powershell 发邮件
Send-MailMessage -Subject "主题" `
-From "你的hotmail账户@hotmail.com" -To "你的qq邮箱@qq.com" `
-SmtpServer "smtp.live.com" -Port 587 -UseSsl -Credential "你的hotmail账户@hotmail.com" `
-Attachments $附件 -BodyAsHTML -body $HTML邮件内容
1 用xxx@QQ.com + 你的qq密码 + 上述命令 发邮件是不行的。因为为了qq密码安全,腾讯要求独立的邮箱密码。
2 从qq邮箱发件,默认也不行。被关了,需要在设置中开启smtp。
3 powershell 3.0 和 以上 才支持port参数。对于win7,你需要先安装ps最新版
# 简单版
Send-MailMessage -Subject "powershell send Email" ` -From "taozXX@hotmail.com" -To "3845XX@qq.com" ` -SmtpServer "smtp.live.com" -Port 587 -UseSsl -Credential "taozXX@hotmail.com" ` -BodyAsHTML -body "powershell send Email from taozXX@hotmail.com to 3845XX@qq.com" #弹出密码框,填写hotmail密码
#-SmtpServer "smtp.office365.com" -Port 587 -UseSsl -Credential "taozXXX@hotmail.com" `
# 函数版,并且加了安全机制
# Write-Output 不要随便用,会有管道传递,Write-Host功能少,只是简单打印
function SendEmail { param ( $SmtpServer = 'smtp.office365.com', # This is the address of the Office 365 SMTP server we will be using. $SmtpPort = '587', #This is the Port of the Office 365 SMTP server we will be using. $SmtpUser = 'taoXXX@hotmail.com', # Specify your Office 365 User ID #$SmtpPassword = '', # Specify your Office 365 password, but not secure, more information belower $SmtpSecureFile = 'secure.file', # Specify your password secure.file, more secure $MailFrom = 'taoXXX@hotmail.com', # Specify the Source Email ID [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$MailTo, # Specify the users to which the mails should be sent. $MailTo = 't-shtao@microsoft.com' [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$MailSubject, # This is the Mail Subject line. $MailSubject = "powershell send Email by t-shtao" $MailBody, # This is the Mail body. $MailBody = "Hello <span style='font-weight:bold;'>Microsoft</span>.", $MailAttachments # This is the Mail attachments' file path. $MailAttachments = "C:\PBID-qs\attachments\attachment01.txt" ) # get Email secure password by [SecureString] [String]$SmtpPassword = SecurefileToString -SecureFile $SmtpSecureFile # make credentials by Email secure password $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $SmtpUser, $($smtpPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) # MailParameters setting $MailParameters = @{ Subject=$MailSubject From=$MailFrom To=$MailTo SmtpServer=$SmtpServer Port=$SmtpPort UseSsl=$true Credential=$Credentials BodyAsHtml=$true } # add html body if ($MailBody) { $MailParameters.Add('Body',$MailBody) } # add attachments if ($MailAttachments) { $MailParameters.Add('Attachments',$MailAttachments) } # send Email Send-MailMessage @MailParameters # send successfully. Write some information Write-Host "Send Successfully. SmtpServer:$SmtpServer, From:$MailFrom, To:$MailTo" } function StringToSecurefile { # [string]password convert to secure.file param ( $OrdinaryString, # the string need secure $SecureFile = 'secure.file' # storeage of secure string ) # string convert to file $OrdinaryString | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File -FilePath $SecureFile Write-Host "password has converted to $SecureFile" } function SecurefileToString { # secure.file convert to [string]password param ( $SecureFile = 'secure.file' # storeage of secure string ) # file convert to secure string $secureString = Get-Content -Path $SecureFile | ConvertTo-SecureString $ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode($secureString) $OrdinaryString = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($ptr) Write-Host "password has read" return $OrdinaryString } # make password's secure.file by visible password string. run only first # StringToSecurefile -OrdinaryString "password" -SecureFile "secure.file" # send Email, [Mandatoty]MailTo, [Mandatory]MailSubject, MailBody, MailAttachments SendEmail -MailTo "tXXX@microsoft.com" -MailSubject "powershell send Email" ` -MailBody "Hello <span style='font-weight:bold;'>Microsoft</span>." ` -MailAttachments "C:\PBID-qs\attachments\attachment01.txt"