1. Struct与类的区别: (1)结构是值类型,不是引用类型。 (2)结构可以继续接口,但是不可以继承类或结构。 (3)结构的构造方法的工作方式有所不同,只能声明带参数的构造方法,且不能声明析构方法。 (4)可以指定字段如何在内存中布局。(5) 使用。如下两种方法都可以。但是切记:方法一的话,"Users user;" 并没有调用构造函数初始化成员变量!!所以,总起来讲,还是方法二好!以下为M... 阅读全文
Visit Zain's MSDN blog to know the best summary of VS tips and tricks I have found on the internet until now! His bookmarks on that blog will ease you find your intended tips. And Sara Ford's Blog als... 阅读全文
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets Hello, one and all! This is my little how-to guide on network programming using Internet sockets, or "sockets programming", for those of you... 阅读全文
1. Tool -> Option -> source control. Specify the source control App. If you are using Perforce, then choose Perforce SCM.2. File -> source control: add solution / projects into source control... 阅读全文
Review Error Handling0. General Rules -We should pay more attention on assert usage and make it a part of the error/exception handling mechanism. -Attention: 异常是first-class的语言机制。代码分析工具可以识别出异常并进行各种监测或分... 阅读全文
When program run, each function(data, registers, program counter, etc) is mapped onto the stack as it is called. Because the function calls other functions, they too are mapped onto the stack. Thi... 阅读全文
A project's properties specify how a project is built and debugged.About how to build a project, it includes things like stack size, code optimization method, string pooling off/on, virtual address re... 阅读全文
First of first, one thing we need to know is that C# and CLR (actually C++/CLI) are all EMCA standards now. It means if you want, you can implement your version C# compiler, CLR on other platform. But... 阅读全文
If you know some C++ STL, you should know that we can pass in a function object when constructing a STL map, set, etc to let the container use that function to do comparison for its elements. Now what... 阅读全文
Our App is using custom performance counters working with MS perfMon.exe for performance monitoring / logging. So I take a quick look at MSDN about this domain classes for overview.System.Diagnostics ... 阅读全文