
读书笔记《Professional ASP.NET Server Control and Component Development》

2013-01-18 11:56  朱峰(Peter.zhu)  阅读(238)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

《Professional ASP.NET Server Control and Component Development》


The ASP.NET 2.0 Framework introduced web developers to dozens of new server controls and components, and a greatly expanded and easier structure for writing their own server controls and components. Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development covers the breadth of server control functionality as well as the rest of the membership, role management, SchemaImporterExtension, and so on – the functionality referred to as components. Written for the experienced ASP.NET developer, Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development will show you how to write your first sever control or custom component.

The step-by-step coverage drills down to the details of the extensible part of the ASP.NET 2.0 Framework that you need to extend to write the specified type of custom control or component. Rather than present the extensible part as a black box, it presents a detailed step-by-step approach to implement functional replica of the extensible part, discusses the replica’s code in detail, and provides an in-depth coverage of the techniques, tools, and technologies used in the code. From there you get a detailed practical recipe for developing the specified type of custom control or component and book then uses the recipe to implement one or more real-world custom controls or components of the specified type that you can use in your own Web applications.

Some of the many types of controls and components you'll learn to build are:

  • Ajax-enabled controls and components: four chapters on Ajax discuss and use Ajax patterns, ASP.NET 2.0 client callback mechanism, CSS, DOM, XML, and JavaScript to implement a number of Ajax-enabled controls and components.
  • Web Parts: four chapters on Web Parts in ASP.NET 2.0 develop a number of custom WebPart, EditorPart, CatalogPart, WebPartZone, WebPartChrome, WebPartVerb, WebPartManager, and data-bound WebPart controls.
  • 5 chapters on ASP.NET 2.0 security, membership, and role management components
  • 5 chapters on ASP.NET 2.0 tabular and hierarchical data source controls and custom Parameter components
  • 4 chapters on ASP.NET 2.0 tabular data-bound controls and data control fields
  • Developing controls and components that can access any type of data store and automate all their data operations such as Delete, Update, Insert, and Sort.
  • XML Web service, WSDL, Google XML Web service API, SchemaImporterExtension, ISerializable, and CodeDom
  • XmlReader, XmlWriter, XPathNavigator, DOM, and XmlResolver
  • Provider-Based Services including how to implement a RSS service provider that can feed RSS from any type of data store such as SQL Server, file system, Web services, and so on
  • HTTP modules, HTTP handler factories, HTTP handlers, and control builders including developing an HTTP module and an HTTP handler factory that perform URL rewriting and an HTTP handler that generates RSS feeds
  • User controls and composite and templated custom controls
  • State management and custom type converters.
  • Events, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler, and Page lifecycle



Chapter 1 The ASPNET 2.0 Framework
Chapter 2 Developing Simple Custom Controls and User Controls
Chapter 3 Developing CustomStyled Controls
Chapter 4 Developing Custom Controls that Raise Events
Chapter 5 Developing Custom Composite Controls
Chapter 6 Developing Custom Templated Controls
Chapter 7 Developing Custom Controls with Complex Properties
Chapter 8 ASPNET Request Processing Architecture
Chapter 9 Data Binding
Chapter 10 XML Web Services
Chapter 11 Implementing Schema Importer Extensions and ISerializable Interface
Chapter 12 Understanding the ASPNET 20 Tabular Data Source Control Model
Chapter 13 The ASPNET 20 Data Source Control Parameter Model
Chapter 14 Developing ASPNET 20 Custom Tabular Data Source Controls
Chapter 15 Understanding the ASPNET 20 Hierarchical Data Source Control Model
Chapter 16 Developing ASPNET 20 Custom Hierarchical Data Source Controls
Chapter 17 Understanding the ASPNET 20 Tabular DataBound Control Model
Chapter 18 The ASPNET 20 Data Control Field Model
Chapter 19 Developing ASPNET 20 Custom Tabular DataBound Controls
Chapter 20 Why You Need the ASPNET 20 MembershipRole Model
Chapter 21 Understanding the ASPNET 20 Membership Model
Chapter 22 Developing Custom MembershipProvider and MembershipUser Components
Chapter 23 Understanding the ASPNET Role Management Model
Chapter 24 Developing Custom Role Providers Modules and Principals
Chapter 25 Developing Custom ProviderBased Services
Chapter 26 Developing AjaxEnabled Controls and Components ClientSide Functionality
Chapter 27 Developing AjaxEnabled Controls and Components Asynchronous Client Callback
Chapter 28 Developing AjaxEnabled Controls and Components Ajax Patterns
Chapter 29 Developing AjaxEnabled Controls and Components More Ajax Patterns
Chapter 30 Understanding the ASPNET 20 Web Parts Framework
Chapter 31 Developing Custom WebPart EditorPart and CatalogPart Controls
Chapter 32 Developing Custom WebPartZoneBase Controls
Chapter 33 WebPartManager Web Par ts Connections and DataBound WebPart Controls






