About "Serious Error: No RTTI Data"

After I release the document from memeory, I forget to set NULL to the document pointer. Then later when trying to do dynamic_cast, above dialog pops up.
But It's not proved true by below code:
CTestSub* pSub = new CTestSub();
 delete pSub;
 /*pSub = NULL;*/ // comment it.
 CTestParent* pParent = dynamic_cast<CTestParent*>(pSub);

After executing above code, no such dialog pops up. It's reasonable in this case because although the memory is released, but the memory area can still be treated a CTestSub object occupied it. Definitely, casting it to its parent class is correct.

Note here, keeping on learning.
posted @ 2007-12-27 16:08  能巴  阅读(839)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报