
【VS插件】Layered Architecture Solution Guidance (LASG)

2012-05-15 14:48  朱峰(Peter.zhu)  阅读(472)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
Designing and creating layered applications can be a challenging task to developers. Layered Architecture Solution Guidance is a Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 extension that provides a set of tools and guidance aimed at simplifying the development of layered applications.

Layered Architecture Solution Guidance (LASG) is a Guidance Automation Extension that integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to allow developers to easily create and organize their projects in a layered fashion following the structure that is illustrated in the Layered Architecture Sample for .NET. It provides a set of solution templates integrated with a suite of code generators to make developing layered applications much simpler and quicker.


Layered Architecture Solution Guidance comes with the following code generators that employs multi-stage code generation techniques to enable rapid development of components in the layers:
  • Inertia: Business Entity Component Generator
  • Momentum: Data Access Component Generator
  • Motion: Business Component Generator
  • Velocity: Service Layer Generator
  • Vector: Workflow Activity Generator
  • Impulse: User Interface Process Component Generator


Layered Architecture Solution Guidance How-to topics:



Layered Architecture Solution Guidance 是微软Visual Studio 2010 的一个扩展,提供了一套工具和指导,帮助开发人员简化创建分层的应用程序。



1. 下载,并安装GAX 2010

2. 下载,并安装Layered Architecture Solution Guidance