MySQL读写分离又一好办法 使用 com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver
在用过Amoeba 和 Cobar,还有dbware 等读写分离组件后,今天我的一个好朋友跟我讲,MySQL自身的也是可以读写分离的,因为他们提供了一个新的驱动,叫 com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver
import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.Properties; import com.mysql.jdbc.ReplicationDriver; public class ReplicationDriverDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ReplicationDriver driver = new ReplicationDriver(); Properties props = new Properties(); // We want this for failover on the slaves props.put( "autoReconnect" , "true" ); // We want to load balance between the slaves props.put( "roundRobinLoadBalance" , "true" ); props.put( "user" , "foo" ); props.put( "password" , "bar" ); // // Looks like a normal MySQL JDBC url, with a // comma-separated list of hosts, the first // being the 'master', the rest being any number // of slaves that the driver will load balance against // Connection conn = driver.connect( "jdbc:mysql:replication://master,slave1,slave2,slave3/test" , props); // // Perform read/write work on the master // by setting the read-only flag to "false" // conn.setReadOnly( false ); conn.setAutoCommit( false ); conn.createStatement().executeUpdate( "UPDATE some_table ...." ); conn.commit(); // // Now, do a query from a slave, the driver automatically picks one // from the list // conn.setReadOnly( true ); ResultSet rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT a,b FROM alt_table" ); ....... } } |
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