欢迎词。
  • What a save by the goalie!:用于赞扬守门员的精彩表现。
  • The puck is back in play now.:表示比赛重新开始。
  • He scores!:用来解说进球时的经典短语。
  • What an amazing goal!:用于赞叹精彩进球。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 冰球的重要性:对话中提到的加拿大和俄罗斯,是冰球领域的两大强国,冰球对这两个国家的文化具有重要意义。
  • 比赛节奏的紧张感:解说中快速切换的场景展示了冰球比赛的高速节奏。
  • 体育解说的热情:英语解说中常使用夸张语气和词汇来渲染比赛气氛。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 现在时的使用:如“The ref is calling the players”和“He shoots!”,反映了现场解说常用现在时表达即将发生或正在发生的动作。
  • 强调语气:如“Wow what a save”和“What an amazing goal!”,通过感叹词增强解说的感染力。
  • 动态动词:如“checked”和“flying down the ice”,形象地描述动作和场景。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • Set up their attack:表示组织进攻。
  • Federov gets checked hard into the boards:具体描述身体对抗的动作和结果。
  • Pavel Bure is on a breakaway:用来描述单刀突进的场景,突出动作的紧张感。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 语气变化:解说员通过语气高低展示不同的比赛时刻,如进球时语气激昂。
  • 节奏的快慢:通过快速描述(如“Slap shot! He scores!”)增强比赛的紧张感。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • just about ready to start:表示比赛即将开始。
  • back in play:表示比赛重新进行。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 冰球解说的热情:英语解说风格通常充满激情和生动描述,这种方式与一些语言中较平淡的解说形成对比。
  • 运动员名字的强调:如“Maurice Richard”和“Pavel Bure”,突出明星球员的重要性。
  • 进攻与防守的平衡:冰球比赛注重快速进攻和激烈防守,这在对话中得到了充分体现。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟解说:一人扮演解说员,练习用“He shoots! He scores!”等短语描述比赛。
  • 动作描述练习:用“checked into the boards”和“set up their attack”描述具体比赛动作。
  • 讨论比赛:两人角色扮演,用“What a save!”和“What an amazing goal!”赞美比赛中的精彩表现。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 快速反应:通过解说场景,练习如何快速描述正在发生的动作。
  • 增强语调:学习如何通过夸张语气让语言更具感染力。
  • 互动交流:如“Howdy folks, and welcome to today’s game!”,学习如何热情地与观众互动。



56. Daily Life - Planning a Bank Robbery(C0056)








A: All right, so this is what we are going to do. I've carefully mapped this out, so don't screw it up. Mr.Rabbit, you and Mr.Fox will go into the bank wearing these uniforms. We managed to get replicas of the one the guards wear when they pick up the money.
B: Got it.
C: No problem, boss.
A: When you get inside, tell them that you are filling in for Carl and Tom, and say that they are on another route today. Don't lose your cool. Just act natural.
B: What if they want to call and confirm?
A: You let him.
C: What!?
A: Don't worry, we have the phones tapped, so the call will be patched through to me, and I'll pretend to be the transport company.
B: Ha ha, you are so clever boss!
A: Okay, shut up. Only take as much money as you can fit in these bags. Don't get greedy! Are you ready? Let's go.

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • mapped out:详细规划,用于描述周密的计划。
  • replica:复制品,通常指某物的精准复制。
  • fill in for:顶替,表示临时代替某人完成工作。
  • lose your cool:失去冷静,用于表达保持镇定的重要性。
  • phones tapped:窃听电话,通常与犯罪或侦查相关。
  • patched through:接通,用于描述电话或通信的连接。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • Don't screw it up.:非正式表达,用于强调不要搞砸。
  • Just act natural.:提醒别人保持自然,不要表现出异常。
  • What if they want to call and confirm?:用于假设可能发生的情况。
  • Don't get greedy!:提醒别人不要贪心,保持适度。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 电影情节中的对话:这类对话常见于电影或小说,模拟犯罪分子的对话方式。
  • 团队合作的语言:对话中包含了许多团队合作中的分工与指令。
  • 强调保持冷静:如“act natural”和“lose your cool”,体现了在紧张情境中保持冷静的重要性。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 命令和提醒句式:如“Don't screw it up.”和“Don't get greedy!”,用于清晰传达指令。
  • 假设句式:如“What if they want to call and confirm?”,用于讨论可能发生的情况。
  • 幽默与夸奖:如“You are so clever boss!”,通过幽默的方式表达对某人的赞赏。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • We managed to get replicas.:展示了如何表达成功完成某项任务。
  • Only take as much money as you can fit in these bags.:用具体的条件限制行为。
  • Don't lose your cool.:强调在关键时刻保持冷静的重要性。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 语气的强势:A通过指令性语言表现了团队领导的身份。
  • 幽默与服从:B和C的回答(如“Got it.”和“Ha ha, you are so clever boss!”)显示了对A的支持和幽默的氛围。
  • 紧张与组织性:对话节奏紧凑,反映了任务的紧张感。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • filling in for Carl and Tom:表示时间上的替代安排。
  • on another route today:用来描述当前的工作安排。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 团队分工的细致:A详细安排了每个人的任务,反映了西方文化中注重计划和分工的特质。
  • 强调冷静和自然:在高压情况下的冷静表现是许多英语表达中的共同主题。
  • 幽默的表达:通过轻松的语气缓解对话的紧张感,是西方对话中的常见风格。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟任务分配:一个人扮演A分配任务,其他人扮演执行者,练习使用“Don't screw it up”等句式。
  • 处理突发情况:通过“What if they want to call and confirm?”学习如何应对假设情景。
  • 幽默回应:练习用“You are so clever boss!”等句子增加对话的轻松氛围。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 清晰指令的传达:如“Only take as much money as you can fit in these bags.”,强调明确表达任务的重要性。
  • 提出问题的方式:如“What if...”,学习如何提出潜在问题。
  • 团队互动:通过幽默和简洁的回答学习如何在团队中积极沟通。



57. The Office - Malfunction(C0057)








A: Hey Carl, can you make a copy of this contract for me please? When you have it ready, send it out ASAP to our subbranch.
B: Sure! Um... I think I broke this thing. Maxine, can you help me out here? I'm not really a tech guy.
C: Yeah, sure. I think it's just out of toner. You can go use the other one upstairs. On your way up, can you fax this while I try and fix this thing?
B: Sure! Dammit! Everything in this office seems to be breaking down! I'll send this stupid fax later. Oh great! Is someone playing a practical joke on me? This is ridiculous!
D: The elevator has some sort of malfunction. Just take the stairs dude. What floor are you going to?
B: I have to go up fifteen floors! Never mind. Made it! There is the copier! NO!!!!!!

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • contract:合同,用于工作文件的术语。
  • ASAP:尽快(As Soon As Possible)的缩写,在工作环境中常见。
  • subbranch:分支机构,常用于公司结构的描述。
  • toner:墨粉,复印机或打印机的耗材。
  • malfunction:故障,描述机器或设备的问题。
  • practical joke:恶作剧,用于描述戏弄他人的行为。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • Can you make a copy of this?:用于请求复印文件。
  • Can you help me out here?:请求帮助的礼貌表达。
  • I think it's just out of toner.:用于解释设备故障的原因。
  • Everything in this office seems to be breaking down!:表达对问题的抱怨。
  • Just take the stairs dude.:非正式建议,用于替代选项。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 办公室设备的常见问题:如打印机缺墨、传真机失灵、电梯故障等,反映了日常工作中的典型场景。
  • 幽默与抱怨的结合:对话中的语气包含了轻松的抱怨和自嘲。
  • 团队协作:B向C请求帮助,反映了办公室中同事之间的协作关系。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 命令式与请求句式:如“Can you make a copy?”和“Can you fax this?”,体现了办公室中的常见交流。
  • 感叹表达:如“Dammit!”和“This is ridiculous!”,用于表达不满或惊讶。
  • 动作描述:如“On your way up, can you fax this?”展示了如何在句子中加入附加任务。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • Everything in this office seems to be breaking down!:强调问题的普遍性。
  • Is someone playing a practical joke on me?:幽默地表达对不顺利情况的怀疑。
  • Never mind. Made it!:展示坚持后的成果。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 语气的变化:B从请求帮助到表达抱怨,语气逐渐变得急躁。
  • 幽默与戏剧性:对话中包含对问题的夸张描述,如“NO!!!!!!”。
  • 团队成员的支持:C和D通过建议和帮助展示了团队合作。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • ASAP:常用于强调任务的紧迫性。
  • on your way up:表示顺路的时间安排。
  • later:展示延迟任务的表达。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 直接请求帮助:如“Can you help me out here?”,显示了英语中直接表达需求的常见方式。
  • 轻松幽默的抱怨:如“Is someone playing a practical joke on me?”,将负面情绪以轻松的方式表达。
  • 电梯文化与楼层概念:提到爬十五层楼,强调了办公环境中的实际问题。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟设备故障:一个人扮演需要帮助的人,另一个人扮演提供建议或帮助的同事。
  • 情绪表达练习:通过“Dammit!”和“This is ridiculous!”练习如何表达不满但保持轻松。
  • 任务分配与请求:练习用“On your way up, can you fax this?”等句式分配额外任务。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 提出请求:学习如何用“Can you help me out?”表达需求。
  • 处理问题的语言:如“I think it's just out of toner.”提供具体建议。
  • 应对不满情绪:通过“This is ridiculous!”学习如何在语言中表达情绪而不过分。



58. Daily Life - This Is Your Captain Speaking(C0058)








A: And the next thing you know, we're running towards the... Oh... Did you feel that?
B: Yeah, don't worry about it; we're just going through a bit of turbulence.
C: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. It looks like we've hit a patch of rough air, so we're going to have a bit of a bumpy ride for the next several minutes, and...
A: This why I hate flying... Oh!
C: At this time, I'd like to remind all of our passengers to fasten their seat belt sand remain seated until the fasten seat belt sign is turned off. Please ensure that all cabin baggages carefully stowed under the seat in front of you. I'll be back back to update you in a minute.
A: Did you hear that? Brent!
B: Don't worry about it. This is totally normal. It happens all the...
C: Ah, ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain again. We've got quite a large patch of rough air ahead of us, so for your safety, we will be suspending in-flight service. I would ask all in-flight crew to return to their seats at this time. I would also like to ask that all our passengers refrain from using the lavatory until the seat belt sign has been switched off We can expect...

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • turbulence:颠簸,飞行过程中常见的气流问题。
  • fasten seat belt:系好安全带,航空安全常用语。
  • cabin baggage:机舱行李,用于指随身行李。
  • stowed:存放,通常指将行李放到指定位置。
  • lavatory:洗手间,在航空场景中使用较为正式的词。
  • in-flight service:机上服务,包括提供餐饮、饮料等。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • This is your captain speaking.:飞机上机长广播的标准开场白。
  • We’ve hit a patch of rough air.:描述遇到颠簸的情况。
  • Please ensure that all cabin baggage is carefully stowed under the seat.:用于提醒乘客将行李放好。
  • For your safety, we will be suspending in-flight service.:说明因安全原因暂停服务。
  • Refrain from using the lavatory.:礼貌请求乘客暂时不要使用洗手间。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 航空安全的重要性:广播中多次强调安全措施,体现了航空行业对乘客安全的重视。
  • 机长的专业性:通过冷静和详细的广播让乘客感到安心。
  • 颠簸的常见性:对话中提到“this is totally normal”,表明气流颠簸是常见的飞行现象。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 条件句式:如“until the fasten seat belt sign is turned off”,用于描述条件发生时的动作。
  • 礼貌提醒:如“I would ask all our passengers to refrain...”,用委婉语气表达要求。
  • 动词的被动语态:如“is stowed under the seat”,强调动作完成的状态。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • A bit of a bumpy ride:轻描淡写地描述颠簸,缓解乘客紧张。
  • I’ll be back to update you in a minute.:机长广播中常见的结束语,给乘客一种被持续关注的感觉。
  • Suspend in-flight service:特定场景中暂停服务的正式表达。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 机长语气的镇定:广播通过语气表达了冷静和专业,缓解乘客的紧张。
  • 乘客的反应:如“Oh! Did you feel that?”和“This is why I hate flying.”展示了乘客的恐惧和担忧。
  • 重复广播:通过再次广播提醒乘客安全的重要性,体现了对突发情况的应对。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • in a minute:短时间内,用于描述很快会再次更新信息。
  • at this time:当前时间点,常用于正式场合。
  • until the seat belt sign is turned off:强调某事件持续到某个时间点。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 安全意识:西方航空公司广播中频繁提到安全措施,而某些文化可能更强调舒适性。
  • 机长与乘客的互动:通过多次广播与乘客沟通,展现了以人为本的服务理念。
  • 颠簸的接受度:部分乘客能坦然接受颠簸(如“this is totally normal”),而另一部分可能更容易感到紧张。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟机长广播:练习用“This is your captain speaking.”等句式进行广播。
  • 乘客对话模拟:练习乘客之间的对话,如表达担忧或安慰他人。
  • 安全提醒情景:用“Please fasten your seat belts.”等句式练习提醒他人安全。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 安抚他人:通过“Don’t worry about it.”练习如何安慰对方。
  • 正式的广播语言:学习如何用“I would like to remind...”等句式传达信息。
  • 处理紧急情况:学习用冷静的语气和清晰的表达传递关键信息。



59. Advanced - Job Interview I(C0059)








A: Okay, so let's go over everything one more time. I really want you to get this job!
B: I know! It's an amazing growth opportunity! They're true industry leaders, and it would be so interesting to be part of an organization that is the undisputed leader in business process platform development.
A: So, let's see, you did your research on the company, right?
B: Well, I visited their website and read up on what they do. They're an IT service company that offers comprehensive business solutions for large corporations. They provide services such as CRM development, and they also offer custom-designed applications.
A: So what would your role in the company?
B: Well, the position is for an account manager. That basically means that I would be the link between our and our development team.
A: Sounds good, and so, why do you want to work with them?
B: Well, as I said they're the industry leaders, they have a really great growth strategy, amazing development opportunities for employees, and it seems like they have strong corporate governance. They're all about helping companies grow and unleashing potential. I guess their core values and mission really resonated with me. Oh, and they offer six weeks' vacation, stock options and bonuses... I'm totally going to cash in on that.
A: You idiot! Don't say that! Do you want this job, or not?

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • growth opportunity:成长机会,常用于描述职业发展的潜力。
  • industry leaders:行业领军者,用于描述某公司在行业中的地位。
  • business process platform:业务流程平台,技术领域的专业术语。
  • CRM development:客户关系管理开发,与公司业务相关。
  • corporate governance:公司治理,描述企业管理的结构和原则。
  • stock options:股票期权,福利待遇的一种形式。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • Let's go over everything one more time.:表明需要复习或检查内容。
  • I really want you to get this job!:鼓励对方的表达。
  • That basically means...:解释具体内容的表达方式。
  • Why do you want to work with them?:面试中常见的开放式问题。
  • Their core values and mission really resonated with me.:用于表达对公司文化的认同。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 强调公司文化:如“core values and mission”和“helping companies grow and unleashing potential”,在西方面试中,面试官非常关注应聘者是否了解公司文化。
  • 福利的重要性:提到“six weeks' vacation, stock options and bonuses”,反映了求职者对福利待遇的关注。
  • 研究公司的重要性:通过“I visited their website and read up on what they do”体现了提前了解公司信息的重要性。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 礼貌与正式表达:如“I guess their core values and mission really resonated with me.”,避免直接提到个人利益。
  • 专业术语的使用:如“CRM development”和“business solutions”,显示对行业的了解。
  • 幽默与错误:如“I'm totally going to cash in on that.”幽默但不适合在正式场合使用。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • They’re true industry leaders.:增强语气,强调公司地位。
  • It would be so interesting to be part of an organization...:展示对工作的兴趣。
  • I visited their website and read up on what they do.:说明如何获取公司信息。
  • Amazing development opportunities for employees.:突出公司对员工成长的支持。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 语气中的支持和批评:如“You idiot! Don’t say that!”,反映对不当回答的强烈反应。
  • 鼓励与提醒:通过重复检查和问题帮助应聘者做好准备。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • six weeks’ vacation:描述时间长度,用于福利说明。
  • one more time:强调再次检查或练习。
  • for the next several minutes:模糊时间表达。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 对公司文化的关注:在西方,面试官通常希望求职者对公司文化和愿景有深刻理解。
  • 过度谈论福利的风险:如“I’m totally going to cash in on that.”,可能被认为是缺乏职业动机。
  • 准备面试的重要性:提前研究公司网站和相关信息是西方求职文化中的重要部分。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟面试对话:练习面试官和应聘者之间的互动,使用如“Why do you want to work with them?”的问题。
  • 练习自我介绍:通过“That basically means...”描述自己的角色或职责。
  • 错误应对练习:练习如何优雅地纠正不恰当的回答。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 展示职业热情:通过“It would be so interesting to be part of an organization...”表达对工作的兴趣。
  • 避免谈论个人利益:学习避免直接提到如“stock options and bonuses”等内容。
  • 合理准备面试:通过“I visited their website and read up on what they do.”展示自己对公司和行业的了解。



60. Daily Life - New Guy in Town IV(C0060)








A: All right, drag her over here, and help me tie her up.
B: I can't believe she fell for it! She is a lot more gullible than I thought!
A: Well, you gotta admit, my acting was brilliant!
B: Whatever. I was the one that convinced her to come. Look, she's waking up.
C: What's going on? Ellen? What are you doing?
A: The cat's out of the bag, you witch! You can stop pretending, now!
B: Yeah Lois, we know who you are! Now, we want some answers! Why are you here?
C: Fools! You don't know who you're dealing with! You can't stop me!
B: Run!

1. 重点词汇 (Key Words)

  • drag:拖动,常用来形容移动某物或某人。
  • tie up:绑起来,指用绳子固定某人或某物。
  • gullible:容易上当的,形容人轻信的性格。
  • brilliant:出色的,常用于形容演技或想法。
  • witch:女巫,有时用于比喻不受欢迎的人。
  • the cat’s out of the bag:秘密揭穿,俚语表达。

2. 常用语句 (Common Phrases)

  • I can't believe she fell for it!:表示惊讶某人相信了谎言或陷阱。
  • You gotta admit...:用于强调某个观点或事实。
  • What's going on?:常用的询问场景或状况的表达。
  • We know who you are!:表明已掌握某人的身份。
  • You don’t know who you’re dealing with!:表达威胁或强调对方低估了某人。

3. 文化点 (Cultural Insights)

  • 戏剧化的对话风格:这类对话常见于电影或电视剧,注重情节发展和角色互动。
  • 幽默与悬疑结合:如“The cat's out of the bag”既形象又有趣,增加了对话的感染力。
  • 角色反转:从轻松的语气到紧张的冲突,展现了戏剧冲突的特点。

4. 语言点 (Language Insights)

  • 过去时的使用:如“I can't believe she fell for it!”,描述过去发生的事情。
  • 俚语与比喻:如“The cat's out of the bag”,学习如何用生动的语言表达复杂的情感或事件。
  • 命令句式:如“Run!”,用于紧急情况下的指令。

5. 细节用语和表达 (Detailed Expressions)

  • help me tie her up:请求帮助的具体表达。
  • my acting was brilliant:用于描述自己的出色表现。
  • You can stop pretending, now!:直接要求对方停止伪装。
  • We want some answers!:表明强烈的需求或要求。

6. 非语言表达的暗示 (Non-verbal Cues)

  • 语气中的紧张感:如“Run!”传达了紧急和恐惧的情绪。
  • 角色的戏剧性变化:从嘲讽到惊慌,展示了情绪和态度的转变。
  • 对话的断句和重复:如“Fools! You don’t know who you’re dealing with!”,增强了语言的戏剧效果。

7. 时间表达的学习 (Time Expressions)

  • now:强调当前时间,用于加剧紧张感。
  • waking up:正在醒来,用现在进行时描述动作的过程。

8. 常见的文化差异 (Common Cultural Differences)

  • 幽默感的使用:通过“my acting was brilliant”等句式展示幽默的互动方式。
  • 冲突的语言表达:如“We want some answers!”直接但不失礼貌。
  • 角色刻画的鲜明性:通过语言和行为,表现了角色性格和立场。

9. 对比和情景剧的学习 (Role-Playing for Practice)

  • 模拟角色对话:一人扮演质问者,另一人扮演被质问者,练习如“We know who you are!”等句式。
  • 练习俚语表达:通过“The cat's out of the bag”等俚语,学习生动表达方式。
  • 情境模拟:通过“Run!”等紧张指令,练习在高压场景中的语言应用。

10. 交际技能 (Communication Skills)

  • 如何质问:通过“Why are you here?”学习直截了当的询问方式。
  • 表达威胁或强调:通过“You don’t know who you’re dealing with!”学习在对抗中使用的语言。
  • 幽默与自信结合:如“my acting was brilliant”展示了幽默与自信的表达方式。




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