In order to support more flexible and powerful message box, MS provides task dialog API (A task dialog is similar to, while much more flexible than, a basic message box), by which we can create customized dialog box by configuration. So in practice, before writing your own, please give it a try whe. 阅读全文
参考维基百科0. 一些基本概念--(体会)空间换时间是进一步提高算法速度的最终方法,比如希尔排序和基数排序就是通过占用额外空间来获得比快速排序更快的速度。当然,空间换不换的到时间,也是要看你写的算法的水平的。--best, worst and average cases. In computer science, best, worst and average cases of a given algorithm express what the resource usage is at least, at most and on average, respectively. Usually 阅读全文