







4.1. get_data.py

 1 import json
 2 import requests
 3 from requests.exceptions import RequestException
 4 from urllib.parse import urlencode
 6 def get_page_index(invitation,offset):
 7     data={
 8         'invitation': invitation,#复制过来的时候要把空格去掉
 9         'details': 'replyCount',
10         'limit': '1000',
11         'offset': offset,
12     }
13     url='https://openreview.net/notes?'+urlencode(data)
15     try:
16         response=requests.get(url)
17         if response.status_code==200:
18             return response.text
19         return None
20     except RequestException:
21         print("请求索引页出错")
22 def parse_page_index(html):
23     data = json.loads(html)
24     if data and 'notes' in data:
25         for item in data['notes']:
26             yield item
27 def save_data(data,path):
28     # python列表转json数组并写入文件
29     with open(path,'w') as f:
30         json.dump(data,f)
31     print("存储成功")
32 def main(name_path,key_path,invitation):
34     #收集论文名称
35     names=[]
36     key_words=[]
37     for offset in [0,1000]:
38         try:
39             html=get_page_index(invitation,offset)
40             for index, item in enumerate(parse_page_index(html)):
41                 try:
42                     print("offset:{0} index:{1}".format(offset, index))
43                     names.append(item['content']['title'])
44                     key_words.extend(item['content']['keywords'])
45                 except Exception as e:
46                     print("error!")
47         except Exception as e:
48             break
51     save_data(names,name_path)
52     save_data(key_words,key_path)
53 # 'ICLR.cc/2018/Conference/-/Blind_Submission'
54 if __name__ == '__main__':
55     main(name_path='./data/2016title.json',key_path='./data/2016key_words.json',
56          invitation='ICLR.cc/2016/conference/-/submission')
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 4.2  make_cloud.py

 1 import json
 2 from wordcloud import WordCloud
 3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 4 def plot_word_cloud():
 5     with open('./data/2018key_words.json','r') as f:
 6         data=json.load(f)
 7     mytext=""
 8     for item in data:
 9         mytext+=(" "+item)
10     print("yes")
11     wordcloud = WordCloud().generate(mytext)
12     plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
13     plt.axis("off")
14     # plt.savefig('3.png', dpi=200)  # 指定分辨率保存
15     plt.show()
17 def count_adversary():
18     with open('./data/2017title.json','r') as f:
19         data=json.load(f)
20     print(len(set(data)))
21     cnt=0
22     for item in data:
23         if "adversarial" in item or "example" in item or "defense" in item or 'attack' in item\
24                 or "Adversarial" in item or "Example" in item or "Defense" in item or 'Attack' in item\
25                 or "Vulnerability" in item or "Robust" in item:
26             if "Generative Adversarial Networks" in item:
27                 # print("**********{0}".format(item))
28                 pass
29             else:
30                 print(item)
31                 cnt+=1
32     print(cnt)
34 count_adversary()
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