
4 phrases everyday-001

Posted on 2007-01-29 00:46  taoeternal  阅读(245)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
  Under the rose 私下里,秘密的

 Grandfather gives me his favourite painting under the rose as my birthday present.

 I know what happened last night because John told me under the rose.

 As fair as a rose 非常美

 Be rose all the way 一切如意

 Come up roses 显得很完美

 Gather roses 享受人生的乐趣

 A bed of roses 舒适的境遇

 Up the spout  完蛋,破损,失败,怀孕

Grey was right up the spout because of the depression of economy.

If Tina always spends her money without having a budget, she will finally be up the spout.

His girlfriend has gone to the doctor. She thinks she's up the spout.

Hook, line and sinker 

Willy made up excuses about why he was late for the date and his girlfriend swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

Rachel doesn't know how to recognize the right from wrong in the news and just swallows it hook, line and sinker.

In a hole 处境尴尬,处境困难

Jessica is in a hole because she doesn't have enough money to pay her rent this month.

Carol put me in a hole by telling that guy that I wanted to ask him out.

From pillar to post 东奔西跑,四处奔波,走投无路

Tom is a salesperson and his work leads him from pillar to post.

Michelle feels she has been moved from pillar to post because of her husband's job.

Give the thumbs down   反对,拒绝

Jack proposed to have a party tonight but gets the thumbs down from everybody because we need to work tomorrow.

Shirley wants to travel to the south Europe for a month on her won but her mother gives the thumbs down when asked her opinion.