Use AQTime to find the bottleneck of program module

Here, I just note about how to use AQTime to find the bottleneck of a dll module.
    1. Create a new project. Set "Host Application", which is the execution module to load your dll. 
    Note: Release version application should be used.
    2. Add in all dll modules you want to profile.
    Note: Optimize version dlls must be used here in order to provide debug information.
    3. Disable profiling and run.
    4. After loading your dll in memory, enable profiling.
    5. Get result. And you can easily find out the bottleneck.
Just preliminary usage of AQTime.
posted @ 2007-10-29 19:18  能巴  阅读(234)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报