price = int(input("苹果的单价: ")) weight = float(input("苹果的重量: ")) money = price * weight print("买了%d斤苹果, 每斤%.2f元, 需要付%.2f元" % (weight, price, money))
import random def finger_guessing(): while True: player = input("请输入您要出的拳 石头(1) 剪刀(2) 布(3):") computer = random.choice("123") print("玩家出拳是: %s VS 电脑出的拳是: %s" % (player, computer)) # 比较胜负(玩家 VS 电脑) 1 石头胜剪刀 2 剪刀胜布 3 布胜剪刀 # 满足其中一项胜利规则,玩家胜利 if ((player == '1' and computer == '2') or (player == '2' and computer == '3') or (player == '3' and computer == '1')): print("玩家player胜利") else: if player == computer: print("双方平局!") # 玩家出拳和电脑不一样,电脑胜利 else: print("电脑computer胜利") finger_guessing()
while True: print(input("问:").strip("吗??") + "!")
content = input("请输入加法运算式: ") a_list = content.partition("+") a_int = int(a_list[0]) + int(a_list[2]) print("%s + %s = %s" % (a_list[0], a_list[2], a_int))
xs_int = 0 zm_int = 0 zf_str = input(">>>") for i_int in zf_str: if i_int.isalpha()==True: zm_int += 1 elif i_int.isdecimal()==True: xs_int += 1 print(zm_int, xs_int)
def check_code(num=4): """随机生成验证码""" import random checkcode = "" for i in range(num): current = random.randrange(0, num) if current != i: temp = chr(random.randint(65, 90)) else: temp = random.randint(0, 9) checkcode += str(temp) return checkcode cdoe = check_code(6) print(cdoe)
''' fgadfgdas dsfcvar dasfsa dasfdsaew dfsd hggfhty fgd gfdgvb hhbdfsfafadfafd dfd cdsafewaf da dafw dsfaf dadfq ''' s1 = "" while True: v1 = input("v1>>>") v2 = input("v2>>>") v3 = input("v3>>>") if v1=="q" or v2=="q" or v3=="q": break v4 = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n".format(v1, v2, v3) s1 = s1 + v4 print(s1.expandtabs(20)) # 指定以几个字符以断句,遇到制表符用空格补全几个字符
s = input(">>>") s1 = s.replace("-", "") # 替换掉负号 if s1.isdigit(): print("字符串%s是整数" % s) else: if s1.count(".")==1 and not s1.startswith(".") and not s1.endswith("."): print("字符串%s是小数" % s) else: print("字符串%s是不是小数" % s)
verify_code = "Coco" user_verify_code = input("请输入验证码: ") if verify_code.upper() == user_verify_code.upper().strip(): print("验证成功") else: print("验证失败")
s1_int = range(1, 21) # 100文钱可以买20只公鸡 s2_int = range(1, 34) # 100文钱可以买33只母鸡 s3_int = range(1, 301) # 100文钱可以买300只小鸡 for i in s1_int: for j in s2_int: for v in s3_int: if i + j + v == 100 and 5 * i + 3 * j + v / 3 == 100: print("公鸡%s只,母鸡%s只,小鸡%s只" % (i, j, v))
li = ["Tom ", "ale xC", "AbC ", "\rCoco\r\n", " ri TiAn", "Coc", " aqc", "coco\t"] lst = [] for el in li: el = el.replace(" ", "").strip() if (el.startswith("C") or el.startswith("c")) and el.endswith("o"): lst.append(el) print(lst)
lst = [] li = ["苍老师", "东京热", "武藤兰", "波多野结衣"] content = input("请输入你的评论: ") for el in li: if el in content: content = content.replace(el, "*" * len(el)) lst.append(content) print(lst)
li = [1, 3, 4, "coco", [3, 7, 8, "Angles"], 5, "Cat"] for e in li: if type(e) == list: # 判断e的数据类型 for ee in e: if type(ee) == str: print(ee.lower()) else: print(ee) else: if type(e) == str: print(e.lower()) else: print(e)
14.把学生成绩录入到一个列表中,并求平均值,示例: 张三_44
lst = [] while 1: stu = input("请输入学生的姓名和成绩(姓名_成绩), 输入Q退出录入: ") if stu.upper() == "Q": break lst.append(stu) sum = 0 for el in lst: li = el.split("_") sum += int(li[1]) print(sum / len(lst))
15.有如下值li= [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90],完善字典{'k1': 大于66的所有值列表, 'k2': 小于66的所有值列表}
li= [11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,90] # 方法一 dic = {} for el in li: if el > 66: dic.setdefault("k1", []).append(el) # 1.新增, 2.查询 else: dic.setdefault("k2", []).append(el) # 1.新增, 2.查询 print(dic) # 方法二 result = {} for row in li: if row < 66: l = result.get("k1") # 上来就拿k1 if l == None: # k1不存在. 没有这个列表 result["k1"] = [row] # 创建一个列表扔进去 else: # k1如果存在 result['k1'].append(row) # 追加内容 else: l = result.get("k2") # 上来就拿k2 if l == None: # k1不存在. 没有这个列表 result["k2"] = [row] # 创建一个列表扔进去 else: # k1如果存在 result['k2'].append(row) # 追加内容 print(result) # {'k1': [11, 22, 33, 44, 55], 'k2': [77, 88, 99, 90]}
goods = [ {"name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, {"name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, {"name": "游艇", "price": 20}, {"name": "手机", "price": 998} ] for i in range(len(goods)): good = goods[i] print(i+1, good['name'], good['price']) while 1: content = input("请输入你要买的商品: ") if content.upper() == "Q": break index = int(content) - 1 # 索引 if index > len(goods) - 1 or index < 0: # 调试 print("输入有误. 请重新输入: ") continue print(goods[index]['name'], goods[index]['price'])
li_list = [] for i in range(1, 301): item = {"k" + str(i):"value" + str(i)} li_list.append(item) # print(li_list) while True: s1 = input("请输入页码1-30: ") if s1.isdigit(): s1 = int(s1) for i in li_list[(s1 - 1) * 10:s1 * 10]: # 切片遍历 print(i) else: print("不能输入1-30的其他内容")
18.实现一个整数加法计算器,如用户输入: 5+8+7最少输入两个数相加,将最后的计算结果添加到此字典中替换None
dic={'最终计算结果': None} content = input('请输入内容: ').strip() # 5+8+7 lst = content.split("+") sum = 0 for el in lst: sum = sum + int(el.strip()) dic['最终计算结果'] = sum print(dic)
'''数据结构示意 db_dict = {'广东省': {'广州市': {'天河区': {}}, '佛山市': {}}, '四川省': {}} db_dict = { '广东省': { '广州市': {'天河区': {}}, '佛山市': {} }, '四川省': {} } ''' db_dict = {} path_list = [] while True: temp_dict = db_dict for item in path_list: temp_dict = temp_dict[item] print("当节点的所有子节点: ", list(temp_dict.keys())) choice = input("1:添加节点;2:查看节点(q退出/b返回上一级)\n>>>") if choice == "1": name = input("请输入要添加节点名称: ") if name in temp_dict: print("节点已存在") else: temp_dict[name] = {} elif choice == "2": name = input("请输入要查看节点名称: ") if name in temp_dict: path_list.append(name) else: print("你输入的节点名称不正确") elif choice.lower() == "b": if path_list: print(path_list) path_list.pop() elif choice.lower() == "q": break else: print("你输入的不正确")
user_list=[ {"name": "coco", "hobby": "动漫"}, {"name": "coco", "hobby": "音乐"}, {"name": "coco", "hobby": "学习"}, {"name": "angels", "hobby": "看书"}, {"name": "angels", "hobby": "游戏"}, ] def hobby(name): hobby_set = set() for i_dic in user_list: if i_dic["name"] == name: hobby_set.add(i_dic["hobby"]) return hobby_set def main(user_list): name_set = set() user_dic = dict() for i in user_list: name_set.add(i["name"]) print(name_set) # {'coco', 'angels'} for name in name_set: user_dic[name] = hobby(name) print(user_dic) # {'coco': {'音乐', '学习', '动漫'}, 'angels': {'游戏', '看书'}} main(user_list)