Oracle 建用户、 表空间脚本
--建表空间 create tablespace <用户> datafile 'D:\oradatadev\<用户>.dbf' size 200m autoextend on next 50m maxsize 4096m extent management local; create temporary tablespace <用户>_temp tempfile 'D:\oradatadev\<用户>_temp.dbf' size 100M autoextend on next 50m maxsize 20480m extent management local; --建用户 create user <用户> identified by itouch123 default tablespace <用户> temporary tablespace <用户>_temp; grant connect,resource to <用户>; grant create any view to <用户>; grant debug any procedure to <用户> ; grant dba to <用户>; grant select on sys.dba_pending_transactions to <用户>; grant select on sys.pending_trans$ to <用户>; grant select on sys.dba_2pc_pending to <用户>; grant execute on sys.dbms_system to <用户>; SELECT username,SID,serial# FROM v$session; --删除用户 drop user <用户> cascade; --删除表空间 DROP TABLESPACE <用户> INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; DROP TABLESPACE <用户>_temp INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES;