C# 核心编程结构Ⅰ 笔记

On the Windows operating system, an application’s return value is stored within a system environment variable named %ERRORLEVEL%. If you were to create an application that programmatically launches another executable, you can obtain the value of %ERRORLEVEL% using the static System.Diagnostics.Process.ExitCode property.



Using verbatim strings, you can also directly insert a double quote into a literal string by doubling the " token, for example:

Console.WriteLine(@"Cerebus said ""Darrr! Pret-ty sun-sets""");


Console.WriteLine(@"Cerebus said ""Darrr! Pret-ty sun-sets""");


a reference type is an object allocated on the garbage-collected man-aged heap. By default, when you perform a test for equality on reference types (via the C# == and != operators), you will be returned true if the references are pointing to the same object in memory. However, even though the string data type is indeed a reference type, the equality operators have been redefined to compare the values of string objects, not the object in memory to which they refer:

引用类型是在垃圾回收托管堆上分配的对象.默认情况下,当我们对引用类型进行相等性测试(通过 == 和 != 运算符)时,如果引用类型指向内存中的相同对象,则返回true.然而,尽管字符串数据类型确实是引用类型,但是相等性运算符已经被重定义为比较字符串对象的值,而不是内存中它们引用的对象.


Strings Are Immutable

One of the interesting aspects of System.String is that once you assign a string object with its initial value, the character data cannot be changed. At first glance, this might seem like a flat-out lie, given that we are always reassigning strings to new values and due to the fact that the System. String type defines a number of methods that appear to modify the character data in one way or another (uppercasing, lowercasing, etc.). However, if you look more closely at what is happening behind the scenes, you will notice the methods of the string type are in fact returning you a brand-new string object in a modified format:




Given that the string type can be inefficient when used with reckless abandon, the .NET base class libraries provide the System.Text namespace. Within this (relatively small) namespace lives a class named StringBuilder. Like the System.String class, StringBuilder defines methods that allow you to replace or format segments and so forth. When you wish to use this type in your C# code files, your first step is to import the correct namespace:

// StringBuilder lives here!
using System.Text;

What is unique about the StringBuilder is that when you call members of this type, you are directly modifying the object’s internal character data (and is thus more efficient), not obtaining a copy of the data in a modified format. When you create an instance of the StringBuilder, you can supply the object’s initial startup values via one of many constructors.


// StringBuilder lives here!
using System.Text;



As you can see, we are appending to the internal buffer, and are able to replace (or remove) characters at will. By default, a StringBuilder is only able to hold a string of 16 characters or less; however, this initial value can be changed via an additional constructor argument:

// Make a StringBuilder with an initial size of 256.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("**** Fantastic Games ****", 256);

If you append more characters than the specified limit, the StringBuilder object will copy its

data into a new instance and grow the buffer by the specified limit.


// Make a StringBuilder with an initial size of 256.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("**** Fantastic Games ****", 256);



C# provides the checked keyword. When you wrap a statement (or a block of statements) within the scope of the checked keyword, the C# compiler emits additional CIL instructions that test for overflow conditions that may result when adding, multiplying, subtracting, or dividing two numerical data types.

If an overflow has occurred, you will receive a runtime exception (System.OverflowException to be exact). observe the following update:

static void ProcessBytes()
    byte b1 = 100;
    byte b2 = 250;
    // This time, tell the compiler to add CIL code
    // to throw an exception if overflow/underflow
    // takes place.
        byte sum = checked((byte)Add(b1, b2));
        Console.WriteLine("sum = {0}", sum);
    catch (OverflowException ex)



static void ProcessBytes()
    byte b1 = 100;
    byte b2 = 250;
    // 这次告诉编译器增加CIL代码,如果发生上溢或者下溢就抛出异常.
        byte sum = checked((byte)Add(b1, b2));
        Console.WriteLine("sum = {0}", sum);
    catch (OverflowException ex)


If you wish to force overflow checking to occur over a block of code statements, you can do so

by defining a checked scope as follows:

        byte sum = (byte)Add(b1, b2);
        Console.WriteLine("sum = {0}", sum);
catch (OverflowException ex)


        byte sum = (byte)Add(b1, b2);
        Console.WriteLine("sum = {0}", sum);
catch (OverflowException ex)


So, to summarize the C# checked and unchecked keywords, remember that the default behavior of the .NET runtime is to ignore arithmetic overflow. When you want to selectively handle discrete statements, make use of the checked keyword. If you wish to trap overflow errors throughout your application, enable the /checked flag. Finally, the unchecked keyword may be used if you have a block of code where overflow is acceptable (and thus should not trigger a runtime exception).


posted @ 2012-05-19 16:43  唐小喵  阅读(318)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报