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Using a CheckBox control as a list item renderer in Flex

Posted on   OldHawk  阅读(1447)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
The following example will show you how you can use a CheckBox control as a custom item renderer in a List control in Flex.
I haven’t done a lot of testing yet, so if you have any tips/suggestions/improvements, please, share them in the comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- http://blog.flexexamples.com/2008/01/27/using-a-checkbox-control-as-a-list-item-renderer-in-flex/ -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

            import mx.events.CollectionEvent;
            import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;

            private function init():void {
                arrColl.dispatchEvent(new CollectionEvent(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE));

            private function arrColl_collectionChange(evt:CollectionEvent):void {
                try {
                    var tArr:Array = arrColl.source.filter(selectedOnly);
                    textArea.text = ObjectUtil.toString(tArr);
                    lbl.text = tArr.length.toString() + " item(s) selected";
                } catch (err:Error) {
                    // ignore.

            private function selectedOnly(item:ListItemValueObject, idx:uint, arr:Array):Boolean {
                return item.isSelected;

<mx:Array id="arr">
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="One" isSelected="true" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Two" isSelected="true" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Three" isSelected="true" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Four" isSelected="true" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Five" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Six" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Seven" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Eight" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Nine" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Ten" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Eleven" isSelected="false" />
<vo:ListItemValueObject label="Twelve" isSelected="false" />

<mx:ArrayCollection id="arrColl"
="arrColl_collectionChange(event);" />

<mx:Panel id="panel"
="{arrColl.length} total"
<mx:List id="list"
="[#EEEEEE, white]"
<mx:CheckBox selectedField="isSelected"
                                private function onChange(evt:Event):void {
                                    data.isSelected = !data.isSelected;
<mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="right">
<mx:Label id="lbl" />

<mx:TextArea id="textArea"
="{panel.height}" />


View ListItemValueObject.as
package {
    public class ListItemValueObject {

        public var label:String;

        public var isSelected:Boolean;

        public function ListItemValueObject() {

For lots more information on item renderers from somebody who knows what he’s talking about, check out Alex Harui’s excellent item renderer articles: “Thinking About Item Renderers” and “More Thinking About Item Renderers”.
