--学生表:sid 学生编号,sname 学生姓名,sage 出生年月,ssex 学生性别
--课程表:cid 课程编号,cname 课程名称, tid 教师编号
--教师表:tid 教师编号,tname 教师姓名
--成绩表:sid 学生编号,cid 课程编号,score 分数
create table student --学生表
sid varchar(10),
sname varchar(50),
sage datetime,
ssex char(2)
create table course --课程表
cid varchar(10),
cname varchar(50),
tid varchar(10)
create table teacher --老师表
tid varchar(10),
tname varchar(50)
create table sc --成绩表
sid varchar(10),
cid varchar(10),
score float
insert into student
values ('01', '赵雷', '1990-01-01', '男'),('02', '钱电', '1990-12-21', '男'),('03',
'孙风', '1990-05-20', '男'),('04', '李云', '1990-08-06', '男'),('05', '周梅',
'1991-12-01', '女'),('06', '吴兰', '1992-03-01', '女'),('07', '郑竹', '1989-07-01',
'女'),('08', '王菊', '1990-01-20', '女');
insert into course
values ('01', '语文', '02'),('02', '数学', '01'),('03', '英语', '03');
insert into teacher values ('01', '张三'),('02', '李四'),('03', '王五');
insert into sc
values ('01', '01', 80),('01', '02', 90),('01', '03', 99),('02', '01', 70),
('02', '02', 60),('02', '03', 80),('03', '01', 80),('03', '02', 80),('03', '03',
80),('04', '01', 50),('04', '02', 30),('04', '03', 20),('05', '01', 76),('05',
'02', 87),('06', '01', 31),('06', '03', 34),('07', '02', 89),('07', '03', 98);
--分析:需要几张表 学生表,成绩表这两张表之间有直接关系,所以可以直接关联
select s.*,one.score,two.score from student s
left join sc one on s.sid=one.sid and one.cid='01'
left join sc two on s.sid=two.sid and two.cid='02'
where one.score>two.score;
select sid,avg(score) as avgScore from sc
group by sid having avg(score)>60
select * from student t1
left join (select sid,SUM(score) as sumScore from sc group by sid) t2 on t1.sid= t2.sid
select count(*) from teacher where tname like '李%'
select * from student where sid not in(
select sid from sc
inner join course t1 on sc.cid = t1.cid
inner join teacher t2 on t1.tid = t2.tid
where t2.tname='张三'
select s.*,one.score,two.score from student s
left join sc one on s.sid=one.sid and one.cid='01'
left join sc two on s.sid=two.sid and two.cid='02'
where one.score is not null and two.score is not null
-- sql server 查询空值:colName is null
-- sql server 查询空值:colName is not null
select sid,sname from student
where sid not in
(select sid from sc where sid=sid and score>60)
select sid,sname from student st
(select count(*) from sc where st.sid = sc.sid)<
(select count(*) from course)
select distinct st.sid,sname from student st
inner join sc on st.sid = sc.sid
where sc.cid in (select cid from sc where sid='01') and st.sid != '01'
select sid,sname from student st
where sid <> '02' and
not Exists (select * from sc where sc.sid=st.sid and cid not in (
select cid from sc where sid='02')) and
not Exists (select * from sc where sid='02' and cid not in (select cid from sc where sc.sid=st.sid))
--13 、查询各科成绩最高和最低的分:以如下形式显示:课程ID,最高分,最低分
select cid as 课程ID,
最高分=(select Max(score) from sc where sc.cid=course.cid),
最低分=(select Min(score) from sc where sc.cid=course.cid)
from course
select 课程ID = cid,课程名称 = cname,授课教师 = tname,
平均成绩 = (select avg(score) from sc where cid = course.cid)
from course
inner join teacher on course.tid=teacher.tid
order by 平均成绩 desc
select 课程ID=cid,
选修人数=(select count(*) from (select distinct sid from sc where cid=cs.cid) as temp)
from course cs
-- 16、查询出只选修了2门课程的全部学生的学号和姓名
select sid,sname from student where sid in
(select sid from sc group by sid having count(*) =2)
select 学号=sid,姓名=sname from student st where
(select count(*) from (select distinct cid from sc where sid=st.sid) as temp) =2
-- (select distinct cid from sc where sid=st.sid) as temp 根据学生ID 查询学习了几门课程
select ssex,count(ssex) from student group by ssex
select 男生人数= (select COUNT(*) from student where ssex = '男'),
女生人数 = (select COUNT(*) from student where ssex = '女')
select * from student where YEAR(sage)=1991
select 课程ID=cid,课程名称=cname,
平均成绩=(select Avg(score) from sc where cid=cs.cid)
from course cs order by 平均成绩,cid desc
select 姓名=sname,分数=score from sc
inner join student st on sc.sid = st.sid
inner join course cs on sc.cid = cs.cid
where cname='语文' and score<60
select 学号=sid,
选课数=(select count(*) from (select distinct cid from sc where sid=st.sid) as temp)
from student st
select sid,sname from student where sid in
(select sid from sc group by sid )
select st.sname,temp.score from student st
inner join
(select top 1 sid,score from sc where cid =
(select cid from course where tid = (select tid from teacher where tname='张三'))
order by score desc) as temp
on st.sid = temp.sid
-- left : 会把所有的学生都查出来只有一个有成绩,其他都 null
-- inner: 只查询到一条数据
select cid,cname,
该科最高学生=(select sname from student where sid in (select Top 1 sid from sc where cid =cs.cid order by score desc))
,成绩=(select top 1 score from sc where cid =cs.cid order by score desc)
from course cs inner join teacher tc on cs.tid = tc.tid
where tname ='张三'
select sid ,cid,score from sc sc1
where exists (
select * from sc sc2 where sc1.score = sc2.score and sc1.sid=sc2.sid and sc1.cid<>sc2.cid
select cid ,
top1 = (select top 1 sid from sc where cid = cs.cid order by score desc),
top2 = (select top 1 sid from (select top 2 sid,score from sc where cid = cs.cid order by score desc) as tmp order by score)
from course cs
select * from sc where cid=01 order by score desc
select cid,count(*) from sc group by cid having count(cid) = (select count(*) from student)
select sid,avg(score) as avgScore from sc
where (select count(*) from sc sc2 where sc.sid=sc2.sid and score<60)>=2
group by sid
select * from sc where sid in (04,06)
insert into sc (sid,cid,score)
select sid,'02',(select avg(score) from sc where cid = '02') from sc where
sid not in (select sid from sc where cid ='03')
update sc set score = (select avg(score) from sc where sc.cid = sc.cid)
where cid in (select cid from course inner join teacher on course.tid = teacher.tid where tname = '张三')
delete from sc where cid in (
select cid from course t1 inner join teacher t2 on t1.tid = t2.tid
where tname = '张三')