Reference Basic in Perl

Making References

References can be created in several ways.

By using the backslash operator on a variable, subroutine, or value. (This works much like the & (address-of) operator in C.) This typically creates another reference to a variable, because there's already a reference to the variable in the symbol table. But the symbol table reference might go away, and you'll still have the reference that the backslash returned. Here are some examples:

  1. $scalarref = \$foo;
  2. $arrayref = \@ARGV;
  3. $hashref = \%ENV;
  4. $coderef = \&handler;
  5. $globref = \*foo;

Using References

That's it for creating references. By now you're probably dying to
know how to use references to get back to your long-lost data. There
are several basic methods.

  1. Anywhere you'd put an identifier (or chain of identifiers) as part of a

    variable or subroutine name, you can replace the identifier with a
    BLOCK returning a reference of the correct type. In other words, the
    previous examples could be written like this:

    1. $bar = ${$scalarref};
    2. push(@{$arrayref}, $filename);
    3. ${$arrayref}[0] = "January";
    4. ${$hashref}{"KEY"} = "VALUE";
    5. &{$coderef}(1,2,3);
    6. $globref->print("output\n"); # iff IO::Handle is loaded
posted @ 2009-09-03 09:39  能巴  阅读(194)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报