关于ionic打包出错:ionic Unable to start the daemon process

一直试都没问题的ionic build android  今天竟然冒出了这个错误

Error:Unable to start the daemon process.  
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.  
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.  
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at http://gradle.org/docs/2.2.1/userguide/gradle_daemon.html  
Please read the following process output to find out more:  
Error occurred during initialization of VM  
Could not reserve enough space for object heap  
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.  
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. 



在操作系统当前用户的.gradle文件夹下:C:\Users\Administrator\.gradle  新增gradle.properties文件,我这里是没有,我就新增。





posted @ 2016-04-11 16:20  jtanx  阅读(2333)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报