阅读: 447 评论: 6 作者: 传说中的弦哥 发表于 2009-12-25 19:51 原文链接
我们把上一篇已经具备分页,排序,多条件组合查询功能的方法public IList<Dictionary> GetPlistByCategoryId(...)再改一改:
public IList<Dictionary> GetPlistByCategoryId(string id, int start, int limit, string sort, string dir, List<DataFilter> filters, out long total)
sort = "d." + sort;
var strFilter = base.GetHqlstrByExtFilter(filters, "d");//通过刚才基类的方法把filters转换成HQL字符串
var query = Session.CreateQuery(@"select d from Dictionary as d left join fetch d.Category where d.Category.Id=:Id"//改了下这里,搞成多表查询
+ (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFilter) ? string.Empty : " and " + strFilter)//这里把组合查询字符串加进去
+ " order by " + sort + " " + dir)
.SetString("Id", id)
total = Session.CreateQuery(@"select count(*) from Dictionary as d where d.Category.Id=:Id"
+ (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFilter) ? string.Empty : " and " + strFilter))//别忘记这里也要加哟
.SetString("Id", id)
return query.List<Dictionary>();
以前是 var query = Session.CreateQuery(@"select d from Dictionary as d where d.Category.Id=:Id"。。。
修改后var query = Session.CreateQuery(@"select d from Dictionary as d left join fetch d.Category where d.Category.Id=:Id"。。。
加了" left join fetch d.Category" 解释如下:
a.”left join“:HQL左关联关键字,和SQL一样的,大家应该很容易理解
所以我们用fetch 告诉NHibernate 在这里你就一次性取出好了 不用延迟加载了,这样只会像以前一样产生2条SQL语句,如下
select count(* ) as col_0_0_
from INFRA_DICTIONARY dictionary0_
where (dictionary0_.IsDelete = 0)
and dictionary0_.DICCATEGORY_ID = '48391bb4-471b-4499-899b-cea9748e1a7b' /* :p0 */
select *
from (select dictionary0_.DICTIONARY_ID as DICTIONARY1_0_0_,
diccategor1_.DICCATEGORY_ID as DICCATEG1_1_1_,
dictionary0_.VERSION as VERSION0_0_,
dictionary0_.NAME as NAME0_0_,
dictionary0_.CODE as CODE0_0_,
dictionary0_.INPUT_CODE1 as INPUT5_0_0_,
dictionary0_.INPUT_CODE2 as INPUT6_0_0_,
dictionary0_.INPUT_CODE3 as INPUT7_0_0_,
dictionary0_.INDEX_FIELD as INDEX8_0_0_,
dictionary0_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT9_0_0_,
dictionary0_.CREATETIME as CREATETIME0_0_,
dictionary0_.ISDELETE as ISDELETE0_0_,
dictionary0_.DICCATEGORY_ID as DICCATE12_0_0_,
diccategor1_.VERSION as VERSION1_1_,
diccategor1_.NAME as NAME1_1_,
diccategor1_.PARENT_ID as PARENT4_1_1_,
diccategor1_.TREE_CODE as TREE5_1_1_,
diccategor1_.LEAF as LEAF1_1_,
diccategor1_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT7_1_1_,
diccategor1_.CREATETIME as CREATETIME1_1_,
diccategor1_.ISDELETE as ISDELETE1_1_,
diccategor1_.NODE_LEVEL as NODE10_1_1_
from INFRA_DICTIONARY dictionary0_
left outer join INFRA_DICCATEGORY diccategor1_
on dictionary0_.DICCATEGORY_ID = diccategor1_.DICCATEGORY_ID
where (dictionary0_.IsDelete = 0)
and dictionary0_.DICCATEGORY_ID = '48391bb4-471b-4499-899b-cea9748e1a7b' /* :p0 */
order by dictionary0_.INDEX_FIELD desc)
where rownum <= 15 /* :p1 */
还是在我们那个很土的测试方法里测试一下,遍列访问 Dictionary.Category.Name(自己加点测试数据),你打开NHProfiler工具监视一下 ,然后把上面说的有点绕的"fetch"去掉,再看看,这样就能明白了。测试代码如下(写的很土,能理解就行,时间关系我就没有搞啥单元测试之类的了):
public ActionResult test3()
Demo.HIS.Infrastructure.Core.Repositories.IDictionaryRepository r = new Demo.HIS.Infrastructure.Repositories.Data.DictionaryRepositoryImpl();
long total;
var list = r.GetPlistByCategoryId("48391bb4-471b-4499-899b-cea9748e1a7b", 0, 15, "Index", "desc", null, out total);
string str;
foreach (var item in list)
str = item.Category.Name;//如果你不用fetch 每一次循环我都会去访问数据库,哈哈
return Content("");
var query = Session.CreateQuery(@"select g from GroupedServiceItem g
left join fetch g.Item i
left join fetch i.ItemCategory
left join fetch i.MedicalCategory
left join fetch i.FeesCategory
where g.ParentItem.Id=:Id")
.SetString("Id", id);
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