[Tip]Project Setting Diff for C++/C#

1. VS project setting regards with platform

For native c++ project, there are debug | win32, debug | x64, release | win32, release | x64 configurations. Note:

"debug" / "release" can be renamed while "win32" / "x64" can't.

For .net project, the intended configurations should be debug | AnyCPU, debug | x64, release | AnyCPU, release | x64. AnyCPU matches win32 here.

More from MSDN about platform for C#:



  1. x86 将程序集编译为由兼容 x86 的 32 位公共语言运行时运行。

  2. Itanium 将程序集编译为由采用 Itanium 处理器的计算机上的 64 位公共语言运行时运行。

  3. x64 将程序集编译为由支持 AMD64 或 EM64T 指令集的计算机上的 64 位公共语言运行时运行。

  4. anycpu(默认值)将程序集编译为在任意平台上运行。

在 64 位 Windows 操作系统上:

  1. /platform:x86 编译的程序集将在运行于 WOW64 下的 32 位 CLR 上执行。

  2. /platform:anycpu 编译的可执行文件将在 64 位 CLR 上执行。

  3. /platform:anycpu 编译的 DLL 将在加载该进程的同一 CLR 上执行。

More about AnyCPU:

In .NET, the 'Platform Target: Any CPU' compiler option allows a .NET assembly to run as 64bit on a x64 machine, and 32bit on an x86 machine. It is also possible to force an assembly to run as x86 on an x64 machine using the 'Platform Target: x86' compiler option. 

2. C# project setting tips

a. Decide your target framework. If it's targeted to dotNet 3.5, you can add references of .net assembly from 1.0 to 3.5.

b. By default, resx's design.cs contains a internal class for visiting its resource. It's NOT public.


posted @ 2010-09-06 16:22  能巴  阅读(335)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报