HJ68 成绩排序 Sorts are guaranteed to be stable. 默认录入顺序不变

 1 '''
 2 Sorts are guaranteed to be stable. 
 3 That means that when multiple records have the same key, 
 4 their original order is preserved.
 5 所以,按相同分数排列自然先录入的参数先排在前,不需要做特殊处理
 6 '''
 7 import sys
 8 a=[]
 9 for line in sys.stdin:
10     a.append(line.strip().split())
11     if line=='\n':
12         break
13 b=a[2:]
14 if a[1][0]=='0':
15     highfirst=True
16 else:
17     highfirst=False
18 b=sorted(b, key= lambda x: int(x[1]), reverse=highfirst)
19 for i in b:
20     print(" ".join(i))
21 '''
22 排序要用int排序,
23 否则出错,如下面例子
24 a=['3','0',['kfgse', '42'],
25 ['vkg', '3'],
26 ['oeipw', '26'],
27 ['os', '25']]
28 '''


posted @ 2023-04-26 14:59  Aneverforget  阅读(37)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报