乘风破浪,遇见最美Windows 11之新微软商店(Microsoft Store)生态 - 官方应用集锦
什么是微软商店(Microsoft Store)
微软商店(Microsoft Store
),前身是Windows Store,是微软自Windows8系统推出以来,为Windows系统用户提供一个统一应用安装下载更新体验的平台,经过Window8、Windows10、Windows11三大系统版本的打磨,逐渐成为Windows系统使用者首选的应用获取及更新平台。
在Windows10阶段,商店主要是接纳并提供UWP(Universal Windows Platform
)应用的提交和安装,随着Windows11的发布,微软全面拥抱开发者生态,正在逐步支持Win32应用、PWA应用、Android应用的提交和安装,拉开了微软商店(Microsoft Store
微软作为微软商店(Microsoft Store
)生态的建设者,也是积极的贡献者,其内部也有多个产品全面上架微软商店(Microsoft Store
- 微软商店(Microsoft Store)
- Windows 闹钟和时钟(Windows Alarms & Clock)
- 画图(Paint)
- 画图3D(Paint 3D)
- 记事本(Windows Notepad)
- 邮件和日历(Mail and Calendar)
- Microsoft 照片(Microsoft Photos)
- Windows 计算器(Windows Calculator)
- Microsoft 白板(Microsoft Whiteboard)
- Microsoft To Do: Lists, Tasks & Reminders
- Cortana
- Xbox
- Windows 相机(Windows Camera)
- 应用安装程序(App Installer)
- Microsoft Sudoku
- Microsoft Edge浏览器(Microsoft Edge Browser)
- Windows Terminal
- Windows Terminal Preview
- 截图和草图(Snip & Sketch)
- OneNote
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Community 2019
- OneDrive
- Windows Subsystem for Android™
- React Native Gallery
- Microsoft Flight Simulator
- SizeBench
- Bing Webmaster Tools
- PowerShell Preview
- PowerShell
- HEVC 视频扩展
- 3D Builder
- XAML Controls Gallery
- Microsoft PowerToys
- MSIX Packaging Tool
- Surface Audio
- Windows Web Experience Pack
- 你的手机(Your Phone)
- 电影和电视(Movies & TV)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package
- Microsoft 365 个人版
- Bing COVID-19 Tracker
- 微软必应词典
- Windows Subsystem for Linux
- 反馈中心(Feedback Hub)
- Xbox Game Bar
- Microsoft Defender Application Guard Companion
- Microsoft Defender Preview
- Microsoft Defender
- Media Player(Groove音乐)
- Power BI Desktop
- AltspaceVR
- Microsoft Mesh App
- Notifications Visualizer
- Microsoft Teams
- 快速助手
- Windows File Recovery
- Windows Voice Recorder
- Clipchamp
微软商店(Microsoft Store)
首当其冲的当然就是微软商店(Microsoft Store
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XRy4PxH1dOoEbLcVlnFMKg 提取码: gd66
Windows 闹钟和时钟(Windows Alarms & Clock)
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mG0OyJIDcwZtDNVlSsGz7w 提取码:e8wb
画图3D(Paint 3D)
记事本(Windows Notepad)
30多年来,“记事本”一直是Windows中的一款快速、简单的文本编辑器,现在可在Microsoft Store中购买! 立即查看、编辑和搜索纯文本文档和源代码文件。
邮件和日历(Mail and Calendar)
邮件和日历应用帮助你随时把握电子邮件最新动向、管理日程安排,并与你最关心的人保持联络。这些应用适合在工作和生活中使用,帮你快速沟通,关注所有帐户中的重要信息。支持Office 365、Exchange、Outlook.com、Gmail、Yahoo! 和其他常用帐户。
Microsoft 照片(Microsoft Photos)
查看和编辑你的照片和视频、制作电影和创建相册。尝试视频合成以便用所选的照片和视频即时创建视频。使用视频编辑器进行微调 - 更改滤镜、文本、相机运动、音乐等。你甚至可以在视频中添加翩翩蝴蝶、激光或爆炸等魔幻般的3D效果。
Windows 计算器(Windows Calculator)
Microsoft 白板(Microsoft Whiteboard)
Microsoft To Do: Lists, Tasks & Reminders
- 通过“我的一天”保持专注 - 它是一个包含推荐任务的个性化的每日规划器
- 通过任意设备随身携带列表
- 与朋友、家人、同事和同班同学共享列表和任务
- 创建采用颜色编码的列表
- 设置一次性的或重复的截止日期和提醒
- 将任务分解成可管理的步骤
- 向任意任务添加备注
- 向任意任务附加高达 25 MB 的文件
- 在 Outlook 与微软待办之间同步任务
Cortana现在有更新的基于聊天的用户界面,可在其中键入或单击麦克风按钮,以自然语言说出请求。在Windows Cortana中,你可以使用必应答案和与Cortana聊天来查找本地信息,并跟踪最新新闻、天气和财务更新。
必须立即使用工作或学校帐户或 Microsoft 帐户登录,然后才能使用 Cortana。Cortana 现可更新存储,有望在未来的更新中查看新功能和生产力方案。
通过Windows 10电脑的全新Xbox应用程序,游玩您喜爱的游戏。通过Xbox Game Pass从高品质电脑游戏的游戏库浏览目录、查看推荐游戏,并探索下一款您最爱的游戏。查看好友们正在游玩的游戏,并通过Xbox主机、手机和电脑与他们交谈。 您也可以从Microsoft Store购买电脑游戏大作、DLC 和附加内容,所有愿望一次满足。
Windows 相机(Windows Camera)
“相机”应用比以往更快且更简单。只需对准并拍摄即可在运行 Windows 10 的任何电脑或平板电脑上自动拍摄出色的图片。
- 在录制视频时,可根据需要随时暂停和恢复 -“相机”应用可以自动将片段拼结成一个视频,方便你跳过无聊的部分,仅捕获重要内容。
- 使用计时器进行自拍。
- 使用框架网格进行完美的图片构图。
- 将你的照片自动备份到 OneDrive,以便从任何设备(包括你的手机)访问它们。
应用安装程序(App Installer)
适用于Windows 10的Microsoft 应用安装程序可轻松旁加载Windows 10应用: 只需双击应用包,无需运行PowerShell即可安装应用。应用安装程序会显示应用名、发布者、版本、显示徽标等程序包信息,以及应用要求的功能。可直接使用该应用,无需耗费任何精力。另外,如果安装无法运行,已设计的错误消息可帮助你解决问题。此应用程序当前仅适用于台式电脑。
Microsoft Sudoku
Microsoft Sudoku展现出了十足的魅力!全新难度级别,四(4)种主题供您选择,还有每日挑战及全新不规则和破冰模式,或许您再也不想回到经典的游戏模式之中了。清新的配色,数百个大脑训练谜题,让您保持敏锐的思维。快来以自己的节奏进行游戏,或是努力向宗师之路进发吧!
Microsoft Edge浏览器(Microsoft Edge Browser)
Microsoft Edge是性能卓越的Windows 10浏览器。Microsoft Edge内置的多个工具可轻松改善浏览体验,让你保持顺畅的工作,在购物时节省资金,同时更安全地上网。
Windows Terminal
Windows 终端程序是一款新式、快速、高效、强大且高效的终端应用程序,适用于命令行工具和命令提示符,PowerShell和WSL等Shell用户。主要功能包括多个选项卡、窗格、Unicode、和 UTF-8字符支持,GPU 加速文本渲染引擎以及自定义主题、样式和配置。
Windows Terminal Preview
This is the preview build of the Windows Terminal, which contains the latest features as they are developed. The Windows Terminal is a modern, fast, efficient, powerful, and productive terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL. Its main features include multiple tabs, panes, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated text rendering engine, and custom themes, styles, and configurations.
This is an open source project and we welcome community participation. To participate please visit https://github.com/microsoft/terminal
截图和草图(Snip & Sketch)
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is a free, lightweight, and extensible code editor for building web, desktop, and mobile applications, using any programming language and framework.
Visual Studio Code has built-in support for Git source control management and powerful integrations with GitHub, an integrated debugger, and smart code completion with IntelliSense and with AI-driven IntelliCode. With over 30,000 extensions and themes in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, you can customize the features and the look of Visual Studio Code to fit your needs, preferences, and style.
You can use Visual Studio Code to build any kind of app, for web, desktop, and mobile. Visual Studio Code supports JavaScript and TypeScript natively and offers extensions for coding in languages such as Python, Java, C/C++, C#, Go, Rust, PHP, and many more.
Visual Studio Community 2019
Visual Studio Community 2019 is a fully featured, extensible, free integrated development environment for creating modern applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux as well as web applications, cloud services, and games. Code in C#, Visual Basic, F#, C++, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and more. Leverage built-in tools for designing, editing, analyzing, debugging, testing, and deploying code to any platform.
随时随地使用Microsoft OneDrive完成更多工作。从 Windows 10 phone、计算机(PC 或 Mac)或所使用的任何设备找到并分享你的文档、照片和其他文件。随时随地使用 Office 移动应用保持工作高效并与其他人进行协作。适用于 Windows 10 的 OneDrive 应用使你可以在出行和忙碌时轻松处理个人和工作文件。
- 使用免费的联机存储保存和分享文件。
- 在WordExcel、PowerPoint和OneNote等Office应用中快速打开和保存OneDrive文件。
- 使用自动标记可轻松查找照片。
- 共享最喜爱的照片和视频的专辑。
Windows Subsystem for Android™
Microsoft Confidential – For testing purposes – Please do not take screenshots or communicate about the content.
React Native Gallery
React Native Gallery is a React Native Windows application which displays the range of React Native components with Windows support. To learn more about developing with React Native Windows, visit https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-windows.
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises. From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed and stunning aircraft in an incredibly realistic world. Create your flight plan and fly anywhere on the planet. Enjoy flying day or night and face realistic, challenging weather conditions.
SizeBench is a utility that analyzes PDB information to help you optimize and reduce the size of your binaries (DLLs, EXEs, and other PE files).
Bing Webmaster Tools
The official Microsoft Bing Webmaster app. With the Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools app, you can view analytics for your site, learn about SEO issues and tips, and submit your latest content to Bing. This powerful suite of tools can enhance your website's search presence on Bing and other search engines.
PowerShell Preview
PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.
PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps system administrators and power-users rapidly automate task that manage operating systems (Linux, macOS, and Windows) and processes.
HEVC 视频扩展
在 Windows 10 设备上的任何视频应用中播放高效率视频编码(HEVC)视频。这些扩展旨在利用某些较新设备(例如配备 Intel 第 7 代 Core 处理器和较新 GPU 的设备)上的硬件功能支持 4K 和 Ultra HD 内容。对于没有硬件支持 HEVC 视频的设备,将提供软件支持,但播放体验可能会因视频分辨率和电脑性能而有所不同。这些扩展还允许你在没有基于硬件的视频编码器的设备上对 HEVC 内容进行编码。
3D Builder
使用 3D Builder 查看、创建和个性化 3D 对象。
下载多种 3D 文件,并使用一系列功能强大而又易于使用的工具对其进行编辑。使用网络摄像头拍摄照片,并将其三维化。通过在它们上面对你的名字应用浮雕效果来个性化 3D 对象,或通过将模型和部件组合在一起进行创新。使用简单的形状从头生成。
XAML Controls Gallery
This app demonstrates all of the Xaml and Windows UI library controls available to make a Fluent Windows 10 app. To learn more about the Windows UI library and how you can integrate it into your application, visit: https://aka.ms/winui
Microsoft PowerToys
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows 10 experience for greater productivity. https://aka.ms/getpowertoys
MSIX Packaging Tool
MSIX Packaging tool enables you to repackage your existing classic applications to MSIX format. You can run your desktop application installers through this tool and obtain an MSIX package that you can install on your machine or upload to the Microsoft Store.
Surface Audio
The Surface Audio app is the companion to Surface Earbuds and Surface Headphones. Update your earbuds and headphones, and customize settings to get the most out of them.
Windows Web Experience Pack
Windows Web Experience Pack
你的手机(Your Phone)
电影和电视(Movies & TV)
“电影和电视”让你可以通过一个简单、快速、典雅的应用来欣赏最新的娱乐内容。你可以使用此应用浏览和播放从Microsoft Store租借和购买的电影和电视节目,还可以通过此应用播放和管理个人集锦中的视频。
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package
Microsoft 365 个人版
借助Microsoft 365个人版,你可以:
- 在Word、Excel和Power Point中使用智能协助功能,并访问数以百计的高级模板、照片、图标和字体
- 使用One Drive跨设备保存和共享文件及照片
- 在One Drive和Outlook中体验高级安全保护
- 在多达5台设备上同时使用订阅
- 在整个订阅期间,无需支付额外的费用,即可通过聊天或电话联系支持人员
Bing COVID-19 Tracker
Bing COVID-19 Tracker has real-time statistics, news and videos about coronavirus, trusted information from reliable sources about the coronavirus disease. You can save locations that you want to track for easy access. This tool is a great resource for getting the latest information about coronavirus.
微软必应词典Win10版是微软官方出品的英汉/汉英词典,全面支持Windows 10 PC、手机、Surface以及Xbox平台。
Windows Subsystem for Linux
Windows Subsystem for Linux lets developers run a GNU/Linux environment -- including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications -- directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dual boot setup.
反馈中心(Feedback Hub)
Xbox Game Bar
按下Win+G以使用Xbox Game Bar,这是内置于Windows 10的可自定义游戏覆盖工具。Xbox Game Bar适用于大多数电脑游戏,使您能够即时访问小组件,以便进行屏幕捕获和共享、使用 LFG 查找新团队成员,以及跨 Xbox 主机、移动设备和电脑与 Xbox 好友聊天 - 所有这些操作都不需要退出您的游戏。
Microsoft Defender Application Guard Companion
Microsoft Defender应用程序防护通过在隔离的Microsoft Edge浏览窗口中打开不受信任的网站,帮助保护你的设备免受高级攻击。应用程序防护使用基于硬件的独特隔离方法,在通过 Hyper-V 虚拟化技术与操作系统分离的轻量级容器中打开不受信任的网站。如果不受信任的网站被证明是恶意网站,它将保留在应用程序防护的安全容器中,从而保护设备和设备数据。此浏览器扩展伴侣应用可确保不受信任的站点在应用程序防护的隔离环境中安全打开。
Microsoft Defender Preview
Microsoft Defender Preview: your personal defense against cyberthreats.
Now in preview, Microsoft Defender helps protect your data and devices from malicious threats. Easily manage your online security in one centralized view, with industry-leading cybersecurity for you, your family, and your devices. Stay safer with real-time notifications, security tips, and recommend steps that help keep you ahead of hackers and scammers for your peace of mind.
To get started with the preview,* download the app and login with your personal Microsoft account. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you can create one for free at https://account.microsoft.com/account/.
*No subscription is required for Microsoft Defender Preview. In the future, Microsoft Defender will require a Microsoft 365 Family or Personal subscription.
Microsoft Defender
Microsoft Defender有助于保护数据和设备免受恶意威胁。在一个集中式视图中轻松管理在线安全,为你和你的家人及设备提供行业领先的在线保护。通过实时通知、安全提示和建议步骤,让你比黑客和诈骗者领先一步,保证安全、更加安心。
Microsoft Defender需要Microsoft 365家庭版或Microsoft 365个人版订阅。
Media Player(Groove音乐)
微软重新设计了Media Player,让用户在Windows 11上更愉快地收听和观看多媒体内容,新版Media Player会显示用户的本地音乐和视频收藏,并与Windows 11的新外观相得益彰。
微软表示,新版Media Player的核心是一个功能齐全的音乐库,可让用户快速浏览和播放音乐,以及创建和管理播放列表。如果用户的音乐收藏在Groove音乐中,那么音乐库和播放列表将自动迁移。新版Media Player将取代Groove音乐应用。
Power BI Desktop
Power BI Desktop 让视觉对象分析触手可及。使用这一功能强大的创建工具,可以创建交互式数据可视化效果和报表。
无论是数据连接、混合和建模,还是数据可视化,样样都很在行。可将视觉对象精确置于所需的位置,并分析和研究数据,同时还能将内容发布到 Power BI Web 服务,与团队共享这些内容。
AltspaceVR is the premier place to attend live shows, meetups, cool classes, and more with friendly people from around the world. Experience a wide variety of events where you can learn, laugh, and gather with people on every major VR headset. Attend hundreds of community events every week like: Open Mic Night, Improv Comedy, Meditation, Current Events, LGBTQ+ Meetups, VR Church and more. Easily start your own meetup, show or class and discover the next frontier of entertainment and community.
AltspaceVR 是用于实时混合现实体验的领先平台。 AltspaceVR 允许艺术家、创意者、品牌和企业轻松创建自己的虚拟事件。 此社交应用允许世界各地的人员通过真正的状态显示来进行实时连接和合作。 富有吸引力的头像,吸引眼睛联系人、空间音效和沉浸式虚拟环境,使人们在海洋的情况下也能与他们一起合作。 与经验、内容和社区的交集,AltspaceVR 是 live 音乐会、会议、喜剧节目、音乐节、技术讨论、团队会议、远程协作等方面的主要位置。
目前,AltspaceVR 允许在单个空间中 copresent 多组人员。 FrontRow 技术允许受众缩放到数千。
Microsoft Mesh App
Microsoft Mesh App for HoloLens 2 enables a feeling of presence and shared experiences from anywhere. Interact as if you’re face-to-face – even when you’re not. You’ll see 3D content that’s persistent and can be collaborated on spatially. This mutual understanding ignites ideas, sparks creativity and forms powerful bonds.
Notifications Visualizer
使用这个应用程序来帮助设计Windows 10/11的自适应实时磁贴和交互式吐司。
该应用程序在编辑时提供您的磁贴或吐司的即时视觉预览,类似于Visual Studio的XAML编辑器/设计视图。你的有效载荷也会被检查出错误,确保你创建一个有效的有效载荷。
开发人员在考虑向他们的应用程序添加实时磁贴时,会发现Notifications Visualizer非常有用。Visualizer提供了一种简单的方法来创建和测试自适应磁贴的有效载荷,而无需编辑和部署你自己的应用程序。一旦你创建了一个具有完美视觉效果的有效载荷,你就可以将该有效载荷整合到你自己的应用程序中(关于从代码中生成通知有效载荷,请查看NotificationsExtensions)。
Notifications Visualizer预装了一些样本有效载荷,以展示自适应的可能性。
此外,你甚至可以在Build 10240和10586之间翻转,立即看到你的磁贴在两个不同的版本上的表现!
Use this app to help design adaptive live tiles and interactive toasts for Windows 10.
The app provides instant visual previews of your tile or toast while editing, similar to Visual Studio's XAML editor/design view. Your payload is also checked for errors, ensuring you create a valid payload.
Developers will find Notifications Visualizer useful when they are looking at adding live tiles to their app. The Visualizer provides an easy way to create and test adaptive tile payloads, without having to edit and deploy your own app. Once you've created a payload with the perfect visual results, you can then integrate that payload into your own app (for generating notification payloads from code, check out NotificationsExtensions).
Notifications Visualizer comes pre-loaded with a number of sample payloads to showcase what's possible with adaptive.
With the Visualizer, you can experiment with all the different text options, groups/subgroups, background images, etc. And you can even see how the tile "adapts" to different devices, like tablets or phones, where more content can be displayed. After you've made changes, you can save your updated payload to a file for future use.
Plus, you can even flip between builds 10240 and 10586 to instantly see how your tile behaves on the two different versions!
Note: The Visualizer is a replication of Start, and is not 100% accurate (and also does not support some payload properties like baseUri). Pin the tile to Start to verify your tile looks as expected.
The editor also provides real-time errors and warnings. For example, your payload must be less than 5 KB in size (a platform limitation). The Visualizer will warn you if your payload exceeds that. It will also give you warnings about incorrect attribute names or values, helping you debug why your tile isn't appearing correctly.
You can also control base tile properties like display name, color, logos, and ShowName properties. And you can set a badge value too. All of these options help you instantly understand how your tile properties and tile notification payloads interact, and the results they produce.
Microsoft Teams
Whether you’re working with teammates on a project or planning a weekend activity with loved ones, Microsoft Teams helps bring people together so that they can get things done. It’s the only app that has chats, meetings, files, tasks, and calendars in one place—so you can easily connect with people and bring plans to life. Get family and friends together to manage tasks at home or plan a surprise birthday party. Work with teammates via secure meetings, document collaboration, and built-in cloud storage. You can do it all in Microsoft Teams.
If you are a Windows 10 user, you’ll be able to download and access the Teams app for personal or work and school accounts from the Microsoft Store. If you are a Windows 11 user, you can only download the Teams app for work and school accounts from the Store. To download the Teams app for personal use, please visit this page https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2187217
Windows File Recovery
Currently available for Windows 10 2004 and above.
Accidentally deleted an important file? Wiped clean your hard drive? Unsure of what to do with corrupted data? Windows File Recovery can help recover your personal data.
For photos, documents, videos and more, Windows File Recovery supports many file types to help ensure that your data is not permanently lost.
Recovering from a camera or SD card? Try Signature mode, which expands beyond NTFS recovery and caters to your storage device needs. Let this app be your first choice for helping to find what you need from your hard drive, SSD (*limited by TRIM), USB drive, or memory cards.
Visit aka.ms/winfrhelp for the user guide.
微软的这款Windows File Recovery已经上架了Window商店了,它支持多种文件系统(比如NTFS、exFAT、FAT、ReFS),可对多种文件格式(比如照片、视频、文档等等)进行恢复。无论想要恢复SSD、HDD还是U盘、SD卡的各种文件,WindowsFileRecovery都可以发挥作用。
Windows File Recovery提供三种恢复模式,分别是Windows File Recovery普通、分段(segment mode)、签名(signature mode),各模式使用场景如下:
2)分段模式(segment mode):用于恢复已删除一段时间的文件,或者对已经格式化过的磁盘执行恢复操作;
3)签名模式(signature mode):针对FAT、exFAT、ReFS等文件系统恢复,此外如果其他恢复模式不顺利,也可用这个模式试一试。
需要注意的是,Windows File Recovery没有图形界面,需要通过命令行使用,但并不难。它的命令语法是:
而通过各种命令,Windows File Recovery还可以实现其他功能,例如支持通配符、恢复整个文件夹等等。关于各种命令,微软专门提供了一个命令说明网页,以便新手熟悉。网址如下:
简单来说,Windows File Recovery的功能和效果都相当不错。如果你实在不想用命令行,那么也可以使用基于Windows File Recovery打造的软件,例如傲梅出品的WinFR界面版,恢复数据更加简单!
Windows Voice Recorder
Record sounds, lectures, interviews, and other events. Mark key moments as you record, edit, or play them back.
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