[Tip: project reference]Project Reference In VS

As we know, for .Net projects, it's obvious and clear to use "Add Reference.." to control project reference / dependency relationship. Do you know about it for C++? (below is extracted from VC++ Team Blog article)

"Project to Project references have existed ever since Visual Studio 6. However the term has evolved over the years. Native technologies used Project dependencies to define references prior to Visual Studio 8. With Visual Studio 8 native projects were able to define project to project references.

“Project to Project references” defines the mechanism in which Project A creates a reference to Project B, by which Project A consumes the output of Project B to deliver on its functionality. "


1. For .Net projects, use "Add Reference.."

2. For native C++ projects, use "Reference.." instead of Link->input page. 


posted @ 2010-05-14 15:38  能巴  阅读(482)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报